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Science enabled by open source tools and commu...

Lindsey Heagy
August 21, 2019

Science enabled by open source tools and communities: Geophysical simulations and inversions

Keynote presentation given at the Pangeo Community Meeting in Seattle: https://pangeo.io/meetings/2019_summer-meeting.html

Lindsey Heagy

August 21, 2019

More Decks by Lindsey Heagy

Other Decks in Science


  1. Science enabled by open source tools and communities: Geophysical simulations

    and inversions Lindsey Heagy, Fernando Pérez, Doug Oldenburg & the SimPEG team Pangeo Meeting August 21, 2019
  2. hello (a bit about me) geophysical inversions open-source software open

    research & education Jupyter, geoscience + data science +
  3. 8

  4. Modular, multi-physics • Gravity • Magnetics • Direct current resistivity

    • Induced Polarization • Electromagnetics ◦ Frequency Domain ◦ Time Domain • Fluid Flow ◦ Richards Equation simpeg/discretize, simpeg/simpeg
  5. integrating heterogeneous data types @thast @sgkang Hydrology: airborne EM +

    wellbore data Joint inversion: gravity, magnetics + petrophysical data
  6. large-scale magnetic vector inversions Satellite data: 2-arc minute EMAG v2

    F [ m ] = b Divide and conquer Global problem F1 F2 FN ... ... Tiled forward Linear algebra, in parallel @fourndo
  7. interdisciplinary collaboration Bridging disciplinary boundaries • software: interactive exploration •

    content: provides context • platform: lowers the barrier to entry 19
  8. Jupyter meets the Earth: we got an NSF grant! •

    CMIP6 Climate data analysis • Large scale hydrological modelling • Geophysical simulations and inversions • Data discovery through JupyterLab • Interactivity: Widgets & Dashboards • JupyterHub: Using and managing shared computational infrastructure Fernando Perez Joe Hamman Laurel Larsen Kevin Paul Lindsey Heagy Chris Holdgraf Yuvi Panda Research use-cases Tech developments