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Adapting To Change: Designing For Modularity An...

Adapting To Change: Designing For Modularity And Maintainability In Swift

Well-factored code is about more than cleanliness. The code we write is ever-changing. The only thing that’s certain is that it will need to change again... and again and again. By adopting proven design patterns and principles, we can adapt to changes more easily and quickly. Refactoring turns into a trivial afternoon task instead of a month-long project. Swift’s expressiveness and flexibility can not only help us factor our code nicely from the start, but it allows us to approach design in exciting new ways.



Jesse Squires

November 19, 2017

More Decks by Jesse Squires

Other Decks in Programming



    Jesse Squires jessesquires.com • @jesse_squires
  2. How can we prevent* this? We can't! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL ! But,

    we can try. * Make it slightly less terrible
  3. Single responsibility ❌ class ImageDownloader { let cache: [URL: UIImage]

    let fileManager: FileManager let session: URLSession func getOrDownloadImage(url: URL, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) }
  4. Single responsibility ✅ class Downloader<T> { func downloadItem(url: URL, completion:

    @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void) } class Cache<T> { func store(item: T, key: String, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) func retrieveItem(key: String, completion: @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void) } class DataProvider<T> { let downloader: Downloader<T> let cache: Cache<T> func getItem(url: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<T>) -> Void) }
  5. Single responsibility ❌ extension UIImage { func cropFilterTransformAndExportPNGData( size: CGSize?,

    filter: CIFilter?, transform: CGAffineTransform?) -> Data } let png = img.cropFilterTransformAndExportPNGData(size: s, filter: f, transform: t)
  6. Single responsibility ✅ Easy to reason about each small function

    individually extension UIImage { func crop(to size: CGSize) -> UIImage func transform(_ t: CGAffineTransform) -> UIImage func filter(_ f: CIFilter) -> UIImage func asPNGData() -> Data } let pngData = img.crop(to: size).transform(t).filter(f).asPNGData()
  7. Open for extension closed for modification How can we change

    behavior without modifying a type? — Subclass ! — Inject dependency - protocols - closures
  8. Open / closed Using enums as configuration ❌ enum MessagesTimestampPolicy

    { case all case alternating case everyThree case everyFive } class MessagesViewController: UIViewController { var timestampPolicy: MessagesTimestampPolicy }
  9. Need to implement switch statements everywhere ! Every time you

    add a new case you have to update all switch statements class MessagesViewController: UIViewController { func timestampFor(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Date? { switch self.timestampPolicy { case .all: // ... case .alternating: // ... case .everyThree: // ... case .everyFive: // ... } } // ... }
  10. Open / closed A simpler, more flexible design: configuration objects

    struct MessagesTimestampConfig { let timestamp: (IndexPath) -> Date? let textColor: UIColor let font: UIFont } func applyTimestampConfig(_ config: MessagesTimestampConfig)
  11. Liskov substitution ! Adding a new message type makes program

    incorrect class Message { } class TextMessage: Message { } class PhotoMessage: Message { } if model is TextMessage { // do text things } else if model is PhotoMessage { // do photo things } else { fatalError("Unexpected type \(model)") }
  12. Liskov substitution enum MessageContent { /* ... */ } protocol

    Message { var content: MessageContent { get } } class TextMessage: Message { var content: MessageContent { return self.text } } class PhotoMessage: Message { var content: MessageContent { return self.photo } } let content = message.content // use content...
  13. Interface segregation Use many specific interfaces, rather than one general

    purpose interface protocol UITableViewDataSource { func tableView(_, cellForRowAt: ) -> UITableViewCell func numberOfSections(in: ) -> Int func tableView(_, numberOfRowsInSection: ) -> Int } protocol UITableViewDataSourceEditing { func tableView(_, commit: , forRowAt: ) func tableView(_, canEditRowAt: ) -> Bool }
  14. Dependency inversion Write against interfaces, not concrete types Decouple via

    protocols and dependency injection class MyViewController: UIViewController { let sessionManager: SessionManagerProtcool init(sessionManager: SessionManagerProtcool = SessionManager.shared) { self.sessionManager = sessionManager } // ... }
  15. Example: drawing line graphs ! let p1 = Point(x1, y1)

    let p2 = Point(x2, y2) let slope = p1.slopeTo(p2) Need to check if the slope is: — undefined (vertical line) — zero (horizontal line) — positive — negative
  16. We could write code like this if slope == 0

    { // slope is a horizontal line // do something... } else if slope.isNaN { // slope is undefined, a vertical line // handle this case... } else if slope > 0 { // positive slope } else if slope < 0 { // negative slope }
  17. Or, we could add extensions for our specific domain extension

    FloatingPoint { var isUndefined: Bool { return isNaN } var isHorizontal: Bool { return isZero } } extension SignedNumeric where Self: Comparable { var isPositive: Bool { return self > 0 } var isNegative: Bool { return self < 0 } }
  18. And then remove the comments. if slope.isHorizontal { } else

    if slope.isUndefined { } else if slope.isPositive { } else if slope.isNegative { } This code reads like a sentence.
  19. Another example: dynamic collection layout func getBehaviors(for attributes: [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]) ->

    [UIAttachmentBehavior] { // get the attachment behaviors return self.animator.behaviors.flatMap { $0 as? UIAttachmentBehavior }.filter { // remove non-layout attribute items guard let item = $0.items.first as? UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes else { return false } // get attributes index paths // see if item index path is included return !attributes.map { $0.indexPath }.contains(item.indexPath) } }
  20. extension UIAttachmentBehavior { var attributes: UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes? { /* ... */

    } } extension UIDynamicAnimator { var attachmentBehaviors: [UIAttachmentBehavior] { /* ... */ } } func getBehaviors(for attributes: [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]) -> [UIAttachmentBehavior] { let attributesIndexPaths = attributes.map { $0.indexPath } let attachmentBehaviors = self.animator.attachmentBehaviors let filteredBehaviors = attachmentBehaviors.filter { guard let attributes = $0.attributes else { return false } return !attributesIndexPaths.contains(attributes.indexPath) } return filteredBehaviors }

    prompt if user has permissions if !user.hasPermissions { displayPrompt() } !
  22. Only add comments to truly exceptional or non-obvious code //

    Intentionally not a struct! // Using immutable reference types for performance reasons final class Message { let uid: UUID let timestamp: Date let sender: User let text: String }
  23. Keep it small and simple Write code, not comments Separate

    components Inject dependencies Avoid over-abstraction Avoid unnecessary complexity