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AWS上でStripeを利用したアプリをより安全にデプロイする方法 /jaws-pankrat...

AWS上でStripeを利用したアプリをより安全にデプロイする方法 /jaws-pankration-2021


Hidetaka Okamoto

November 21, 2021

More Decks by Hidetaka Okamoto

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Agenda • About Stripe • Using AWS to use Stripe

    more secure • Community information about Stripe
  2. We can add/do... • Send invoice and charge it •

    Membership / Subscription • Create marketplace (CtoC) • POS / Finance / Card / eKYC / etc...
  3. Use Case: Shifter • Save/update credit card • Create/modify subscription

    • Provide PAYG option plan to customer • Analyze business (on Stripe Dashboard) • etc...
  4. Publishable API Key • For frontend • Tokenize Card and

    confirm payment Secret API Key • For backend • Access & modify all resource in Stripe
  5. Publishable API Key • For frontend • Tokenize Card and

    confirm payment Secret API Key • For backend • Access & modify all resource in Stripe
  6. • Stripe Secret API key is critical • We can

    access&modify real customer data • We need to hold it secure
  7. • We never place API key on our local •

    Just call AWS API to get it • Set once, only read
  8. • Secrets Manager can handle API key secure • AWS

    Amplify can use this from CLI • Stripe with AWS is good for developer • Let’s create your own SaaS bussiness !