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April 16, 2021


DevOpsDays Tokyo 2021で登壇した資料です。

This slide was provided on DevOpsDays Tokyo 2021.
1 Year's real story of a QA team which fought in Scrum@Scale company, and some precepts.

Written in both English and Japanese


April 16, 2021

More Decks by mkwrd

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  1. Masanori Kawarada QA Brain in GLOBIS Agile TestingɿΞδϟΠϧςεςΟϯά 2021-04-16 15:00

    - 15:45 @mkwrd ಠཱQAνʔϜ εΫϥϜͷ֎͔Β νʔϜͱ૊৫ͷ඼࣭Λ૑Δಓ An Independent QA Team’s 1 Year’s War Way to Create Quality of the Teams and the Organization from the Outside of Scrum 1೥ઓه Design Inspired by Eesti Vabariik, the Country of Andrei Solntsev.
  2. Տݪా੓యʢϚʔΫɾ΢Υʔυʣ Masanori Kawarada (Mark Ward) 2"஌ܙାʢϒϨΠϯʣ QA Brain / Evangelist

    ΤϯδχΞྺ೥ 9 Years Exp. as an Engineer @mkwrd ւ֎ΧϯϑΝϨϯεϑϦʔΫ International Conference Freak ొஃऀ঺հ Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 גࣜձࣾάϩʔϏεʢڭҭࣄۀʣ Working for Living in this flat w/o bathroom
  3. @mkwrd ݱ࣮Yݹ͍ύϥμΠϜ Reality * Old Paradigm ཧ࿦Y৽͍͠ύϥμΠϜ Theory * New

    Paradigm ཧ࿦Yݹ͍ύϥμΠϜ Theory * Old Paradigm ݱ࣮Y৽͍͠ύϥμΠϜ Reality * New Paradigm ߨԋͷ4৅ݶ Quadrant of Presentations
  4. εΫϥϜ࣮ફऀ Scrum Practitioner @mkwrd ͜ͷεϥΠυ In this slide, ςελʔ Tester

    ʹ޲͚ͯ࡞ͬͨ΋ͷͰ͢ɻ I assume that will be the audience. ͓Αͼ and ͸ɺ
  5. @mkwrd γΣΠΫεϐΞ W. Shakespeare ͜ͷ··Ͱ͍͍ͷ͔ɺ ʰϋϜϨοτʱ খాౡ༤ࢤʦ༁ʧനਫࣾ “Hamlet” ͦΕ͕໰୊ͩɻ question.

    or not to be, To be that is the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare ͍͚ͳ͍ͷ͔ɺ
  6. ೖΒͳ͍ͷ͔ɺ εΫϥϜʹೖΔͷ͔ɺ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare @mkwrd Issue To Be Discussed in Scrum

    ςελʔͷ Tester’s question. or not to be, To be that is the ςελʔ Tester ? ։ൃऀ Developers εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team ͦΕ͕ ໰୊ͩɻ ΅͘Β͕ߟ͑Δ໰͍
  7. ։ൃऀ εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team

    ςελʔ Tester ςε λ ʔ ͕ ײ ͡ ͯ ͍ Δ ͜ ͱ W hat Tester Feels @mkwrd Developers
  8. ςελʔ Tester εΫϥϜνʔϜͷҰମײ͕࡞Δݟ͑ͳ͍น Invisible Wall of Scrum Team Unity 💦

    ෑډͷߴ͞ Feeling Hard to Work with @mkwrd ແݶʹݟ͔ͭΔ ෆ۩߹ɾҧ࿨ײ Infinitive Bugs and Incongruity ։ൃऀ εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team Developers
  9. ςελʔ Tester ε Ϋ ϥϜ ν ʔϜ ͕ ײ ͡

    ͯ ͍ Δ ͜ ͱ W hat Scrum Team Feels @mkwrd ։ൃऀ εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team Developers
  10. ։ൃऀ εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team

