use di ff erent methods and technologies to maintain tra ff i c visibility, logs, metrics, tracing, and security controls. The service mesh already brings all this in a centralized and organized way. Resilience Service mesh o ff ers mechanisms like Circuit Breaker, Latency-aware Load Balancing, a very consistent, enhanced, and robust service discovery. It allows you to con fi gure settings like retries, timeout, and deadlines in these services. Tra ffi c Control We can work with a very granular network tra ff i c control which permits an accurate and objective way to determine where the requests will be routed. Security Most service meshes o ff er a CA mechanism that dynamically generates certi fi cates for each service, ensuring s e c u r e s e r v i c e - t o - s e r v i c e communication. Delay & Fault Injection Most service meshes o ff er a way to con fi gure latency and failures to simulate what would happen in the real world. That way, you can analyze the behavior of your services in the case of a similar scenario. Less code for devs The features o ff ered by service mesh will reduce the amount of code that your dev team must write for your app. Many of your requirements for app controls and policies are already available in the service mesh features. Service Mesh