if the file after formatting has the same AST. If the ASTs are not equivalent, it is a bug in the code formatter. This option is recommended if you are automatically formatting files. — https:/ /hexdocs.pm/mix/1.6.1/ Mix.Tasks.Format.html
• Elixir's internal representation of code • Elixir parses code into AST before executing your program • Same AST means that code behavior is also same Code ! -> AST " -> ... -> Execute #
but [line: X] is indifferent ! • But this is metadata so it does not affect behavior " # diff + [do: {:def, [line: 2], [{:coooolest, [line: 2], nil}, [do: "one-liner"]]}] - [do: {:def, [line: 1], [{:coooolest, [line: 1], nil}, [do: "one-liner"]]}]