This is a talk on how to design an Electron app (made up websites) so that it feels like a native desktop application (which don't feel like websites) and at home on different operating systems (different systems are different).
one browser & getting to use Node & OS features. Apps are HTML, CSS and JS files—there’s a lot of overlap in designing for Electron and the web. You get to write an app once, instead once for each platform.
create a draggable region, make any titlebar text non-selectable and use context menus outside of draggable regions which won’t receive click events.
and is also used by Windows. Mac and Windows app icons are set when the app is packaged. Setting Icons var win = new BrowserWindow({ icon: __dirname + 'assets/icon.png', }
Chrome will work in your app: CSS variables, CSS constraints, shadow DOM v1, custom elements v1 (soon) and over 90% of ES6.
of the page’s resources have been loaded. var win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) win.once('ready-to-show'), function() { }) INTERACTIONS
want a dock icon or for it to show the app at all initially, but you want the resources to load before the first click. var win = new BrowserWindow({ show: false }) tray.on(‘click’, function (event, bounds) { }) INTERACTIONS
Electron. When developing, have it open automatically. DevTools var win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 }) win.loadURL(`file://${__dirname}/index.html`) win.webContents.openDevTools()
Quick Start—Barebones Electron app to get started with. Essential Electron—Electron explained simply. Awesome Electron—Canonical list of all Electron resources. Repos Using Electron—See what people are building with. RESOURCES