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認知科学会第41回大会 OS-3-3 ローカルエコーチェンバーのステアリングに向けた認知研究


January 23, 2025

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  1. 5

  2. 8 l ͦ΋ͦ΋ӄ๳࿦ $POTQJSBDZ5IFPSJFT ͱ͸ l ੓࣏తɾࣾձతͳग़དྷࣄ΍ɺࣄ݅΍ࣄނͳͲͷԿΒ͔ͷग़དྷࣄʹ͍ͭͯɺ ͦͷഎޙʹڧେ͔ͭڧྗͳूஂɾ૊৫ʹΑΔྗ͕ಇ͍͍ͯΔͱཧղ͠ɺઆ ໌͠Α͏ͱ͢Δߟ͑ํ l

    "UUFNQUUPFYQMBJOUIFVMUJNBUFDBVTFTPGTJHOJGJDBOUTPDJBMBOE QPMJUJDBMFWFOUTBOEDJSDVNTUBODFTXJUIDMBJNTPGTFDSFUQMPUTCZ UXPPSNPSFQPXFSGVMBDUPST<> l ʮϑΣΠΫχϡʔεʯͱͷҧ͍ l ϑΣΠΫχϡʔεɿҙਤతʹڏِͷ৘ใΛ޿ΊΔ͜ͱʹΑͬͯɺޡͬͨࣄ ࣮Λ৴ͤ͡͞Δχϡʔεهࣄ΍ίϯςϯπ<> l ӄ๳࿦͸ඞͣ͠΋ʮޡΓʯͱ͸ݶΒͳ͍ʢະ֬ఆࣄ߲Ͱ͋Δ͜ͱ΋ଟ͍ʣ ӄ๳࿦ͷӨڹ [1] Douglas, Karen M., et al. "Understanding conspiracy theories." Political psychology 40 (2019): 3-350. [2] Gelfert, Axel. "Fake news: A definition." Informal logic 38.1 (2018): 84-117.
  3. 11 ྫ೔ຊͰͷӄ๳࿦ l ೔ຊࡏॅͷ ਓʹରͯ͠ӄ๳࿦ʹ͍ͭͯ৴ͯ͡Δ͔Λௐࠪ ӄ๳࿦ͷӨڹ 0% 20% 40% 60%

    80% 100% 地 球 温 暖 化 ワ クチ ン 副 作 ⽤ 裏 の 団 体 在 ⽇ 外 国 ⼈ ⼈ ⼯ 地 震 ヒト 型 爬 ⾍ 類 コロ ナ は 存 在 し な い 宇 宙 ⼈ との 接 触 9.11テ ロ ⽶ 国 選 挙 不 正 ケ ム ト レ イ ル 知っている 正しいと思う ର৅ͷӄ๳࿦Λ஌ͬͯΔ ର৅ͷӄ๳࿦Λਖ਼͍͠ͱࢥ͏
  4. 14 ӄ๳࿦ʹΑΔଞͷѱӨڹ l ӄ๳࿦΁ͷ๫࿐͕ɺݽಠײͷ૿େʹ ܨ͕Γɺকདྷతʹ೔ৗ൜ࡑʹؔ༩͞ ͤΔՄೳੑΛ૿େ <> l ൓ϫΫνϯͷҙݟͷٸ૿͕͜ͷ·· ଓ͘ͱɺ೥ޙʹ͸͜ΕΒͷҙݟ͕

