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Introduction to regular expressions

Introduction to regular expressions

The slides of my brown-bag session dedicated to introducing regular expressions.

Gianluca Costa

April 24, 2014

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  1. Before starting Regular expressions are a tool: it's up to

    you to use them wisely. Like every tool, they require: Practice Tests Patience
  2. Why “regular expressions”? • 1956: mathematical definition of regular sets

    by Stephen Cole Kleen • 1968: “Regular Expression Search Algorithm” - by Ken Thompson. Description of a regular expression compiler. • Regular expressions employed in text editors. Introduction of the grep command.
  3. Examples of text matching • Given an IIS log, keep

    just the requests to the web app “/PicnicAPI” • Perform LIKE queries on MongoDB • Get the dir and basename of a file path • Get the src attribute of an <img> tag • Read a key-value file having “\” line continuations
  4. Generalized problems • Determine if a pattern is contained (matches)

    a given string • Extract substrings from a matching string • Replace one or more substrings • Generalizable to files and streams
  5. How to apply regexes • Functions/classes provided by programming languages/frameworks

    • Command-line tools (sed, awk, egrep, …) • Other interfaces (eg: MongoDB queries)
  6. Interactive testing • http://regex101.com/ - currently provides a free multi-engine

    test environment, explaining your regex and showing the matches on a text. • http://rubular.com/ - another regex test environment, targeting Ruby's flavour.
  7. The dualism regex-target The regular expression is applied to a

    string, to check for a match. Both the regex and the string have their own cursor. Which cursor drives the matching process? T h e q u i c k b r q u i Text: Regex:
  8. DFA • Matching is driven by the cursor on the

    text • Very fast matching • Takes longer to compile • Takes more memory • Declarative regex • Always returns the longest possible match.
  9. Traditional NFA • Matching is driven by the cursor on

    the regex • Creates a stack of states, and performs backtracking • Supports more language constructs • Imperative regex • Usually returns the first match found • Employed by standard Java, .NET, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, …
  10. POSIX NFA • Very, very similar to traditional NFA, but

    returns the longest possible match. • Further performance issues!
  11. Hybrid solutions Double engine: first-scan with DFA, then scan with

    NFA if required by the pattern. Further implementations are possible.
  12. Our target: NFAs • DFAs are less common than NFAs,

    their syntax is almost a subset and they are generally simpler. • We will concentrate on NFA regexes
  13. Know your engine There are common rules, but several engines.

    Every engine has its own implementation. You must know your engine. And write tests.
  14. Regex basics Literal text, such as /rain/ matches if and

    only if the string contains, somewhere, that sequence, matching character after character.
  15. The first rule of matching Matching starts from the leftmost

    character. Therefore: “The rainbow shines after the rain” /rain/
  16. The second rule of matching The engine returns a success

    if and only if the regex cursor reaches the end of the regex.
  17. Escaping characters • Some characters (\, *, ?, +, .,

    (, ), [, ], {, }, |, ^, $, #) must be escaped when they are used literally • Escape is performed by prepending “\”. For example: /\?/ to represent a literal “?” • Where raw strings are not supported, a double escape might be required. In Java, the regex /\\\+/ becomes: “\\\\\\+”.
  18. Escape sequences • \r • \n • \v • \f

    • \t • They work just like in C
  19. Character classes • [abc] = “a, b or c in

    this position” • [a-z] = “a, b, c, …, z here” • [A-Za-z] = “A, B, …, Z, a, b, …, z here” • [A-Za-z0] = “A, …, Z, a, …, z, 0 here” • [A-Z\-] = [-A-Z] = “A, …, Z or – here” • What about accents? (é, è, …) And cedilla? • Know your engine.
  20. Negated character classes • [^ab] = “Something not a and

    not b here” • [^a-z] = “Something not a, b, c, …, z here” • [^A-Za-c] = “Something not “A, …, Z, a, …, c here” • Negating a character set requires the existence of a character in that position, not belonging to the specified class.
  21. Common character classes • \d = a digit • \D

    = [^\d] • \w = a letter, a digit or “_” • \W = [^\w] • \s = a space character • \S = [^\s] • . = any character except newline
  22. What are letters and spaces? • The answer depends on

    the encoding and on your engine. • In ASCII, usually: – \w = [A-Za-z0-9_] – \s = [\r \n\t\f\v] (includes ASCII-32 common space) • But what about Latin-1 or Unicode? • Know your engine
  23. Unicode character classes • \uXXXX: matches the Unicode code point

    whose hex value is XXXX • There should also be support for Unicode's categories and scripts, especially via \p • Much more Unicode-related, non-standard features • Know your engine
  24. Capturing groups • ( and ) define a capturing group