    ςελʔ Tester ൥ࡶͳίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ Complicated Communication ࣌ؒͷϩε Loss of Time ͯ͞͠ॏཁͳΘ͚Ͱ΋ͳ͍ෆ۩߹ใࠂͷཛྷ Massive Number of Trivial Bug Reports 😡 @mkwrd 😡 😡 Developers
  11. ։ൃऀ εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team

    ςελʔ Tester 💦 @mkwrd Ͳ͏΍ͬͯղܾ͠·͠ΐ͏ʁ How to Solve the Problem? 😡 😡 😡 Developers
  12. ςελʔ QAνʔϜ QA Team @mkwrd ։ൃऀ Developers εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master

    ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team ςελʔ Tester ಠཱͨ͠2"νʔϜ Independent QA Team
  13. @mkwrd Testers Join Scrum Team as Developers. ςελʔ͕։ൃऀͱͯ͠ εΫϥϜνʔϜʹࢀՃ͢Δ ίϛϡχέʔ

    γϣϯϩεΛ ࠷খʹͰ͖Δ εΫϥϜͰ͸ δΣωϥϦετͷಇ͖͕ ٻΊΒΕΔ Minimized Communication Loss Obligation to Work as Generalist in Scrum, Not Specialist ϝϦοτ Pros. σϝϦοτ Cons. ʢҰྫͰ͢ʣ (An Example) 1
  14. ίϛϡχέʔγϣϯϩε͕ େ͖͘ͳΔ தɾ௕ظͷ ඼࣭޲্ʹ ߩݙ͠΍͍͢ @mkwrd An Independent QA Team

    Supports Scrum. ಠཱͨ͠2"νʔϜ͕ εΫϥϜνʔϜΛࢧԉ͢Δ Contribution to The Quality Improvement in The Long Run Bigger Communication Loss 2 ϝϦοτ Pros. σϝϦοτ Cons. ʢҰྫͰ͢ʣ (An Example)
  15. @mkwrd ೥૑ۀͷڭҭࣄۀձࣾ Educational Company since 1992 Developing Web/Mobile App, LMS,

    etc. ೥ʹ։ൃ෦໳ઃཱɺ4DSVN!4DBMF 8FCɾϞόΠϧΞϓϦ΍-.4ͳͲΛ։ൃ Dev. Dept. since 2016, Scrum@Scale 2"νʔϜ QA Team ೥݄ɺ໊ͰνʔϜཱ֬ɿগ਺ਫ਼ӶͷʮϏδϣφϦʔɾ2"ʯ Started with 4 testers in Jan. 2020: Elite Corps as “Visionary QA”
  16. @mkwrd Can’t assign Testers to each Scrum Team due to

    shortage ͦ΋ͦ΋ਓ਺͕ গͳ͘ɺ෺ཧతʹ શεΫϥϜνʔϜʹ ΞαΠϯͰ͖ͳ͍ 1
  17. ςελʔ @mkwrd ςελʔ Tester QAνʔϜ QA Team ։ൃऀ Developers εΫϥϜϚελʔ

    Scrum Master ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team
  18. Would like to make the QA team who contributes quality

    from not only testing but all aspects 2 Can’t assign Testers to each Scrum Team due to shortage @mkwrd ͦ΋ͦ΋ਓ਺͕ গͳ͘ɺ෺ཧతʹ શεΫϥϜνʔϜʹ ΞαΠϯͰ͖ͳ͍ ςετ͚ͩͰͳ͘ ͋ΒΏΔଆ໘͔Β ඼࣭ʹߩݙ͢Δ2" νʔϜʹͳΓ͍ͨ 1
  19. ςετ Test ඼࣭޲্΁ͷ औΓ૊Έ Efforts to Improve Quality ςετʹͱΒΘΕͣ ඼࣭ʹूத͠Α͏

