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Graph Databases: The Next Frontier

Graph Databases: The Next Frontier

Graph Databases and Graph Analysis are the new boundaries of the Business Analytics world. After the classical DWH and big data, graphs provides new perspectives and insights, but are still kind of mysterious and with a steep learning curve. Newness make it difficult to find simple approaches on where to start and how to add graphs to your analytics toolbox. This session will take you over this step: introducing graphs databases and to enable them. Not another theoretical talk but more down to earth supported by a sample dataset all over the process. Practical hints on how to get started with graphs.

Gianni Ceresa

June 07, 2018

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  1. CUSTOMER Gianni PRODUCT New laptop ORDER 07/06/2018 Gianni [customer] New

    laptop [product] [order] quantity: 1 date: 07/06/2018 Imagine N-M relationships, dynamic list of attributes etc. ORDER_LINE Quantity 1
  2. • • • • • • • • • •

    From now, and for the rest of the session, we focus on the Oracle solution
  3. Common Enterprise Information Model Connecting Data with Self Service Analytic

    Applications Presentation Layer Physical Layer Semantic Object Layer Map Phyisical Data Connections Schemas Business Model Dimensions & Hierarchies Measures & Calculations Time Series & Aggregation Simplified Business View Subject Areas Security and Roles Preferences
  4. • • • • Doesn’t support loading a graph from

    DB !!! • Will support loading from DB
  5. GraalVM will make this part useless thanks to its polyglot

    feature • Python will have direct access to Java objects and methods
  6. WITH properties AS ( SELECT DISTINCT k, t, 'Vertex' AS

    kind FROM sa607vt$ UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT k, t, 'Edge' AS kind FROM sa607ge$ ) ,cfg AS ( SELECT '.add' || kind || 'Property("' || k || '",PropertyTypeClass.' || CASE WHEN t = 1 THEN 'STRING' WHEN t = 5 THEN 'DATE' END || ')' AS prop FROM properties ) SELECT LISTAGG(prop,'') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY prop) FROM cfg;
  7. • • • • • • • • • •

    • • … and 45 minutes aren’t enough to talk about Graphs!