    • Capturing groups are assigned a 1-based index, according to the position of their ( • /(\w+)bet/ tries to match a string and, if successful, creates a capturing group for the text matching \w+, having index 1 • If the above regex is applied to “alphabet”, it matches and its group 1 is “alpha”
  25. Non-capturing groups • Groups can just be used to clarify

    precedence: capturing is not always needed • Skipping capturing can save memory and speed up the matching process • To define a non-capturing group, use (?: and ). • Therefore, /(?:\w+)bet/ is just like /\w+bet/, as no capturing is performed and this grouping alters precedence without effects.
  26. Backreferences • Backreference = the content of a capturing group

    that becomes part of the regex • Use \N in your regex, replacing N with the index of the captured group in question • For example: /(['”])\w+\1/ to pair single and double quotes • Some engines support named capturing and backreferences
  27. Alternation • Alternatives are separated by | • For example:

    /alpha|beta/ means “alpha” or “beta” • Alternation has very low precedence; its scope is the current group: use grouping to force precedence. • For example: /A(?:pril|ugust)/ means “A, followed by “pril” or “ugust”.
  28. Alternation VS char classes • A character class (asserted or

    negated) always matches one and only one character • The branches of an alternation can be strings of any length (at least one character, to be consistent)
  29. Matching in a DFA /nice|cute/ applied to: “Pandas are cute

    animals” It scans the string, starting from P, and, at every character, tries to apply the regex. In a DFA regex, the engine only chooses which regex components remain valid at a given position of the text cursor.
  30. Matching in NFA • NFA also keeps a stack of

    states! • Each decision point saves a state in the stack • State = position of the 2 cursors • If a choice in the regex leads to no match, the engine backtracks (=pops a state from the stack and makes a different choice)
  31. Performance implications • In NFA, a failure is returned only

    when all the regex paths have been explored • NFA regexes must be written with performances in mind.
  32. Alternation in NFA • Ordered in most implementations. • Affects

    what is matched and performances. • Know your engine
  33. Greedy quantifiers • All quantifiers can be applied to single

    characters, classes or even groups • * = any number of occurrences (even 0) • ? = 0 or 1 occurrencies • + = 1 or infinite occurrencies • {n} = exactly n occurrencies • {m, n} = m to n occurrencies (included) • {m,} = at least m occurrencies
  34. First example of greedy quantifiers • Let's consider the regex

    /be?(er|ar)/ • How is it applied to “I'd like a chocolate bar” ? • The regex cursor stays on “b” until the text cursor reaches its “b” too • Then, the following regex paths are tried: – be => b(er) => b(ar)
  35. Greedy quantifiers and backtracking • Consider the regex /.* are/

    • Applied to: “Pandas are cute animals” • .* will consume the whole text at first • However, when reaching the end of the text, it stops matching and the regex cursor goes on.
  36. Greedy quantifiers and backtracking (2) • Now, “ “ can't

    match (no more text is available), so the engine backtracks! • Some backtracking is performed, until the first available space is reached (between “cute” and “animals”) • The regex cursor moves on to “a”, that matches the “a” in “animals”. But “r” doesn't match “n” => more backtracking!
  37. Greedy quantifiers and backtracking (3) • The failures and backtracking

    go on until the space between “are” and “cute”... “a” doesn't match the “c” in “cute” => backtracking, again! • The next space is ok: it is followed by “are”, that matches the rest of the regex.
  38. Lazy quantifiers • Quantifiers become lazy if followed by a

    ? • *? • ?? • +? • {m, n}? • {m, }? • {n} cannot be lazy: it indicates a precise n
  39. Lazy quantifiers and backtracking • When applying /.*? are/ to

    “Pandas are cute animals”, what happens? • The engine must choose whether to apply .*? to “P”. But it's lazy, so the engine chooses to move the regex cursor forward • The regex cursor goes on to “ “, but it doesn't match “P” so the engine backtracks • The engine must now take the remaining path – applying .*? to “P”, which is viable
  40. Lazy quantifiers and backtracking (2) • This goes on until

    the first space in the text is reached: it matches the space in the regex, so the regex cursor can go on • The matching process continues until the regex ends • In this case, the match of greedy and lazy evaluation was the same – but the lazy quantifiers required less backtracking
  41. Apply or skip? Greedy VS Lazy • When a quantifier

    is encountered, the regex engine must choose whether to apply its element to the text or not • Greedy quantifiers prefer the “apply” path whenever possible • Lazy quantifiers prefer the “skip” path whenever possible • Choosing greedy VS lazy quantifiers can impact performances and what is matched, but not the presence/absence of a match.
  42. Greedy VS Lazy: an example • Given the text “987”:

