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Dead-Simple Dependency Injection in Scala

March 27, 2012

Dead-Simple Dependency Injection in Scala


March 27, 2012


  1. About Rúnar Senior Software Engineer, Capital IQ, Boston Contributor to

    Scalaz Author, Functional Programming in Scala (Manning, 2012) http://manning.com/bjarnason Monday, March 19, 12
  2. def setUserPwd(id: String, pwd: String) = { Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC") val c

    = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite::memory:") val stmt = c.prepareStatement( "update users set pwd = ? where id = ?") stmt.setString(1, pwd) stmt.setString(2, id) stmt.executeUpdate c.commit c.close } Monday, March 19, 12
  3. def setUserPwd(id: String, pwd: String) = { val c =

    ConnectionFactory.getConnection val stmt = c.prepareStatement( "update users set pwd = ? where id = ?") stmt.setString(1, pwd) stmt.setString(2, id) stmt.executeUpdate stmt.close } Monday, March 19, 12
  4. A global Connection factory? Bad idea. Hidden dependency. Requires magic

    initialization step. Not much better than a pointy stick in the eye. Same goes for thread-local connections. Monday, March 19, 12
  5. Inversion of Control def setUserPwd(id: String, pwd: String, c: Connection)

    = { val stmt = c.prepareStatement( "update users set pwd = ? where id = ?") stmt.setString(1, pwd) stmt.setString(2, id) stmt.executeUpdate stmt.close } Monday, March 19, 12
  6. Before Currying def setUserPwd(id: String, pwd: String, c: Connection) =

    { val stmt = c.prepareStatement( "update users set pwd = ? where id = ?") stmt.setString(1, pwd) stmt.setString(2, id) stmt.executeUpdate stmt.close } Monday, March 19, 12
  7. After Currying def setUserPwd(id: String, pwd: String): Connection => Unit

    = c => { val stmt = c.prepareStatement( "update users set pwd = ? where id = ?") stmt.setString(1, pwd) stmt.setString(2, id) stmt.executeUpdate stmt.close } Monday, March 19, 12
  8. Connection Reader case class DB[A](g: Connection => A) { def

    apply(c: Connection) = g(c) } Monday, March 19, 12
  9. Lift existing functions case class DB[A](g: Connection => A) {

    def apply(c: Connection) = g(c) def map[B](f: A => B): DB[B] = DB(c => f(g(c))) } // map : (A => B) => (DB[A] => DB[B]) Monday, March 19, 12
  10. Combine two actions case class DB[A](g: Connection => A) {

    def apply(c: Connection) = g(c) def map[B](f: A => B): DB[B] = DB(c => f(g(c))) def flatMap[B](f: A => DB[B]): DB[B] = DB(c => f(g(c))(c)) } // flatMap : (A => DB[B]) => (DB[A] => DB[B]) Monday, March 19, 12
  11. Connection Reader Monad case class DB[A](g: Connection => A) {

    def apply(c: Connection) = g(c) def map[B](f: A => B): DB[B] = DB(c => f(g(c))) def flatMap[B](f: A => DB[B]): DB[B] = DB(c => f(g(c))(c)) } def pure[A](a: A): DB[A] = DB(c => a) Monday, March 19, 12
  12. Monad comprehension def changePwd(userid: String, oldPwd: String, newPwd: String): DB[Boolean]

    = for { pwd <- getUserPwd(userid) eq <- if (pwd == oldPwd) for { _ <- setUserPwd(userid, newPwd) } yield true else pure(false) } yield eq Monday, March 19, 12
  13. DB interpreter abstract class ConnProvider { def apply[A](f: DB[A]): A

    } def mkProvider(driver: String, url: String) = new ConnProvider { def apply[A](f: DB[A]): A = { Class.forName(driver) val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url) try { f(conn) } finally { conn.close } } } Monday, March 19, 12
  14. Concrete instances lazy val sqliteTestDB = mkProvider("org.sqlite.JDBC", "jdbc:sqlite::memory:") lazy val

    mysqlProdDB = mkProvider( "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver", "jdbc:mysql://prod:3306/?user=one&password=two") Monday, March 19, 12
  15. Needs a ConnProvider def myProgram(userid: String): ConnProvider => Unit =

    r => { println("Enter old password") val oldPwd = readLine println("Enter new password") val newPwd = readLine r(changePwd(userid, oldPwd, newPwd)) } Monday, March 19, 12
  16. “Injection” def runInTest[A](f: ConnProvider => A): A = f(sqliteTestDB) def

    runInProduction[A](f: ConnProvider => A): A = f(mysqlProdDB) def main(args: Array[String]) = runInTest(myProgram(args(0))) Monday, March 19, 12
  17. Dependency injection framework: case class Reader[C, A](g: C => A)

