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Pushing the limits of protocol-oriented program...

Jesse Squires
November 08, 2016

Pushing the limits of protocol-oriented programming

All programming languages have their own "personality" and encourage certain paradigms. In Swift, this is expressed through protocols and a focus on value types. As a community, we convey this by describing code as being "swifty" or not. In this talk, we'll examine how we can push the limits of protocol-oriented programming (and thus, the limits of the Swift type-checker) by building a generic, protocol-oriented ("swifty") data source framework.


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Jesse Squires

November 08, 2016

More Decks by Jesse Squires

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The Swift way How do we write swifty code? Standard

    library: "Protocols and value types all the way down."
  2. Protocols The "I" in SOLID: No client should depend on

    (or know about) methods it does not use. » Small, separated interfaces == focused API » Restrict access » Unify disjoint types » Hide concrete types
  3. Experiment: Let's build protocol-oriented data sources — UITableViewDataSource — UICollectionViewDataSource

    Table views and collection views are fundamental components of most apps.
  4. Goals 1.protocol-based 2.type-safe / generic 3.unify UITableView and UICollectionView 4.remove

    UIKit boilerplate 5.avoid NSObject and NSObjectProtocol ("pure" Swift)
  5. Responsibilities Display data in a list or grid. What do

    we need? 1.Structured data (sections with items/rows) 2.Create and configure cells 3.Conform to UITableViewDataSource 4.Conform to UICollectionViewDataSource
  6. Section Protocol protocol SectionInfoProtocol { associatedtype Item var items: [Item]

    { get set } var headerTitle: String? { get } var footerTitle: String? { get } }
  7. DataSource Protocol protocol DataSourceProtocol { associatedtype Item func numberOfSections() ->

    Int func numberOfItems(inSection section: Int) -> Int func item(atRow row: Int, inSection section: Int) -> Item? func headerTitle(inSection section: Int) -> String? func footerTitle(inSection section: Int) -> String? }
  8. DataSource Type struct DataSource<S: SectionInfoProtocol>: DataSourceProtocol { var sections: [S]

    // MARK: DataSourceProtocol func numberOfSections() -> Int { return sections.count } // other protocol methods... }
  9. Responsibilities ✅ Structured data 2. Create and configure cells 3.

    Conform to UITableViewDataSource 4. Conform to UICollectionViewDataSource
  10. Create + configure cells 1) We need a common interface

    (protocol) for: — Tables & collections — Table cells — Collection cells 2) We need a unified way to create + configure cells
  11. Unify tables + collections // UITableView // UICollectionView protocol CellParentViewProtocol

    { associatedtype CellType: UIView func dequeueReusableCellFor(identifier: String, indexPath: IndexPath) -> CellType }
  12. Unify tables + collections // conform collection view // (table

    view is similar) extension UICollectionView: CellParentViewProtocol { typealias CellType = UICollectionViewCell func dequeueReusableCellFor(identifier: String, indexPath: IndexPath) -> CellType { return dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: identifier, for: indexPath) } }
  13. Unify cells // UITableViewCell // UICollectionViewCell protocol ReusableViewProtocol { associatedtype

    ParentView: UIView, CellParentViewProtocol var reuseIdentifier: String? { get } func prepareForReuse() }
  14. Unify cells extension UICollectionViewCell: ReusableViewProtocol { typealias ParentView = UICollectionView

    } extension UITableViewCell: ReusableViewProtocol { typealias ParentView = UITableView } // already implemented in UIKit // // var reuseIdentifier: String? { get } // func prepareForReuse()
  15. Create + configure cells ✅ A common interface 2. A

    unified way to create and configure cells
  16. Configure cells Protocol // configure a cell with a model

    protocol ReusableViewConfigProtocol { associatedtype Item associatedtype View: ReusableViewProtocol func reuseIdentiferFor(item: Item?, indexPath: IndexPath) -> String func configure(view: View, item: Item?, parentView: View.ParentView, indexPath: IndexPath) -> View }
  17. Create cells extension // for table view, similar for collection

    view extension ReusableViewConfigProtocol where View: UITableViewCell { func tableCellFor(item: Item, tableView: UITableView, indexPath: IndexPath) -> View { let cellId = self.reuseIdentiferFor(item: item, indexPath: indexPath) // CellParentViewProtocol let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellFor(identifier: cellId, indexPath: indexPath) as! View return self.configure(view: cell, item: item, parentView: tableView, indexPath: indexPath) } }
  18. Create + configure cells Type struct ViewConfig<Item, Cell: ReusableViewProtocol>: ReusableViewConfigProtocol

    { let reuseId: String let configClosure: (Cell, Item, Cell.ParentView, IndexPath) -> Cell // ReusableViewConfigProtocol func reuseIdentiferFor(item: Item?, indexPath: IndexPath) -> String { return reuseId } func configure(view: View, item: Item?, parentView: View.ParentView, indexPath: IndexPath) -> View { return configClosure(view, item, parentView, indexPath) } }
  19. Responsibilities ✅ Structured data ✅ Create and configure cells 3.