    ओྲྀͱͳΔՄೳੑΛࣔࠦ <> ӄ๳࿦ͷӨڹ [5] Jolley, Daniel, et al. "Belief in conspiracy theories and intentions to engage in everyday crime." British Journal of Social Psychology 58.3 (2019): 534-549. [6] Johnson, Neil F., et al. "The online competition between pro-and anti- vaccination views." Nature 582.7811 (2020): 230-233.
  5. 16 ӄ๳࿦Λ৴͡Δਓͷଐੑʹ͍ͭͯ ӄ๳࿦Λ৴͡Δଐੑʹ͍ͭͯ [7] Hornsey, Matthew J., et al. "Individual,

    intergroup and nation-level influences on belief in conspiracy theories." Nature Reviews Psychology 2.2 (2023): 85-97. [8] Douglas, Karen M., and Robbie M. Sutton. "What are conspiracy theories? A definitional approach to their correlates, consequences, and communication." Annual review of psychology 74.1 (2023): 271-298. [9] Mahl, Daniela, Mike S. Schäfer, and Jing Zeng. "Conspiracy theories in online environments: An interdisciplinary literature review and agenda for future research." New media & society 25.7 (2023): 1781-1801.
  6. 17 ӄ๳࿦Λ৴͡Δਓͷଐੑͷྫ l ௚ײతࢥߟͷߴ͞ɺ෼ੳతࢥߟͷ௿͞ <> l ύϥϊΠΞɺࣗݾѪͷڧ͞ <> l फڭత

    εϐϦνϡΞϧ΁ͷ܏౗ <> l ஥ؒ͸ͣΕͷײ֮ <> l ࢠͲ΋࣌୅ͷݽಠײ <> l কདྷͷࠃՈͷܦࡁྗʹର͢Δෆ҆ ੓෎΁ͷ৴པͷ௿͞ <> ӄ๳࿦Λ৴͡Δଐੑʹ͍ͭͯ [10] Swami, Viren, et al. "Analytic thinking reduces belief in conspiracy theories." Cognition 133.3 (2014): 572-585. [11] Imhoff, Roland, and Pia Lamberty. "How paranoid are conspiracy believers? Toward a more fine‐grained understanding of the connect and disconnect between paranoia and belief in conspiracy theories." European journal of social psychology 48.7 (2018): 909-926. [12] Stasielowicz, Lukasz. "Who believes in conspiracy theories? A meta-analysis on personality correlates." Journal of Research in Personality 98 (2022): 104229. [13] Poon, Kai-Tak, Zhansheng Chen, and Wing-Yan Wong. "Beliefs in conspiracy theories following ostracism." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46.8 (2020): 1234-1246. [14] Bierwiaczonek, Kinga, et al. "Loneliness trajectories over three decades are associated with conspiracist worldviews in midlife." Nature Communications 15.1 (2024): 3629. [15] Hornsey, Matthew J., et al. "Multinational data show that conspiracy beliefs are associated with the perception (and reality) of poor national economic performance." European Journal of Social Psychology 53.1 (2023): 78-89.
  7. 19 4PDJBM.FEJB#BO͞ΕͨϢʔβ΍ίϛϡχςΟ͸ɺผͷ4PDJBM .FEJBҠಈͯ͠׆ಈΛଓ͚Δ <> l 2"OPO͸3FEEJUˠ1PBM7PBUͳͲͷ4/4ʹҠಈ l ίϛϡχςΟด࠯࣌ظΛ࣮ࣔͯ͠ࡍʹด࠯͢Δ·Ͱͷؒͷ࣌ؒͰɺҎ߱৔ ॴΛܾఆ l

    ׆ಈ͢ΔϢʔβ਺ࣗମ͸ॖখ͢Δ΋ͷͷɺҰਓ͋ͨΓͷ׆ಈྔ͸େ͖͘ม ΘΒͣ ӄ๳࿦ͷ཈੍ͷํ๏ [16] Monti, Corrado, et al. "Online conspiracy communities are more resilient to deplatforming." PNAS nexus 2.10 (2023): pgad324.
  8. 20 4PDJBM.FEJB#BO͞ΕͨϢʔβ΍ίϛϡχςΟ͸ɺผͷ4PDJBM .FEJBҠಈͯ͠׆ಈΛଓ͚Δ <> l ಟੑͷ͋Δίϝϯτ͸Ҡߦޙʹ૿Ճ܏޲ʂ   ӄ๳࿦ͷ཈੍ͷํ๏ [16]

