shipping address. To maintain privacy, the shipping information is anonymized. For example, in the United States it only includes the city, state, and zip code. This provides enough information to calculate shipping costs, without revealing sensitive information until the user actually approves the purchase. IUUQTEFWFMPQFSBQQMFDPNSFGFSFODFQBTTLJUQLQBZNFOUBVUIPSJ[BUJPOWJFXDPOUSPMMFSEFMFHBUFQBZNFOUBVUIPSJ[BUJPOWJFXDPOUSPMM
NSMutableCopying, NSSecureCoding { (..snip..) public var phoneNumbers: [CNLabeledValue] { get } public var emailAddresses: [CNLabeledValue] { get } public var postalAddresses: [CNLabeledValue] { get } public var urlAddresses: [CNLabeledValue] { get }
NSSecureCoding { public var identifier: String { get } public var label: String? { get } @NSCopying public var value: protocol<NSCopying, NSSecureCoding> { get } public init(label: String?, value: protocol<NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>) (..snip..)
identifier: String { get } public var label: String? { get } @NSCopying public var value: protocol<NSCopying, NSSecureCoding> { get } public init(label: String?, value: protocol<NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>) (..snip..) import Contacts • ϥϕϧ