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What we learned organizing conferences. A look ...

What we learned organizing conferences. A look inside Lambda World

A compilation of points to consider when you’re thinking of organizing a conference from scratch

Jorge Galindo Cruces

November 22, 2017

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  1. A look inside the organization of Lambda World 47deg.com 1

    @Jorge__Galindo @MRElsberry @BenjyMontoya
  2. First things first… 47deg.com 3 Forbes states that one of

    the top 5 most stressful jobs in 2017 is to be an Event Coordinator.
  3. What is exactly Lambda World 47deg.com 4 This was the

    beginning of everything • 2015. 160 attendees • 2015. 239 attendees • 2015. 448 attendees
  4. 47deg.com 8 Think in Minimum. MVC (Minimum Viable Conference) Expenses

    = Food + Venue + Speaker’s costs + A/V + Design work Ticket Price (MVC)= (Expenses - Sponsor’s budget) / Number of Attendees Money is Money
  5. 47deg.com 8 1. Be mindful of company budget calendars 2.

    Research conferences similar to yours. 3. Only have one person running the sponsor’s communication. 4. Don’t forget post-event tasks LET’S TALK ABOUT SPONSORS
  6. 47deg.com 8 LET’S TALK ABOUT SPEAKERS 1. Do a bit

    of background research on each speaker before you hit send on that invite. 2. [⚠ Important] Include end-dates in your email communication! 3. The event doesn't finish until the last speaker returns home. 4. IMHO, the event has to pay at least for the accommodation and to try to do its best to cover the maximum possible. 5. Yes! Only one person should be running communication with the speakers.
  7. 47deg.com 8 LET’S TALK ABOUT ATTENDEES 1. Invest in the

    community 2. Maintain an open and fluent line of communication with your attendees 3. And… Yes! Have one person dedicated to running communication with attendees.
  8. 47deg.com 8 LETS TALK ABOUT TOOLS 1. EventBrite + Paypal

    2. Mailchimp (Eventbrite Sync) 3. Github (boards) 4. Gitter 5.Typeform