    ⾣ @mkwrd https://testcon.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Joel-Montvelisky-TestCon-Europe-2020-Focus-on-Quality-Not-Testing.pdf
  20. @mkwrd ͦ΋ͦ΋ਓ਺͕ গͳ͘ɺ෺ཧతʹ શεΫϥϜνʔϜʹ ΞαΠϯͰ͖ͳ͍ 1 ςετ͚ͩͰͳ͘ ͋ΒΏΔଆ໘͔Β ඼࣭ʹߩݙ͢Δ2" νʔϜʹͳΓ͍ͨ

    2 Would like to create “QA team free” organization, ultimately! 2"νʔϜෆཁͷ ૊৫ʹ࢓্͍͛ͨ 3 Would like to make the QA team who contributes quality from not only testing but all aspects Can’t assign Testers to each Scrum Team due to shortage
  21. Changing Billing System Platform ՝ۚ1'੾ସ 1 ՝ۚP/F [B] New Billing

    System Platform ޿ൣͳϦάϨογϣϯςετ Extensive Regression Testing ՝ۚP/F [A] Old Billing System Platform طଘސ٬ Existing Customer ৽نސ٬ New Customer @mkwrd ։ൃऀ͕࡞ͬͨςετέʔε Test Case provided by Dev. ςελʔ͕࡞ͬͨςετνϟʔλʔ Test Charter provided by Tester ܗࣜతςετ Formal Testing ୳ࡧతςετ Exploratory Testing
  22. Changing Billing System Platform ՝ۚ1'੾ସ 1 @mkwrd ։ൃऀ͕࡞ͬͨςετέʔε Test Case

    provided by Dev. ςελʔ͕࡞ͬͨςετνϟʔλʔ Test Charter provided by Tester ܗࣜతςετ Formal Testing ୳ࡧతςετ Exploratory Testing LEARNING DESIGN EXECUTION ෆ۩߹ͷ܏޲ Tendency of Defects Finding Many Bugs in Short Term & Reporting Selected Ones ୹࣌ؒͰଟ͘ͷෆ۩߹Λݕग़͠ɺݫબͯ͠ใࠂ ςελʔͷ࢓ࣄΛՃ଎ To Accelerate Tester’s Work
  23. @mkwrd Data Table Renewal σʔλ ςʔϒϧߋվ 2 ϦϦʔε͸1ϲ݄ޙ Only 1

    Month until Release ޿ൣͳϦάϨογϣϯςετ Extensive Regression Testing Dev SM PO Scrum QA Team Tester Shared Idea, “Testing Enough to Get a Peace of Mind” ʮ҆৺ײΛಘΒΕΔ·Ͱͷςετʯͷڞ௨ೝࣝ @mkwrd Close Communi- cation ີ઀ͳ ίϛϡχ έʔγϣϯ
  24. Major Update of iOS App J04ΞϓϦ େܕΞοϓ σʔτ 3 ৽ΞϓϦ΁ͷߋ৽

    App Renewal Phase. 1 @mkwrd Apple՝ۚ΁ͷରԠ In-App Billing Purchase Phase. 2
  25. Apple՝ۚ΁ͷରԠ In-App Billing Purchase Phase. 2 Apple՝ۚ΁ͷରԠ In-App Billing Purchase

    Phase. 2 Major Update of iOS App J04ΞϓϦ େܕΞοϓ σʔτ 3 ୳ࡧతςετ Exploratory Testing Ensuring Transparency & Building a Peace of Mind ಁ໌ੑͷ୲อͱ҆৺ײͷৢ੒ @mkwrd ৽ΞϓϦ΁ͷߋ৽ App Renewal Phase. 1
  26. Major Update of iOS App J04ΞϓϦ େܕΞοϓ σʔτ 3 Problems

    to Be Resolved vs Scrum-QA Connected Team ղܾ͢΂͖՝୊ vs εΫϥϜνʔϜ & QAνʔϜ @mkwrd Dev SM PO Scrum QA Team Tester SANDBOX ࢓༷ॻʹແ͍ڍಈ ͔͠΋ͨ͘͞Μ Many Behaviors Undefined in the Specification Apple՝ۚ΁ͷରԠ In-App Billing Purchase Phase. 2
  27. Contribution to Scrum@Scale 4DSVN!4DBMF ΁ͷߩݙ 4 @mkwrd https://scrumatscale.scruminc.com/scrum-at-scale-guide/ Scrum Master’s