    { def apply(c: C) = g(c) def map[B](f: A => B): Reader[C, B] = Reader(c => f(g(c))) def flatMap[B](f: A => Reader[C, B]): Reader[C, B] = Reader(c => f(g(c))(c)) } def pure[A](a: A): C => A = Reader(c => a) implicit def reader[A,B](f: A => B) = Reader(f) Monday, March 19, 12
  18. Reader monad FTW • Dead-simple. Just function composition. • Explicit,

    type-safe dependencies. • Lift any function. • No frameworks, annotations, or XML. • No initialization step. • Doesn’t rely on esoteric language features. Monday, March 19, 12
  19. Reader monad FTL • Combining with other monads can get

    verbose (see scalaz.Kleisli). • Juggling multiple configurations at once can be awkward. • Monadic style • No “auto-wiring” (implicits compensate). Monday, March 19, 12
  20. Taking it further trait KeyValueStore { def put(key: String, value:

    String): Unit def get(key: String): String def delete(key: String): Unit } def modify(k: String, f: String => String): Reader[KeyValueStore, Unit] = for { v <- _.get(k) _ <- _.put(k, f(v)) } yield () Monday, March 19, 12
  21. A little language sealed trait KVS[A] case class Put[A](key: String,

    value: String, a: A) extends KVS[A] case class Get[A](key: String, h: String => A) extends KVS[A] case class Delete[A](key: String, a: A) extends KVS[A] Monday, March 19, 12
  22. A little language def modify(k: String, f: String => String)

    = Get(k, v => Put(f(v), ())) Monday, March 19, 12
  23. A little language def modify(k: String, f: String => String):

    KVS[KVS[Unit]] = Get(k, v => Put(f(v), ())) Monday, March 19, 12
  24. Free monads! (see? told you) case class Done[F[_]:Functor, A](a: A)

    extends Free[F, A] case class More[F[_]:Functor, A](k: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[F, A] class Free[F[_], A](implicit F: Functor[F]) { def flatMap[B](f: A => Free[F,B]): Free[F, B] = this match { case Done(a) => f(a) case More(k) => More(F.map(k)(_ flatMap f)) } def map[B](f: A => B): Free[F, B] = flatMap(x => Done(f(x))) } Monday, March 19, 12
  25. Functor trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A,B](a: F[A])(f: A => B):

    F[B] } implicit val kvsFunctor: Functor[KVS] = new Functor[KVS] { def map[A,B](a: KVS[A])(f: A => B) = a match { case Put(k, v, a) => Put(k, v, f(a)) case Get(k, h) => Get(k, x => f(h(x))) case Delete(k, a) => Delete(k, f(a)) } } Monday, March 19, 12
  26. def put(k: String, v: String): Free[KVS, Unit] = More(Put(k, v,

    Done(()))) def get(k: String): Free[KVS, String] = More(Get(k, v => Done(v))) def delete(k: String): Free[KVS, Unit] = More(Delete(k, Done(()))) def modify(k: String, f: String => String): Free[KVS, Unit] = for { v <- get(k) _ <- put(k, f(v)) } yield () KVS monad Monday, March 19, 12
  27. KVS interpreter def runKVS[A](kvs: Free[KVS, A], table: Map[String, String]): Map[String,

    String] = kvs match { case More(Put(k, v, a)) => runKVS(a, table + (k -> v)) case More(Get(k, f)) => runKVS(f(table(k)), table) case More(Delete(k, a)) => runKVS(a, table - k) case Done(a) => table } Monday, March 19, 12
  28. Conclusions • Scala is not Java • Don’t let habits

    from old languages dictate designs in new languages. Monday, March 19, 12
  29. Conclusions Old and busted => New hotness Frameworks, factories, magic

    initialization => functions from inputs to outputs Dependency injection => Little languages Many implementations of an interface => Many interpreters of a language Monday, March 19, 12