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Patterns for Collaborative Software Development...

Patterns for Collaborative Software Development in a Social World at JavaOne 2015

Modern Java software development is an endeavor that requires creativity, science, math, artistry, communication, strategy, and collaboration with colleagues across the globe. The sheer combinatorics of those requirements can seem overwhelming at times. The solution, just as we've done with design patterns for the code and architecture, is the establishment and use of patterns for human and machine communication.

Recommended reading and references:
- http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2014/05/marc_andreessen.html
- http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424053111903480904576512250915629460
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/the-wisdom-crowds-james-surowiecki-ebook/B000AFAT92/B000FCKC3I
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/here-comes-everybody-organizing-organizations-ebook/B00149JVSI/B0013TTKQC
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/the-future-management-gary-hamel-ebook/B000SYRSBW/B004OC07OE
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/lean-enterprise-performance-organizations-innovate-ebook/B00DYALZDE/B00QL5MSF8
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/supercooperators-altruism-evolution-other-succeed-ebook/B003UYD2FS/B003UV8TC2
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/the-silo-effect-expertise-breaking-ebook/B00UFJA0WY/B00UDCNMXM
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/creativity-inc-overcoming-unseen-inspiration-ebook/B00DFNC2FA/B00FUZQYBO
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/design-thinking-integrating-innovation-experience-ebook/B002H001YG/B0038OOTBQ
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/thinking-systems-donella-h-meadows-ebook/B001FEELKU/B001OC6NS6
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/the-new-kingmakers-stephen-ogrady-ebook/B00BVEEXX4/B0097E4MEU
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/predictably-irrational-revised-expanded-edition-ebook/B000SJVG56/B002C949KE
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/team-genius-science-high-performing-organizations-ebook/B00OGJNXAK/B00OG8AXKO
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/the-myths-innovation-scott-berkun-ebook/B0018LIUS4/B0026OR2PE
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/multipliers-best-leaders-everyone-smarter-ebook/B00369LV32/B003M69A4Q
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/the-accidental-creative-brilliant-moments-ebook/B004IRQTQ0/B004IYJDY8
- https://kindle.amazon.com/work/collaborative-intelligence-thinking-people-differently-ebook/B00N6PTIE0/B00N6PEVD8
- https://prezi.com/ks85jqrv6zfs/quality-experience-infodeck/
- https://github.com/trending?l=java&since=monthly
- http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-10/06/cognitive-training-people-experts
- http://breakingsmart.com/season-1/the-serendipity-of-streams/

Matthew McCullough

October 29, 2015

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    3 ] / 3 ] – 1
  5. “Our job is to find a
 few intelligent things to

 not to keep up with every damn thing in the world.” –Charlie Munger, Partner at Bershire Hathaway
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    Only when you act, when you implement,
 do you truly innovate. –Tom Kelley, Jonathan Littman: The Ten Faces of Innovation
  7. “Inspiration Is for Amateurs The Rest of Us Just Show

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    signal triggered the rare use of error-recovery software which
 lacked a hyphen in an equation, causing miscalculation or truncation of the remainder of the equation,
 which then pointed the rocket downward.” –Postmortem of Mariner I mission
  9. “…when the amount of information available to people increases much

    faster than our techniques for processing it, then we can get ourselves in a lot of trouble.” –Nate Silver, author of The Signal and the Noise
  10. “most of your computer science career will be single data

    source, single CPU, single threaded processing. Don’t worry about chapter 7.” –my most incorrect university professor, ever
  11. “Running a fundamentally different approach to decision-making, being much more

    transparent in the way a company communicates, and… having a CEO that is absolutely focused on innovation is something that any company can do.” –JONATHAN ROSENBERG, Former SVP of Products at Google
  12. “We… take the presentations that were given to the board

    of directors, and we show them to every employee in the company in order to promote communication. And we have a huge disclaimer about, it’s private information… We’ve never had a leak.” –Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman, Google
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  16. “Innovation is now recognized as
 the single most important ingredient

    in any modern economy.” –The Economist, Thanksgiving for innovation
  17. no