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DACHFest App: From Idea to Appstore and Play St...

DACHFest App: From Idea to Appstore and Play Store in One Day

Miguel Beltran

December 04, 2018

More Decks by Miguel Beltran

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  1. DACHFest App From Idea to Appstore and Play Store in

    One Day Lara Martín @Lariki Miquel Beltran @Miqubel
  2. Decisions and Trade-Offs No Architecture Pattern (?) Data / Domain

    / Presentation Work Split UI — Lara JSON Parsing — Miquel
  3. JSON Parsing 1. Downloaded the Firestore JSON from DACHFest GitHub

    2. Implement parser doing TDD - Faster than running app! 3. Network update: Download the JSON from GitHub
  4. UI Implementation BottomNavigationBar Day 1 Day 2 Info Each day

    had 3 tabs Track One Track Two Workshops
  5. Google Play Same evening was available! Pain to register a

    new app Only 25 EUR once Pain to create app icon flutter_launcher_icons
  6. App Store Provisioning Profiles (?) Certificates (?) 100 EUR /

    Year! Submission -> Review -> Publish 3 DAYS!
  7. The App Helped! WiFi was not fully working in some

    areas Both iOS and Android 80+ down. during event Open Source: https://github.com/KawaiiTech/dachfest-flutter-app Thank You Flutter!