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The Hitchhiker's Guide for an Amazing API with ...

The Hitchhiker's Guide for an Amazing API with TypeScript

Lucas Santos

May 06, 2024

More Decks by Lucas Santos

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  1. whats and hows first and foremost, what's this all about

    - General best practices - Using TypeScript in APIs - Going Beyond TypeScript
  2. BUT

  3. output consistency outputs should be predictable - Same structure if

    possible - Same casing - Same building logic
  4. once upon a time in a company I worked for

  5. once upon a time in a company I worked for

    POST https://api.mycompanydomain.com/v1/getOffers
  6. once upon a time in a company I worked for

    POST https://api.mycompanydomain.com/v1/getOffers Returned a list of cards which we had to fetch another endpoint to get the offers
  7. naming - no verbs (like /enable) - plural if list

    - singular if resource - kebab-cased is more readable - don't include verb (like /getOffers) - if subresource use /parent/:id/resource
  8. verbs if you haven't please read RFC2616 (section 9) -

    GET ➡ fetching resources - POST ➡ creating things - PUT ➡ update the WHOLE resource - PATCH ➡ update PART of the resource - DELETE ➡ delete resource (duh)
  9. status codes cheat sheet: the good - Deleted something ➡

    204 - Created something ➡ 201 - Will do something ➡ 202 - All others ➡ probably 200
  10. the http status code cheat sheet: the bad - Validation

    failed ➡ 422 - Unauthorized ➡ 401 - Forbidden (know who you are, but you can't do it) ➡ 403 - Not found ➡ 404 - Duplicate ➡ 409 - Something else you depend on failed ➡ 424 - Rate limiting ➡ 429 - Timeout ➡ 408 - Too many stuff on body ➡ 413 - Didn't implement that method ➡ 405 - and so on… Avoid 400
  11. the http status code cheat sheet: the ugly - Server

    messed up ➡ 500 - Future implementation ➡ 501 - Routing issues ➡ 502, 503, 504 (depending on the case)
  12. schema driven development kneel before Zod - define once, derive

    everywhere - single source of truth - built-in error handling
  13. global configs, local overrides schematize your envs - environment validation

    - configuration always present - intellisense - better security
  14. separation of concerns 🎨 Presentation layer > validation > calls

    services > formats responses 󰠤 User ⚙ Service Layer > interfaces with other services > interfaces with one repository > external business logic
  15. separation of concerns 🎨 Presentation layer > validation > calls

    services > formats responses 󰠤 User ⚙ Service Layer > interfaces with other services > interfaces with one repository > external business logic 💽 Data Layer > interacts with the database > external apis > receives domain objects > returns domain objects > never errors > can only be called by services
  16. separation of concerns 🎨 Presentation layer > validation > calls

    services > formats responses 󰠤 User ⚙ Service Layer > interfaces with other services > interfaces with one repository > external business logic 📄 Domain bus > individual entities > entity business logic > present in all layers > error definitions 💽 Data Layer > interacts with the database > external apis > receives domain objects > returns domain objects > never errors > can only be called by services
  17. separation of concerns 🎨 Presentation layer > validation > calls

    services > formats responses 󰠤 User ⚙ Service Layer > interfaces with other services > interfaces with one repository > external business logic 📄 Domain bus > individual entities > entity business logic > present in all layers > error definitions 💽 Data Layer > interacts with the database > external apis > receives domain objects > returns domain objects > never errors > can only be called by services
  18. refs_ - https://lsantos.dev/rfc2616 (definition of HTTP methods) - https://lsantos.dev/patch-method (definition

    of PATCH) - HTTP Status codes: - https://lsantos.dev/status-codes-7231 - https://lsantos.dev/status-codes-9110 - https://lsantos.dev/status-codes-list - https://lsantos.dev/lsantos-status-codes (my article about it) - https://lsantos.dev/expresso-router - https://lsantos.dev/mvc-example