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Refactoring to modules / Baruch Sadogursky & Ey...

Refactoring to modules / Baruch Sadogursky & Eyal Ben Moshe

Go modules are here to stay and it’s about time to start modularizing your code. We’re here to help! In this session, you’ll learn why and how to do it by examining a production code successfully refactored to modules.

In this talk, we’ll examine the refactoring of JFrog CLI project to modules. We’ll start by introducing modules – why and how, will talk about the benefits and the downsides of using modules and the difference between modules and go-dep. Next, we’ll review the changes switching to modules require and will finish up by reviewing the real-world application, before and after.

GopherCon Israel

February 11, 2019

More Decks by GopherCon Israel

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Refactoring to modules: Why and how – all you need

    to know in (less than) an hour @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes
  2. shownotes •http://jfrog.com/shownotes • Slides • Video • Links • Comments,

    Ratings @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes
  3. Simple solution! @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •Dependencies are sources •Remote

    import is a VCS path •Dump everything together into one source tree (GOPATH) •Compile
  4. But… how do i… @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •Know which

    dependencies do I use? •Know which dependencies did you use? •Know which dependencies should I use? •Know is it our code that I am editing right now?
  5. Yeah… To date, we’ve resorted to an email semaphore whenever

    someone fixes a bug a package, imploring everyone else to run go get -u. You can probably imagine how successful this is, and how much time is being spent chasing bugs that were already fixed. Dave Cheney @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes “
  6. Duplicate your dependencies Check your dependencies to your own VCS.

    Brad Firzpatrick @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes “
  7. Build your own dependency manager It’s not the role of

    the tooling provided by the language to dictate how you manage your code in the production sense. Andrew Gerrand @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes “
  8. We expect you to already have a homegrown dependency manager

    If you need to build any tooling around what Go uses (Git, Mercurial, Bazaar), you already understand those tools, so it should be straightforward to integrate with whatever system you have. Andrew Gerrand @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes “
  9. Don’t trust what we’ve built go-get is nice for playing

    around, but if you do something serious, like deploying to production, your deploy script now involves fetching some random dude’s stuff on GitHub. Brad Firzpatrick @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes “
  10. Two huge problems with gopath @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •

    It only allows a single version of any given package to exist at once (per GOPATH) • We cannot programmatically differentiate between code the user is working on and code they merely depend on
  11. vendoring Copy all of the files at some version from

    one version control repository and paste them into a different version control repository @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes “
  12. What’s wrong with it (well, what’s not) @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL

    http://jfrog.com/shownotes •History, branch, and tag information is lost •Pulling updates is impossible •It invites modification, divergence, and bad fork •It wastes space •Good luck finding which version of the code you forked
  13. Still wrong! @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •You still have no

    idea what version are you using •You have to connect each dependency as a submodule manually •Switching branches and forks LOL •Working on modules with other teams ROFL
  14. Backwards compatibility and migration @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •go mod

    init •go.mod is created •The rest is the same: imports in code just work
  15. What happens to go.mod when you add import (and run

    go get/go build) @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •Go checks the URL: •If it’s Go Proxy (module repository), it gets the module •If it’s a VCS it clones and builds the module locally •If it’s a web page, looks for go-import meta tag • Selects the latest compatible version tag •Semantic import versioning
  16. Compatible?! @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •Let’s assume SemVer works (LOL)

    •The latest version of v1.x.x is compatible with v1.0.0 and up •Premise: import path string should always be backwards compatible
  17. What about version 2?! @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •Incompatible code

    can’t use the same import path •Add /v2/ to the module path •Use /v2/ in the import path •import "github.com/my/module/v2/mypkg"
  18. What if it doesn’t have any semver tags?! @jbaruch @eyalbe4

    #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •Pseudo version •v0.0.0-yyyymmddhhmmss-abcdefabcdef
  19. What if (when) I want to ban a version?! @jbaruch

    @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •You can specify “version X or later”: >= x.y.z •You can use exclude or replace for better control
  20. Go modules define an hierarchy of caches Public Modules Repository

    GoCenter Organizational Modules Repository Project Athens JFrog Artifactory Local cache on the developer's machine $GOPATH/pkg/mod
  21. Local cache on the developer’s machine @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes

    •After the mods are resolved (or built) they are cached in $GOPATH/pkg/mod •Provides immediate access • Not shared •Not reliable (can be wiped at any moment)
  22. Organizational modules repository @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •JFrog Artifactory or

    Athens •Provides faster (Intranet) access •Provides reproducible builds as it caches the dependencies used once for build reproduction •Requires team infrastructure and maintenance (SaaS offers
  23. public modules repositories @jbaruch @eyalbe4 #GopherConIL http://jfrog.com/shownotes •GoCenter •Google announced

    a vision for a federation of public repositories •Provides fast access •Provides reproducible builds as it caches the popular and requested dependencies from version control