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Flutter, DACHFest & Berlin

Flutter, DACHFest & Berlin

Presentation given at the Flutter Study Jam in Taipei, Taiwan.

Miguel Beltran

December 13, 2018

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  1. Flutter, DACHFest & Berlin Flutter as an Android Developer DACHFest

    App: Made in one day Flutter and Berlin Lara Martín @Lariki Miquel Beltran @Miqubel
  2. About Us Lara Martín Android Developer Associate Android Dev. Certification

    Udacity Android Dev. Nanodegree Miquel Beltran Freelance Mobile Developer 10+ years of experience
  3. What’s Mind Blowing About Flutter Fast Hot Reload 60 fps

    Easy to Learn Easier than native Android Everything is a Widget Looks Good Material UI better than Android Easy to customise UI Nice to Code Easy to write tests Dart is easy to use
  4. What’s Mind Blowing About Flutter Fast Hot Reload 60 fps

    Easy to Learn Easier than native Android Everything is a Widget Looks Good Material UI better than Android Easy to customise UI Nice to Code Easy to write tests Dart is easy to use
  5. Decisions and Trade-Offs No Architecture Pattern (?) Data / Domain

    / Presentation Work Split UI — Lara JSON Parsing — Miquel
  6. UI Implementation BottomNavigationBar Day 1 Day 2 Info Each day

    had 3 tabs Track One Track Two Workshops
  7. Google Play Same evening was available! Pain to register a

    new app Only 25 USD once Pain to create app icon flutter_launcher_icons
  8. App Store Provisioning Profiles (?) Certificates (?) 100 USD /

    Year! Submission -> Review -> Publish 3 DAYS!
  9. The App Helped! WiFi was not fully working in some

    areas Both iOS and Android 80+ down. during event Open Source: https://github.com/KawaiiTech/dachfest-flutter-app Thank You Flutter!
  10. Berlin, Berlin 3.5+ Million People 1/6 resident has a foreign

    passport Work in English? OK! Blue Card: OK with CS Degree or Exp.
  11. Our Community Flutter Berlin Newly created, 250 members Monthly Events

    Women Techmakers Berlin Founded in 2015, +3000 members 80+ events in 2018 Flutter Study Jam Android Developers (Berlindroid) Founded in 2008, 1700 members Monthly Events
  12. Our Flutter Study Jam 6 Weeks, one session of 2

    hours Two presenters sit with a computer and live coded together Built a TODO App: https://github.com/FlutterStudyJam-Berlin/todo_app Topics: Stateless Widgets, Stateful Widgets, Material Design, Navigation and Networking (like Udacity’s course)