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Free API debugging and testing tools you should...

Free API debugging and testing tools you should know about.

Free and OSS tools for inspecting traffic, debugging webhooks, writing automated tests and more. Presented at API Strategy and Practice SF 2013.

John Sheehan

October 24, 2013

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  1. John Sheehan CEO, Runscope Free API debugging and testing tools

    you should know about. Thursday, October 24, 13
  2. require  'rubygems' require  'test/unit' require  'vcr' VCR.configure  do  |c|  

     c.cassette_library_dir  =  'fixtures/vcr_cassettes'    c.hook_into  :webmock  #  or  :fakeweb end class  VCRTest  <  Test::Unit::TestCase    def  test_example_dot_com        VCR.use_cassette('synopsis')  do              url  =  'http://yourapihere.com'            response  =  Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url))            assert_match  /Example  domains/,  response.body        end    end end VCR github.com/vcr/vcr Thursday, October 24, 13
  3. aspec github.com/songkick/aspec # no users have pending notifications GET /users/with-pending-notifications

    200 application/json [] # users with events on their calendar have pending notifications POST /users/764/metro-areas/999 204 POST /users/764/artists/123 204 POST /events/5?artist_ids=123&metro_area_id=999 204 POST /events/5/enqueue-notifications 204 GET /users/with-pending-notifications 200 application/json [[764, "ep"]] # users are unique in the response POST /users/764/artists/123 204 POST /users/764/artists/456 204 POST /users/764/metro-areas/999 204 POST /events/5?artist_ids=123,456&metro_area_id=999 204 POST /events/5/enqueue-notifications 204 GET /users/with-pending-notifications 200 application/json [[764, "ep"]] Thursday, October 24, 13
  4. service  "http://localhost:4567"  do    def  responds_with_json_where        JSON.parse(response.body)

       end    resource  "/lolz"  do        get  do            it  {  responds_with.status  :ok  }            it  {  responds_with_json_where['lolz'].must_be_instance_o            with_query("q=monorail")  do                it  "only  lists  lolz  that  match  the  query"  do                    responds_with_json_where['lolz'].wont_be_empty                    responds_with_json_where['lolz'].each  do  |lol|                        lol['title'].must_match  /monorail/                    end                end            end HyperSpec Thursday, October 24, 13