    – /\d{1,3}/ matches the whole “987”: the greedy quantifier tries to consume as much as possible – /\d{1,3}?/ matches just “9”: the lazy quantifier must honour the constraints (at least 1 match), but chooses to skip application whenever possible
  43. Atomic grouping • (?> and ) define an atomic group

    • All the states created within an atomic group are removed from the engine's stack as soon as the group closes • Atomic groups are non-capturing, but can have capturing groups • Atomic grouping can alter the match/failure result of a regex, as well as affecting performances
  44. Possessive quantifiers • Obtained by adding a “+” to greedy

    quantifiers • Possessive quantifiers are equivalent to greedy quantifiers wrapped within an atomic group. • For example: /\d++/ = /(?>\d+)/
  45. Regex flags • Regex engines can turn on/off features, for

    customized behaviour • Enabling and disabling flags usually affects the whole regex, but some engines support flags on just regions. • Flag manipulation is engine- and API- dependent • Every engine has its own flags, but some are definitely common.
  46. Most common regex flags • Case insensitive • Dot-all: .

    matches any character, including \n • Multiline anchors: ^ and $ (see later) work on lines instead of the whole text • Extended: spaces – including newlines - are ignored unless escaped or within a character class; lines starting with # are comments. More readable regexes.
  47. Anchors • Anchors do not consume text: they are basic

    conditions on the text cursor. • They must be verified for the regex to match
  48. Common anchors • ^: the cursor is at the beginning

    of the text (of a line, in multiline mode) • $: the cursor is at the end of the text (of a line, in multiline mode. And before or after \n? Know your engine). • \A: the cursor is at the beginning of the text • \Z: the cursor is at the end of the text • \b: the cursor is at a word boundary (what's a word boundary? Know your engine)
  49. Lookaround • Lookaround = a regex-based condition on the text

    cursor. Can be positive (the regex must match) or negative (the regex must fail). • Lookahead = a lookaround on the text following the cursor • Lookbehind = a lookaround on the text preceding the cursor.
  50. Lookaround basics • Their position in the regex matters, as

    the other characters in the regex consume the text and make the text cursor shift forward. • On the other hand, lookarounds do not consume text • Juxtaposed lookarounds all apply, bound by a logic and, to the position marked by the text cursor
  51. Lookaround limitations • Lookarounds behave like nested regexes having their

    own stack • They are also called zero-length assertions • Lookahead can be full-fledged regexes • Lookbehinds are usually much more restricted, depending on the engine
  52. Lookarounds and the stack • Each lookaround maintains its own

    stack, that gets deleted at the end of the lookaround. • An important detail: capturing groups within lookarounds are considered capturing groups of the whole regex => their result is saved.
  53. Lookahead + Backreference = Atomic group • Lookaheads are full-fledged

    regexes with their own stack, which is thrown away. • This is exactly like an atomic group, but the lookahead does not consume text • However, capturing groups in a lookahead are stored by the regex => use a backreference to capture that text • Therefore, for example: /(?=(\d+))\1/ = /(?>\d+)/
  54. Regexes and C# • .NET encapsulates regexes in a class,

    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex • Its constructor accepts the regex and, optionally, global flags • C# supports raw strings (preceded by @), to avoid over-escaping, that can be found in Java.
  55. Regexes and Java • Java's regex class is java.util.regex.Pattern •

    In lieu of a constructor, it's a static method, Pattern.compile(), that creates a regex • It takes the regex and, optionally, the global flags • In Java, the regex /\\test/ becomes “\\\\test”, because each “\” in the regex must be escaped in Java, too, for a total of 4 “\”.
  56. Regexes in MongoDB • MongoDB supports regexes • Just use

    /regex/ (with slashes and without double quotes) as the right side of an equality assertion in your query • Important: a regex could hit indexes on a field, but the best results are achieved when the regex starts with ^
  57. Regexes in Python • Python provides the standard module re

    • To create a regex, just use re.compile(), that takes, as usual, the regex string and the optional global flags
  58. Regexes in JavaScript • In JavaScript, it's quite common to

    use this notation to create a regex object: var regex = /regexPattern/ var regexWithFlags = /regexPattern/flags • Alternatively, the RegExp class can be used
  59. Final notes • Don't forget that regexes must be kept

    simple, just like any other construct • To achieve this result, a good knowledge of the text, as well as of the requirements, is needed. • Write tests for your regexes
  60. Further references • “Mastering Regular Expressions” - by Jeffrey E.

    F. Friedl, published by O'Reilly Media • http://regex101.com/ • http://rubular.com/ • http://www.regular-expressions.info/