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ITT 2018 - Tim Berglund - Processing Streaming ...

ITT 2018 - Tim Berglund - Processing Streaming Data with KSQL

Apache Kafka is a de facto standard streaming data processing platform, being widely deployed as a messaging system, and having a robust data integration framework (Kafka Connect) and stream processing API (Kafka Streams) to meet the needs that common attend real-time message processing. But there’s more!

Kafka now offers KSQL, a declarative, SQL-like stream processing language that lets you define powerful stream-processing applications easily. What once took some moderately sophisticated Java code can now be done at the command line with a familiar and eminently approachable syntax. Come to this talk for an overview of KSQL with live coding on live streaming data.

Istanbul Tech Talks

April 17, 2018

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  1. Scalable Consumption consumer group A producer consumer group A consumer

    group B consumer group B … … … partition 1 partition 2 partition 3 Partitioned Topic
  2. Logs and Pub/Sub consumer A producer consumer B 8 7

    6 4 3 2 1 5 first record latest record
  3. Stream Processing by Analogy Kafka Cluster Connect API Stream Processing

    Connect API $ cat < in.txt | grep “ksql” | tr a-z A-Z > out.txt
  4. KSQL for Data Exploration SELECT status, bytes FROM clickstream WHERE

    user_agent = ‘Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0)’; An easy way to inspect data in a running cluster
  5. KSQL for Streaming ETL • Kafka is popular for data

    pipelines. • KSQL enables easy transformations of data within the pipe. • Transforming data while moving from Kafka to another system. CREATE STREAM vip_actions AS 
 SELECT userid, page, action FROM clickstream c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id 
 WHERE u.level = 'Platinum';
  6. KSQL for Anomaly Detection CREATE TABLE possible_fraud AS
 SELECT card_number,

 FROM authorization_attempts 
 GROUP BY card_number
 HAVING count(*) > 3; Identifying patterns or anomalies in real-time data, surfaced in milliseconds
  7. KSQL for Real-Time Monitoring • Log data monitoring, tracking and

    alerting • Sensor / IoT data CREATE TABLE error_counts AS 
 SELECT error_code, count(*) 
 FROM monitoring_stream 
 WHERE type = 'ERROR' 
 GROUP BY error_code;
  8. KSQL for Data Transformation CREATE STREAM views_by_userid WITH (PARTITIONS=6, VALUE_FORMAT=‘JSON’,

    TIMESTAMP=‘view_time’) AS 
 SELECT * FROM clickstream PARTITION BY user_id; Make simple derivations of existing topics from the command line
  9. Where is KSQL not such a great fit? BI reports

    (Tableau etc.) • No indexes • No JDBC (most BI tools are not good with continuous results!) Ad-hoc queries • Limited span of time usually retained in Kafka • No indexes
  10. CREATE STREAM clickstream ( time BIGINT, url VARCHAR, status INTEGER,

    bytes INTEGER, userid VARCHAR, agent VARCHAR) WITH ( value_format = ‘JSON’, kafka_topic=‘my_clickstream_topic’ ); Creating a Stream
  11. CREATE TABLE users ( user_id INTEGER, registered_at LONG, username VARCHAR,

    name VARCHAR, city VARCHAR, level VARCHAR) WITH ( key = ‘user_id', kafka_topic=‘clickstream_users’, value_format=‘JSON'); Creating a Table
  12. CREATE STREAM vip_actions AS SELECT userid, fullname, url, status 

    FROM clickstream c 
 LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id WHERE u.level = 'Platinum'; Joins for Enrichment
  13. • Starts a CLI and a server in the same

    JVM • Ideal for developing on your laptop bin/ksql-cli local • Or with customized settings bin/ksql-cli local --properties-file ksql.properties #1 STAND-ALONE AKA ‘LOCAL MODE’ How to run KSQL
  14. How to run KSQL JVM KSQL Server KSQL CLI JVM

    KSQL Server JVM KSQL Server Kafka Cluster #2 CLIENT-SERVER
  15. • Start any number of server nodes bin/ksql-server-start • Start

    one or more CLIs and point them to a server bin/ksql-cli remote https://myksqlserver:8090 • All servers share the processing load Technically, instances of the same Kafka Streams Applications Scale up/down without restart How to run KSQL #2 CLIENT-SERVER
  16. How to run KSQL Kafka Cluster JVM KSQL Server JVM

  17. • Start any number of server nodes Pass a file

    of KSQL statement to execute bin/ksql-node query-file=foo/bar.sql • Ideal for streaming ETL application deployment Version-control your queries and transformations as code • All running engines share the processing load Technically, instances of the same Kafka Streams Applications Scale up/down without restart How to run KSQL #3 AS A STANDALONE APPLICATION
  18. How to run KSQL Kafka Cluster #4 EMBEDDED IN AN

    APPLICATION JVM App Instance KSQL Engine Application Code JVM App Instance KSQL Engine Application Code JVM App Instance KSQL Engine Application Code
  19. • Embed directly in your Java application • Generate and

    execute KSQL queries through the Java API Version-control your queries and transformations as code • All running application instances share the processing load Technically, instances of the same Kafka Streams Applications Scale up/down without restart How to run KSQL #4 EMBEDDED IN AN APPLICATION