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The programmer's brain - By Felienne Hermans

January 21, 2022

The programmer's brain - By Felienne Hermans


January 21, 2022

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  1. Agenda What's the idea: Go over the following sections: 1.

    The memory 2. Reading code 3. Writing code 4. Naming
  2. Memory classification - Working memory - Short term memory -

    Long term memory * The magical number seven minus or plus two
  3. Cognitive refactoring - Grab a piece of code - Place

    that where you need - Remove that afterwards
  4. Code - Reading texts and reading code are strongly related

    - Same parts of the brain are active - The first is that research shows we as programmers spend more time on reading code than writing
  5. Code - Reading texts and reading code are strongly related

    - Same parts of the brain are active - The first is that research shows we as programmers spend more time on reading code than writing it * lack of practicing on reading code
  6. Naming - Names make up a large part of the

    code base - Names play a role in code reviews - Names are the most accessible form of documentation - Names can serve as beacons
  7. Naming - Names make up a large part of the

    code base - Names play a role in code reviews - Names are the most accessible form of documentation - Names can serve as beacons * Linking chuks
  8. Naming she refers a research that points to 19% increase

    on finding defects for code that does is not abbreviated.
  9. Writing - an interrupted task takes longer to finish compared

    to a uninterrupted on, this is what research points to.
  10. Writing - TODO's in code remain unresolved for long time

    - People cannot multitask - static-types systems outperform dynamic ones in terms of time and accuracy finding bugs