    Monti, Corrado, et al. "Online conspiracy communities are more resilient to deplatforming." PNAS nexus 2.10 (2023): pgad324.
  9. 21 ݸਓʹର͢Δ཈੍ํ๏ɿ൓࿦ l ͨͩʮӄ๳࿦ʯͱࢦఠ͢Δ͚ͩͰ͸ɺٯޮՌʢCBDLGJSFޮՌʣ<> l ࠜڌ΍ূڌΛ࣋ͬͯ൓࿦͢ΔߦҝʢDPVOUFSBSHVNFOUTʣ΋ӄ๳ ࿦త৴೦Λม͑ͤ͞ΔޮՌ͸͔ͳΓখ͍͞ <> l ૬खͷڞײײ֮ʹૌ͔͚͑ͯ൓࿦͢ΔߦҝʢFNQBUIZCBTFE

    JOUFSWFOUJPOʣ΍૬खΛ͚͋ͯ͟൓࿦͢ΔߦҝʢSJEJDVMFʣ͸Ͳͪ Β΋΄ͱΜͲޮՌ͕ແ͍ <> ӄ๳࿦ͷ཈੍ͷํ๏ [17] O’Mahony, Cian, et al. "The efficacy of interventions in reducing belief in conspiracy theories: A systematic review." Plos one 18.4 (2023): e0280902. [18] Stojanov, Ana. "Reducing conspiracy theory beliefs." Psihologija 48.3 (2015): 251-266. [19] Orosz, Gábor, et al. "Changing conspiracy beliefs through rationality and ridiculing." Frontiers in Psychology 7 (2016): 1525.
  10. 22 ݸਓʹର͢Δ཈੍ํ๏ɿੜ੒"*Λ༻͍ͨ൓࿦ ӄ๳࿦ͷ཈੍ͷํ๏ [20] Costello, Thomas H., Gordon Pennycook, and

    David G. Rand. "Durably reducing conspiracy beliefs through dialogues with AI." Science 385.6714 (2024): eadq1814. l ੜ੒"*Ϟσϧ (15 ʹ൓࿦ͯ͠΋ Β͏ͱޮՌ͋Γ<> l ӄ๳࿦৴೦͸ฏۉˋݮগɻ ϲ݄ޙͷ௥੻ௐࠪͰ΋ޮՌ͕ଓ͍ ͍ͯΔ͜ͱΛ֬ೝ l ੜ੒"*Ϟσϧͷఏࣔ͢Δ&WJEFODFͰ ڏِͷ΋ͷ͸΄ͱΜͲແ͠ ໿
  11. 24 ݸਓʹର͢Δ཈੍ํ๏ɿ༧๷઀छ ڭҭ ӄ๳࿦ͷ཈੍ͷํ๏ [21] Lewandowsky, Stephan, and Sander Van

    Der Linden. "Countering misinformation and fake news through inoculation and prebunking." European Review of Social Psychology 32.2 (2021): 348- 384. [22] Dyer, Kathleen D., and Raymond E. Hall. "Effect of critical thinking education on epistemically unwarranted beliefs in college students." Research in Higher Education 60 (2019): 293-314. [23] Ecker, Ullrich KH, et al. "The psychological drivers of misinformation belief and its resistance to correction." Nature Reviews Psychology 1.1 (2022): 13-29. l ࠷΋ӄ๳࿦৴೦Λ௿Լͤ͞ΔՄೳੑ͕ߴ͍ͭͷ཈੍ํ๏ l ༧๷઀छʢJOGPSNBUJPOJOPDVMBUJPOʣɿӄ๳࿦઀৮લʹ๷ޚతͳೝ஌ε λϯεΛܗ੒͢ΔͨΊʹɺલ΋ͬͯӄ๳࿦ͷ࿦ཧతޡΓΛڭ͑Δ͜ͱ <> l ڭҭ FEVDBUJPO ɿֶߍڭҭΛ௨ͯ͡ӄ๳࿦ͱՊֶతࣄ࣮ͷ۠ผΛڭ͑Δ ͜ͱ <> From [23] ӄ๳࿦ʹ઀৮͢Δલʹ ରॲ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ॏཁʂ
  12. 27 ݸਓʹର͢Δ཈੍ํ๏ɿ༧๷઀छ ڭҭ ӄ๳࿦ͷ཈੍ͷํ๏ ͡Ό͋ɺੈքதͷਓʑ ʹӄ๳࿦ʹؔ͢Δڭҭ ΍༧๷઀छΛ͢Ε͹ɺ ͜ͷ໰୊͸ղܾͩͶ ͓ۚͳ͍Αʁ l

