debt. A little debt speeds development so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite... The danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every minute spent on not-quite-right code counts as interest on that debt. Entire engineering organizations can be brought to a stand-still under the debt load of an unconsolidated implementation, object-oriented or otherwise.”" - Ward Cunningham, “The WyCash Portfolio Management System”, OOPSLA 1992" !2
with a technical debt, which is similar to a financial debt. Like a financial debt, the technical debt incurs interest payments, which come in the form of the extra effort that we have to do in future development because of the quick and dirty design choice. We can choose to continue paying the interest, or we can pay down the principal by refactoring the quick and dirty design into the better design. Although it costs to pay down the principal, we gain by reduced interest payments in the future.”" - Martin Fowler " (Source: !3
lost when the current level of technology surpasses that of the foundation of your product to the extent that it begins losing compatibility with the industry. Examples of this would be falling behind in versions of a language to the point where your code is no longer compatible with main stream compilers."" - Scott Wood !4
where at least one of the following applies:" ✤ debt is accumulating faster than it can be cleared" ✤ the time to clear debt would be longer than re-implementing the system from scratch cleanly" ✤ sustainable people power to clear debt is unavailable”" - me, 2010 !5
failing tests. Those are out of date. If you have 87 fail, then you have something to worry about.”" “We have some Selenium tests for the front end. It was the only way to start testing 500K lines of code.” !12
framework, we’ll need to port our local changes.”" “This upgrade will take about six months. Maybe longer.”" “We need to decide whether to use their implementation or ours.” !20
a knitting startup. We don’t know what happened to Phong, he just stopped showing up.”" “Nobody wants to work on the project.”" “Which one of you sent that to dailywtf/Coding Horror?” !25
do to:" ✤ write the missing documentation?" ✤ fix the tests / get decent test coverage?" ✤ make the code less ugly /fragile?" ✤ How long would this take?" ✤ Should we refactor, or just rewrite it? !27
Ugly/fragile modules?" ✤ Process?" ✤ What’s the worst part? (What do you dread?) " ✤ How long would each of these take to fix?" ✤ If it’s as simple as catching up on tests or docs, hire a contractor/intern and just do it" !28
or feature:" ✤ Break into a series of achievable tasks" ✤ Come up with a realistic timeline and resource requirements" ✤ Work on the pieces in isolation or in parallel with other projects" ✤ Staff it seriously" ✤ If working in parallel, account for dependencies !29
started over:" ✤ How long would it take to get to where we are now? Is this less or more time than getting totally out of debt?" ✤ Can we cope with a lack of visible forward progress for that amount of time?" ✤ Still need to fix critical and security bugs on old system" ✤ What makes us think a new system will be any better? !30
components which will get us there faster?" ✤ Common argument is that switching toolset will improve all kinds of things:" ✤ Is it just greener grass?" ✤ Does the team have the skills to pull it off?" ✤ Will a system written by novices look better in 2-3 years?" ✤ Is our potential use of the new tool weird/different/larger scale than existing users? !31
began in 2007 and was launched in 2008 in time for the release of Firefox 3" ✤ Based on TikiWiki 1.10 with (necessary) extensive customizations" ✤ In 2009 we reached the camel point (more on this in a minute) !33
scale:" ✤ replication" ✤ memcache " ✤ tons of profiling, query changes, code rewrites, cutting includes" ✤ rewrote security code to make it faster" ✤ I have an hour long presentation on this but basically we went from serving 8 requests per second per webhead to 300+ !34
4 in the oven)" ✤ Our patches had not made it into trunk, making it hard to upgrade" ✤ Still slow; timeouts on admin and edit pages in particular made localizers sad" ✤ Adding new features made developers sad too" ✤ Our debt had become unmanageable; we needed to find some relief (and not from a late night 1-800 number) !35
changes into trunk, then switch to 4.1" ✤ Fork: Refactor and rewrite the app as needed, heading in a different direction from the Tiki project" ✤ Port: go to a completely different platform !36
working with the Tiki community to get our changes into trunk (being good Open Source citizens)" ✤ All our changes were reviewed (18 months worth of code) to see if they were appropriate for Tiki, and upstreamed" ✤ We reviewed Tiki 4 to see how it had changed !37
decision:" ✤ Many of our local changes were not accepted into trunk, so would have to be maintained locally" ✤ Some of our issues with the code had not changed, and some had become worse" ✤ Many features in the code we didn’t use, and these were expanding rapidly" ✤ Still limited tests !38
process; upgrade initially looked good for the same reason we chose TikiWiki in the first place " ✤ If no upgrade possible, then only one choice remained: rewrite from scratch. " ✤ Developers hugely enthusiastic" ✤ Project begain at the end of Q1 and has now partially launched; SUMO is now running on a hybrid of TikiWiki and Django" ✤ also being rewritten in Django (from CakePHP)" !39
as “write some tests”" ✤ Developer happiness is a critical factor" ✤ Maintaining local changes is always painful" ! ✤ Sometimes your debt is just too big to recover from. You need to declare technical bankruptcy and start over. !40
Wordpress)" ✤ Speed, developer availability" ✤ (CakePHP -> Django)" ✤ Too many local modifications, developer happiness" ✤ Electric company website (perl -> PHP)" ✤ Death march project, needed fresh start !41
faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new platform/framework is better/faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new database is better/faster/doesn’t use SQL”" ! ! ! !45
faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new platform/framework is better/faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new database is better/faster/doesn’t use SQL”" “This new development team is better/more experienced/wear cooler hats”" ! ! !46
faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new platform/framework is better/faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new database is better/faster/doesn’t use SQL”" “This new development team is better/more experienced/wear cooler hats”" “This new project manager is better/certified/always says yes”" ! !47
faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new platform/framework is better/faster/cooler/more maintainable/scales better”" “This new database is better/faster/doesn’t use SQL”" “This new development team is better/more experienced/wear cooler hats”" “This new project manager is better/certified/always says yes”" “Now that we’re agile, we won’t have any problems.”" !48
all these new features we’ve wanted for a long time, and couldn’t build because the old system was so hard to work with.”" “...let’s incorporate these five other systems and just have one system that does everything. It will reduce duplication of effort.”" ! !50
all these new features we’ve wanted for a long time, and couldn’t build because the old system was so hard to work with.”" “...let’s incorporate these five other systems and just have one system that does everything. It will reduce duplication of effort.”" “We won’t need any documentation because FooPlatform is so easy to understand/self-documenting/more maintainable.” !51
Will we tweak the environment to ensure we write docs and tests?" ✤ Will we allow enough time to build the system properly?" ✤ Will we beat scope creep to death every time it appears?" ✤ Simply rewriting or changing platforms won’t solve structural, environmental, or cultural problems (here be dragons) !54