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OpenShift: The Road Ahead

OpenShift: The Road Ahead

OpenShift Commons Gathering Raleigh 2023
October 18, 2023 ~ Raleigh, North Carolina

Speaker: Brian Gracely, Senior Director of Portfolio Strategy, Red Hat

YouTube Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaR6Rq6Z4IqfydAvmOWDVt6pBnbVVyejd&feature=shared

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OpenShift Commons

October 23, 2023

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  1. 1 The Road Ahead “There’s an OpenShift for that.” Brian

    Gracely Red Hat Sr. Director, Portfolio Strategy [email protected] | @bgracely OpenShift Commons
  2. Two years ago, we attended OpenShift Commons Gathering and just

    sat and listened and took notes. Now we have 100+ development teams building apps on the platform. “ ”
  3. Nobody ever had an OpenShift problem 11 Make Containers easier

    to Deploy Make Kubernetes easier to Operate Make Kubernetes ready for Production Make Multi-Cloud Consistent Help us deploy more Applications Help us keep up with CNCF Expansion Help us be more Cloud-Native
  4. Nobody ever had an OpenShift problem 13 Make Distributed Teams

    easier Make everything on the same Cloud Bill Make the Cloud more Cost Efficient Help us manage Cloud Skills Shortages Help us succeed with Artificial Intelligence What’s next? Make Distributed Deployments easier
  5. Private Cloud (Centralized) Private Cloud (Decentralized) Public Cloud (AWS) Public

    Cloud (Azure) Public Cloud (GCP) Public Cloud (IBM) Public Cloud (Oracle) Edge Cloud(s) Private Cloud (Air-Gapped)
  6. commons.openshift.org youtube.com/OpenShift facebook.com/openshift twitter.com/openshift 21 Commons builds connections and collaboration

    across OpenShift communities, projects and stakeholders. In doing so we'll enable the success of customers, users, partners, and contributors as we deepen our knowledge and experiences together. Thank you OpenShift Commons