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Tech Decisions to the people

Tech Decisions to the people

It sounds completely obvious: Let your teams decide what technologies to use - not by the CTO or a higher-level architect. The developers in the self-organized teams know the problems to be solved and the possible solutions best.

A practical report on pragmatic approach for self-organized team-based technology decisions.

Konstantin Diener

November 10, 2021

More Decks by Konstantin Diener

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  1. • What is the decision about? (topic) • What criteria

    do we use to decide? • What options do we have?
  2. • What is the decision about? (topic) • What criteria

    do we use to decide? • What options do we have? • Who is part of the team? Who decides?
  3. • What is the decision about? (topic) • What criteria

    do we use to decide? • What options do we have? • Who is part of the team? Who decides? • Who are relevant experts?
  4. • What is the decision about? (topic) • What criteria

    do we use to decide? • What options do we have? • Who is part of the team? Who decides? • Who are relevant experts?
  5. • shared standards („common baseline“ & common knowledge) • solve

    everyday problems • distribute knowledge • foster innovation
  6. „… build a fire in the center of the community

    that will draw people to its heat.“