    Cycle ڞ௨ͷDoD੍ఆΛϦʔυ ඼࣭ͷٕज़৘ใఏڙ Defining Common “Definition of Done” Providing Quality Knowledge
  28. Contribution to Scrum@Scale 4DSVN!4DBMF ΁ͷߩݙ 4 @mkwrd https://scrumatscale.scruminc.com/scrum-at-scale-guide/ Product Owner’s

    Cycle ϢʔβʔετʔϦʔɺಛʹ डೖ৚݅΁ͷΞϓϩʔν Approaching to User Stories Refinement, especially Acceptance Criteria
  29. Changing Billing System Platform ՝ۚ1'੾ସ 1 Data Table Renewal σʔλ

    ςʔϒϧߋվ 2 Major Update of iOS App J04ΞϓϦ େܕΞοϓ σʔτ 3 @mkwrd Contribution to Scrum@Scale  4DSVN!4DBMF ΁ͷߩݙ 4
  30. @mkwrd 2"νʔϜ͸ɺεΫϥϜνʔϜ͕ࣗ෼ͨͪͰ ੒Ռ෺ΛςετͰ͖ΔΑ͏ࢧԉ͢Δ QA Team will support Scrum Teams to

    test artifacts on their own. ඼࣭ʹର͢ΔʮνʔϜશମΞϓϩʔνʯ “The Whole Team Approach” to Quality
  31. ϞμϯςεςΟϯά @mkwrd Modern Testing Alan Page Program Director at Unity

    Brent Jensen Data Scientist at MS moderntesting.org
  32. 6. σʔλυϦϒϯ ϞμϯςεςΟϯά @mkwrd Modern Testing 7 Principles 7ݪଇ 1.

    Ϗδωεͷ੒௕ 2. ϘτϧωοΫ΁ͷରॲ 3. ܧଓతͳվળ 4. ඼࣭จԽৢ੒ 5. ސ٬ͦ͜඼࣭ͷධՁऀ 1. Business Growth 2. Dealing with Bottleneck 3. Continuous Improvement 4. Cultivating Quality Culture 5. Regarding Customer as Unique Quality Evaluator 6. Data Driven 7. ςετ͸νʔϜʹؐΔ 7. Bringing Testing Back to the Team moderntesting.org
  33. 7. ςετ͸νʔϜʹؐΔ ϞμϯςεςΟϯά 7. Bringing Testing @mkwrd Modern Testing ςετεΩϧ΍ϊ΢ϋ΢ΛνʔϜʹ޿ΊΔɿ

    ઐଐͷςετεϖγϟϦετͷधཁ͕ݮͬͨΓ ແ͘ͳͬͨΓ͢Δ͜ͱʹͳΔͱ෼͔͍ͬͯͯɺ ͦΕͰ΋ɺͩ We expand testing abilities and knowhow across the team; understanding that this may reduce (or eliminate) the need for a dedicated testing specialist. Back to the Team moderntesting.org
  34. @mkwrd 2"νʔϜ͸ɺεΫϥϜνʔϜ͕ࣗ෼ͨͪͰ ੒Ռ෺ΛςετͰ͖ΔΑ͏ࢧԉ͢Δ QA Team will support Scrum Teams to

    test artifacts on their own. ඼࣭ʹର͢ΔʮνʔϜશମΞϓϩʔνʯ “The Whole Team Approach” to Quality
  35. ςελʔ QAνʔϜ QA Team @mkwrd ։ൃऀ Developers εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master

    ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team ςελʔ Tester ʮ2"νʔϜͷςετΛ௨͢͜ͱʯ ͳΜͯ%P%ʹॻ͖ͨ͘ͳ͍ͳ͊ʜʜ We don’t want to write on DoD that “the artifacts have to pass QA team’s testing.”
  36. ςελʔ QAνʔϜ QA Team @mkwrd ։ൃऀ Developers εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master

    ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team ςελʔ Tester εΫϥϜνʔϜ͞Μɺ ࣗ͝਎Ͱςετ͕Ͱ͖ΔΑ͏ʹ ͳΓͨ͘͸͋Γ·ͤΜ͔ʁ Hey, Scrum Team, why don’t you want to test on your own?
  37. ςελʔ QAνʔϜ QA Team @mkwrd ։ൃऀ Developers εΫϥϜϚελʔ Scrum Master

    ϓϩμΫτΦʔφʔ Product Owner εΫϥϜνʔϜ Scrum Team ΋ͦ͠ͷͭ΋ΓͳΒɺ 2"νʔϜ͕ςετͷ΍ΓํΛ ࣮ફͰ͓఻͑͠·͢Αʂ If so, QA team will tell you how to test in practice! ςελʔ Tester
  38. εΫϥϜνʔϜ͕ ςετΛओಋ͠ 2"νʔϜ͸ ϨϏϡʔͱ ΞυόΠεΛ͢Δ εΫϥϜνʔϜ͕ ςετΛ΄΅શ࣮ͯࢪ͠ 2"νʔϜ͸ઐ໳ੑΛ ཁ͢Δͱ͖ʹࢧԉ͢Δɻ @mkwrd

    QA team leads almost all test process and shares the way, how-to, etc. 2"νʔϜ͕ ςετϓϩηεΛ ΄΅શͯϦʔυ͠ աఔɾख๏ͳͲΛεΫ ϥϜνʔϜͱڞ༗͢Δ 1 2 3 Scrum team holds initiative, and QA team provides review and advice. Scrum team makes progress of almost all testing process without QA team instead of some tests requiring technical specialities. The Scrum team don’t need testers’ help to test. 4 εΫϥϜνʔϜ͕2"νʔϜͷ खΛआΓͣʹςετΛߦ͏ɻ ʮQAνʔϜཁΒͣʯ΁ͷ֊ஈ Stairway to “QA Team Free”
  39. “Should we include testers in Scrum to improve quality or

    not?” There is still no absolute answer to this question. ʮ඼࣭ΛߴΊΔͨΊʹεΫϥϜʹ
 ઈରతͳ౴͑͸·ͩଘࡏ͠ͳ͍ɻ @mkwrd
  40. ಠཱQAνʔϜ͕
 εΫϥϜΛࢧԉ͢Δ伴͸ ʮ୎ӽͨ͠ςετٕ๏ɾٕज़ʯͰ͸ͳ͘
 ʮஸೡͳίϛϡχέʔγϣϯʯͰ͋Δɻ The key for an Independent QA

    Team to support Scrum Team is not “Distinguishing Testing Skills” but “Cordial Communication”. @mkwrd
  41. @mkwrd 1 2 Testers Join Scrum Team as Developers. An

    Independent QA Team Supports Scrum. ςελʔ͕։ൃऀͱͯ͠ εΫϥϜνʔϜʹࢀՃ͢Δ ಠཱͨ͠2"νʔϜ͕ εΫϥϜνʔϜΛࢧԉ͢Δ ͋ͳͨͳΒɺͲ͏ߟ͑·͔͢ʁ What would you think?
  42. ಠཱQAνʔϜ εΫϥϜͷ֎͔Β νʔϜͱ૊৫ͷ඼࣭Λ૑Δಓ An Independent QA Team’s 1 Year’s War

    Way to Create Quality of the Teams and the Organization from the Outside of Scrum 1೥ઓه Design Inspired by Eesti Vabariik, the Country of Andrei Solntsev. Masanori Kawarada QA Brain in GLOBIS Agile TestingɿΞδϟΠϧςεςΟϯά 2021-04-16 15:00 - 15:45 @mkwrd