呼ばれる⾏動指針を設けています。 ※「グローバル」「クロスボーダー」という強い意思とメッセージを込めるため、英語で表現を統⼀しています。 「相⼿がどう思うかで世界は動いている」 We act and think based on our customers' expectations and needs. Our business is dedicated to providing and adding values for our customers. GO BEYOND 「望む変化も、望まない変化も楽しもう」 We go beyond our roles and positions to take actions that we know will help the business as a whole. We are always proactively interacting and helping each other. APPRECIATION AND RESPECT 「感謝と敬意がない関係には魅⼒を感じない」 We respect diversity and communicate appreciation to the team, and show it with words and acting. COMMIT TO RESULTS 「会社とお客様との約束」 When we commit to something, we will go the distance. No matter what the difficulty is we think about why we can do it, not why we cannot, and stick to delivering the results. DO THE RIGHT THING 「『道』の真ん中を歩いていけることをやる」 We always act with integrity and honesty to the society. We take pride in doing the right things.