of the interaction between people (users) and computers. It is often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, design, media studies, and several other fields of study. 5&3.1016-"3*;&%*/5)&T
graph representation is not extremely helpful for visualizing package relationships. • But it does provide a basic structure for a graph search problem.
then add a colored edge from any node nA to nB if package A depends on package B. • Edges are colored by dependency type: dependencies or devDependencies • To build our graph, G, we add a node (or vertex) for every package. na nb nc nd
would say that package-b and package-c have a codependency relationship thru package-a na nb nc nd { "name": "package-a", "dependencies": { "package-b": "~1.0.4", "package-c": "~2.1.3" }, "devDependencies": { "package-d": "~3.1.2" }, "main": "./index.js" }
= dep.trim(); for (var codep in d) { codep = codep.trim(); if (dep !== codep) { emit([dep, codep, doc._id], 1) } } } • We can get all of this from a simple CouchDB view. $PEFQFOEFODJFT
well and good, but what the heck are you doing?!?! For module NAME generate a matrix by: - Rank codependencies based on number of times they appear - For each codependency C in the SET of the top N: Rank SET - {C} by number of times they appear to create ROW[C] $PEFQFOEFODJFT
size of the arc represents the degree of the codependency relationship with the parent module. • The size of the chord represents the degree of the codependency relationship between each pair. • The color of the chord represents the “dominant” module between the pair. winston $PEFQFOEFODJFT
I store my private code? • Is my Node.js application secure? Against what vulnerabilities? • How do I deploy my application? • Am I at legal risk because of Open Source licenses? • What module should I use to do <feature> in my app? • Is this Open Source module good? YOU have QUESTIONS about your MODULES Stop wasting time and answer questions ???
and a dependency graph we were able to perform rudimentary analysis of hottest code paths. Gives author quick feedback instantly and avoids the silent majority