    ༧๷઀छ΍ڭҭΛड͚ͤ͞Δର৅Λແࠩผ ʹܾΊΔͷͰ͸ͳ͘ɺޮՌͷߴ͍ର৅ʹ ߜͬͯߦ͏͜ͱ͕අ༻ରޮՌ͕ߴ͍ l ӄ๳࿦ʹϋϚͬͨΓ͢ΔՄೳੑ͕ߴ͍ਓʹ ద༻͢Δͷ͕ྑ͍ʂ Ͳ͏͍͏ਓͳͷ͔ʁʁ Ͳ͏΍ͬͯݟ͚ͭΔͷ͔ʁʁ
  13. 29 σδλϧσʔλ͔Βӄ๳࿦ʹ ϋϚͬͯ͠·͏ਓͷಛੑ΍ϝ ΧχζϜΛൃݟ͠ɺϋϚΔਓ Λࣄલʹൃݟ͢ΔࢼΈ 主要メンバー イム ドンウ (助教, 津⽥塾)

    上島淳史 (助教, 慶応) ⾕原吏 (准教授, ⽴命館) 廣中詩織 (助教, 京⼤) 松井暉 (講師, 横国) ⽔⾕瑛嗣郎 (准教授, 関⼤) 村⼭太⼀ (助教, 横国)
  14. 44 ࠷ۙͷऔΓ૊Έӄ๳࿦ͱͦͷ܏޲ 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 地 球

    温 暖 化 ワ クチ ン 副 作 ⽤ 裏 の 団 体 在 ⽇ 外 国 ⼈ ⼈ ⼯ 地 震 ヒト 型 爬 ⾍ 類 コロ ナ は 存 在 し な い 宇 宙 ⼈ との 接 触 9.11テ ロ ⽶ 国 選 挙 不 正 ケ ム ト レ イ ル 知っている 正しいと思う ର৅ͷӄ๳࿦Λฉ͍ͨਓͷ໿ ͷਓ͕ͦͷ৘ใΛਖ਼͍͠ͱߟ͑ͯ ͍Δ
  15. 50 ࠷ۙͷऔΓ૊Έӄ๳࿦ͱͦͷ܏޲ l ӄ๳࿦Λ৴͡Δ l 4/4ར༻࣌ؒɺಈըࢹௌ࣌ؒɺϥδΦࡶࢽɺΦϯϥΠϯχϡʔεͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ l ຊͷಡΉྔɺจԽࢿຊͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ l ͓فΓͷճ਺ͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ

    l ੓࣏తʹภͬͯΔਓʢอकɾϦϕϥϧʣͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ l ӄ๳࿦Λ֦ࢄ͢Δ l 4/4ར༻࣌ؒɺಈըࢹௌ࣌ؒɺϥδΦࡶࢽɺΦϯϥΠϯχϡʔεͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ l ੈଳ೥ऩ͕ߴ͍ɺຊͷಡΉྔɺจԽࢿຊͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ l ͓فΓͷճ਺ͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ l ੓࣏తʹภͬͯΔਓʢอकɾϦϕϥϧʣͱਖ਼ͷ૬ؔ ؔ࿈ͷ͋Δಛ௃ʹ͍ͭͯ