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Cloud night at the SingaSUG (Singapore Spring U...

Cloud night at the SingaSUG (Singapore Spring User Group)

Michael Isvy

March 06, 2014

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  1. Cloud  night   •  Uli  Hitzel  –  Intro  to  the

     Cloud     and  OpenStack   •  Lawrence  Crowther  –  Cloud  Foundry  
  2. Agenda OpenStack What is it? | Why is it important?

    | Who is using it? | For what? Cloud Computing Cloud in 2014 | Service Levels | Developers as the consumer
  3. About Uli • Senior Architect at • previously working as

    software developer, engineer, project manager and consultant for companies including
  4. What’s OpenStack • Cloud Infrastructure Software • Global open source

    community, founded by Rackspace & NASA • Collaboration between technology vendors including Red Hat, IBM, Cisco and many others
  5. Traditional Workloads vs Cloud Workloads Virtualized & Shared & Standardized

    Resources Scalability & Elasticity Automated Service Management Traditional Cloud Dedicated Resources for each workload
  6. Architect Applications for the Cloud 1. Virtualize the Application Stack

    2. Componentize, decouple & design all components as a 'black box' 3. Design for Scalability
  7. The Developer as the Cloud Consumer “I want to develop

    my application” “I manage servers, storage and networks” Developer IT Administrator
  8. Design for Scalability Traditional way • add more RAM •

    use faster servers • expensive ‘micro-optimization’ • complex caching • faster hard disks Cloud Applications • minimize mutable state • create asynchronous services • alternative data stores • automate deployment
  9. Design for Failure "Everything fails, all the time“ Werner Vogels,

    CTO Amazon.com • find single point of failures • evaluate scenarios. What levels of risk is acceptable? • failure tolerance
  10. Minimize Mutable State Variables shared across application • Multiple servers

    and processes trying to update the same variables at the same time result in deadlocks, time-outs, and failed transactions • minimize or eliminate those in webservers, application and the database • specific considerations for filesystems, applications and datastores • look at cluster filesystems, object stores, NoSQL / CouchDB, MongoDB – asynchronous ‘fire & forget’ updates
  11. Components & Asynchronous Services • Offload work from main application

    servers – Web 2.0 • Break tasks into separate services, run by different components • Scale independently • Use message queues for guaranteed delivery
  12. Key Takeaways 1. OpenStack deals with Cloud Infrastructure 2. As

    a developer, your friends are platform services 3. Design Applications for the cloud - scalability & anticipate failure
  13. 1 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. 1 ©

    Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Cloud Foundry The platform for building great software Lawrence Crowther – Field Engineering Manager
  14. 2 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Agenda • 

    PaaS Definition •  The old way to develop software •  The new way to develop software •  Why do developers love Pivotal CF? •  Why do operators love Pivotal CF? •  Demo •  Q&A
  15. 3 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Know your

    aaS from your elbow! PaaS defnition: Platform as a service (PaaS) is the delivery of a computing platform and solution stack as a service. PaaS offerings facilitate deployment of applications without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software and provisioning hosting capabilities
  16. 6 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Issues with

    the old way •  How do you size this environment correctly? •  How do you scale and add capacity when required? Start the whole process again? •  How do you synchronize updates to the code, database, middleware and network simultaneously? •  How do you do continuous delivery? •  Slow GTM 6-12 months •  Brittle software with hard coded dependencies. •  Hard to move code/config from DEV->UAT->PROD
  17. 7 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. The new

    way target push bind scale Marketplace Business and Customers DevOps
  18. 8 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Build for

    Agile Teams     provision  <my  cloud>      target  <my  cloud>      push  <my  app>      bind  <my  services>      scale  <my  app>  +100   upgrade/scale  <my  cloud>      
  19. 9 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Benefits of

    the new way •  Developers don’t have to worry about the “plumbing” •  Less dependencies in the code so applications can be moved between DEV, UAT and PROD much easier OR to other clouds •  Frequent updates means business and customers happier •  PaaS is easier to manage from an operations perspective (single distributed system rather than a collection of separate components) •  Feedback loop is quicker, code, deploy, test, fix, deploy etc.. •  Easy to scale horizontally both from an application and data point of view •  Continuous Delivery is a reality •  Allows tighter governance and policy
  20. 10 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Deploy and

    scale applications in seconds on your choice of clouds The industry’s open platform as a service Productivity, Scalability, Extensibility, Openness
  21. 12 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Broad Technology

    Ecosystem Instances & Multi-Cloud Providers Polyglot Frameworks and Services Add-On Marketplace And Partnerships
  22. 15 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Open Source

    Micro   Clouds   Private   Clouds   Public   Clouds   CUSTOM SERVICES What does “Open” PaaS mean? Choice! CUSTOM RUNTIMES
  23. 24 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Cloud Foundry

    Architecture Cloud  Controller   Dynamic  Router   UAA/Login  Servers   Health  Manager   DEA  Pool(s)   Service  Broker  Node(s)   User  Provided   Service  Instances   Messaging  (NATS)   Apps   Cloud  Foundry  BOSH   Build  Packs   Logging   Apps Infrastructure PaaS
  24. 25 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. Demo 1. 

    Spring Cloud in action •  Deploy Spring app to CF and bind to MySQL •  Deploy Spring app to CF and bind to PostgreSQL 2.  Zero downtime and continuous delivery 3.  Scale app from both an application and infrastructure POV
  25. 26 © Copyright 2013 Pivotal. All rights reserved. How to

    get started 1.  Open Source - https://github.com/cloudfoundry 2.  Community - http://cloudfoundry.org/ 3.  Pivotal Web Services – http://run.pivotal.io 4.  Pivotal CF - www.gopivotal.com/paas 5.  Spring Cloud - https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-cloud 6.  Spring Music Demo - https://github.com/cloudfoundry-samples/spring-music