c.cassette_library_dir = 'fixtures/vcr_cassettes' c.hook_into :webmock # or :fakeweb end class VCRTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_example_dot_com VCR.use_cassette('synopsis') do url = 'http://yourapihere.com' response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) assert_match /Example domains/, response.body end end end VCR github.com/vcr/vcr Thursday, March 27, 14
200 application/json [] # users with events on their calendar have pending notifications POST /users/764/metro-areas/999 204 POST /users/764/artists/123 204 POST /events/5?artist_ids=123&metro_area_id=999 204 POST /events/5/enqueue-notifications 204 GET /users/with-pending-notifications 200 application/json [[764, "ep"]] # users are unique in the response POST /users/764/artists/123 204 POST /users/764/artists/456 204 POST /users/764/metro-areas/999 204 POST /events/5?artist_ids=123,456&metro_area_id=999 204 POST /events/5/enqueue-notifications 204 GET /users/with-pending-notifications 200 application/json [[764, "ep"]] Thursday, March 27, 14
end resource "/lolz" do get do it { responds_with.status :ok } it { responds_with_json_where['lolz'].must_be_instance_o with_query("q=monorail") do it "only lists lolz that match the query" do responds_with_json_where['lolz'].wont_be_empty responds_with_json_where['lolz'].each do |lol| lol['title'].must_match /monorail/ end end end HyperSpec Thursday, March 27, 14