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Mastering Mobile Design: The Secret Sauce Behin...

Leeds Mobile
September 25, 2023

Mastering Mobile Design: The Secret Sauce Behind Delightful Design

By Mike Stead

Join us as we delve into the (not so) secret sauce behind great interaction design, breaking down everyday interactions and the genius behind their intuitive nature. Learn how to power up your apps by seamlessly blending functionality and aesthetics to evoke delight and enhance the way people interact with your mobile apps.

Presented @ Leeds Mobile, September 21st 2023

Full Figma file with animations here: https://www.figma.com/proto/5vDP8IA0sUKu5QEElSQgT4/Secret-Sauce-to-Delightful-Design?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=1-3&viewport=426%2C422%2C0.02&t=bUiBpBKTKaokT2Wx-1&scaling=contain&starting-point-node-id=1%3A3

Leeds Mobile

September 25, 2023

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