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App Extension のスタックトレース情報からクラッシュを解析/集計する / Anal...

September 18, 2021

App Extension のスタックトレース情報からクラッシュを解析/集計する / Analyzing app extension's stack trace

配信アプリで使用している Broadcast Extension 上で発生したクラッシュの詳細について、クラッシュ発生時のスタックトレースを取得して解析し、複数のクラッシュの修正に繋げた話。


September 18, 2021

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  9. atos [-o <binary-image-file>] [-arch architecture] [-l <load-address>] [<address> …] Ϋϥογϡղੳͷࡍʹඞཁͳύϥϝʔλ

    -l 0x104ff8000 0x10502eaf8 0 broadcast-upload 0x000000010502eaf8 broadcast-upload + 223992 " # https://stackover fl ow.com/questions/11747802/symbolicating-stack-trace-without-crash "# BUPTʹ౉͢ύϥϝʔλελοΫτϨʔεͷΞυϨε "0x" + String(UInt64("10502eaf8", radix: 16)! - UInt64("223992", radix: 10)!, radix: 16)
  10. $ atos -o {path_to_dsym} -arch arm64e -l 0x104ff8000 0x10502eaf8 0

    broadcast-upload 0x000000010502eaf8 broadcast-upload + 223992 https://stackover fl ow.com/questions/11747802/symbolicating-stack-trace-without-crash ελοΫτϨʔεΛղੳ͢Δ closure #1 in variable initialization expression of static AnalyticsManager.recieveSignal (in broadcast-upload) (AnalyticsManager+Extension.swift:22) 🎉
  11. $ atos -o {path_to_dsym} -arch arm64e -l 0x104ff8000 0x105106224 0x105103604

    2 broadcast-upload 0x0000000105106224 broadcast-upload + 1106468 3 broadcast-upload 0x0000000105103604 broadcast-upload + 1095172 https://stackover fl ow.com/questions/11747802/symbolicating-stack-trace-without-crash ελοΫτϨʔεΛղੳ͢Δ specialized Stream.on(timer:) (in broadcast-upload) (Stream.swift:164) @objc Stream.on(timer:) (in broadcast-upload) (<compiler-generated>:0) 🎉
  12. $ atos -o {path_to_dsym} -arch arm64e -l 0x104ff8000 0x10502eaf8 ࣮༻্ͷ՝୊

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