    Conform to UITableViewDataSource 4. Conform to UICollectionViewDataSource
  20. Data source protocols class BridgedDataSource: NSObject, UICollectionViewDataSource, UITableViewDataSource { //

    Init with closures for each data source method // Implement UICollectionViewDataSource // Implement UITableViewDataSource }
  21. Data source protocols Example class BridgedDataSource: NSObject { let numberOfSections:

    () -> Int // other closure properties... } extension BridgedDataSource: UICollectionViewDataSource { func numberOfSections(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> Int { return self.numberOfSections() } // other data source methods... }
  22. Responsibilities ✅ Structured data ✅ Create and configure cells ✅

    UITableViewDataSource ✅ UICollectionViewDataSource
  23. Everything we need protocol SectionInfoProtocol { } // sections of

    items protocol DataSourceProtocol { } // full data source protocol CellParentViewProtocol { } // tables + collections protocol ReusableViewProtocol { } // cells protocol ReusableViewConfigProtocol { } // configure cells class BridgedDataSource { } // UIKit data sources
  24. Connecting the pieces class DataSourceProvider<D: DataSourceProtocol, C: ReusableViewConfigProtocol> where D.Item

    == C.Item { var dataSource: D let cellConfig: C private var bridgedDataSource: BridgedDataSource? init(dataSource: D, cellConfig: C) }
  25. Results let data = DataSource(sections: /* sections of models */)

    let config = ViewConfig(reuseId: "cellId") { (cell, model, view, indexPath) -> MyCell in // configure cell with model return cell } let provider = DataSourceProvider(dataSource: data, cellConfig: config) // connect to collection collectionView.dataSource = provider.collectionViewDataSource // connect to table tableView.dataSource = provider.tableViewDataSource
  26. Generating specific data sources // class DataSourceProvider<D,C> // private var

    bridgedDataSource: BridgedDataSource? extension DataSourceProvider where C.View: UITableViewCell { public var tableViewDataSource: UITableViewDataSource { // create and return new BridgedDataSource // using self.dataSource and self.cellConfig } private func createTableViewDataSource() -> BridgedDataSource { // ... } }
  27. Generating specific data sources // extension DataSourceProvider where C.View: UITableViewCell

    func createTableViewDataSource() -> BridgedDataSource { let source = BridgedDataSource() source.numberOfSections = { () -> Int in return self.dataSource.numberOfSections() } source.numberOfItemsInSection = { (section) -> Int in return self.dataSource.numberOfItems(inSection: section) } source.tableCellForRowAtIndexPath = { (tableView, indexPath) -> UITableViewCell in let item = self.dataSource.item(at: indexPath) // extension method on ReusableViewConfigProtocol return self.cellConfig.tableCellFor(item: item, tableView: tableView, indexPath: indexPath) } }
  28. Results — One more time let data = DataSource(sections: /*

    sections of models */) let config = ViewConfig(reuseId: "cellId") { (cell, model, view, indexPath) -> MyCell in // configure cell with model return cell } let provider = DataSourceProvider(dataSource: data, cellConfig: config) // connect to collection collectionView.dataSource = provider.collectionViewDataSource // connect to table tableView.dataSource = provider.tableViewDataSource
  29. Protocol Extensions Dynamic interface segregation extension ReusableViewConfigProtocol where View: UITableViewCell

    { func tableCellFor(item: Item, tableView: UITableView, indexPath: IndexPath) -> View } extension DataSourceProvider where C.View: UITableViewCell { var tableViewDataSource: UITableViewDataSource } You cannot access tableViewDataSource if you are creating UICollectionViewCells!
  30. Protocols Restrict access // class DataSourceProvider<D,C> var tableViewDataSource: UITableViewDataSource Returns

    BridgedDataSource but clients don't know! (It also conforms to UICollectionViewDataSource)
  31. Protocols Unify disjoint types Hide types protocol CellParentViewProtocol { }

    protocol ReusableViewProtocol { } We can treat tables, collections and their cells the same way — speaking to the same interface.
  32. Protocols Modular protocol SectionInfoProtocol { } protocol DataSourceProtocol { }

    protocol ReusableViewConfigProtocol { } Anything can be a data source Anything can configure cells
  33. Protocols Testable Easy to "mock" or fake a protocol in

    a unit test. Easy to verify that a protocol method was called.