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Playing with Cloud Native Patterns

Playing with Cloud Native Patterns

Nebrass Lamouchi

December 06, 2020

More Decks by Nebrass Lamouchi

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Me, Myself & I • Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft

    • Groundbreaker Awards 2019 Winner • Former de la NetBeans Dream Team • OWASP Project Leader depuis 2013 • Three Books author
  2. Agenda • Presentation • What is the need for microservices?

    • How do we get them ? • How do we make them ?
  3. Cloud Patterns • Externalized configuration • Service discovery and registration

    • Circuit Breaker • Database per service • API gateway • CQRS & Event sourcing • Log aggregation • Distributed tracing • Audit logging • Application metrics • Health check API
  4. What about Kubernetes ? Pattern Kubernetes Externalized configuration ✅ ConfigMaps

    + Secrets Service discovery and registration ✅ Services Circuit Breaker ✅ Service Mesh (Istio) Database per service ❌ Non-Applicable API gateway ✅ Ingress CQRS & Event sourcing ❌ Non-Applicable Log aggregation ✅ ELK Operator Distributed tracing ✅ Service Mesh (Istio) Audit logging ✅ Service Mesh (Istio) Application metrics ✅ Grafana + Prometheus Health check API ✅ Readiness & Liveness probes
  5. « The art of delegation is one of the key

    skills any entrepreneur must master. » Richard Branson