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angularJS Berlin Meetup - "noBackend: Rapid pro...

angularJS Berlin Meetup - "noBackend: Rapid prototyping and beyond"

My slides for the talk I gave at the angularJS Berlin Meetup.

The demo app is available in this repo:

Nicolas Ritouet

February 12, 2014

Other Decks in Technology


  1. nobackend features • Data storage • Authentication & security •

    Event system aka push notification • Offline first • Abstract the backend
  2. / / convert a dom element to a PDF and

    download it convert( $('.invoice') ).to( 'invoice.pdf' ).download() - nobackend.org Dreamcode
  3. / / convert another website to a png and show

    it on the page convert( 'http:/ /exam.pl/page' ).toImage().then( $ ('.screenshots').append ) - nobackend.org
  4. / / attach a file to an email sendEmail({ subject:

    "Hello, World!", text: "This mail has been sent from the frontend", to: "[email protected]", attachments: [ convert( 'http:/ /exam.pl/page' ).to("screenshot.png") ] }) - nobackend.org
  5. • Backend as a service • Authentication with Facebook, twitter,

    Persona, etc… • Security (access only from given IP) • Store any object • Analytics • Can host your static files (=your front-end app)
  6. • NodeJS / CouchDB • Offline First • Event system

    • Modules (NPM based) • Angular + Hoodie yeoman generator • Angular directives available • CouchDB: no DB schema to build
  7. • NodeJS / MongoDB • Event system • Modules (NPM

    based) • Easy to install (Install exe) • DB Schema = Server-side validation • Event scripts for:
 - security, validation, relations • Easy to deploy