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State Monad

State Monad

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State Monad - Learn how it works.

Follow Alvin Alexander’s example-driven build up to the State Monad
and then branch off into a detailed look at its inner workings

keywords: flatMap, for comprehension, functional programming, map, monad, point, state, state monad, unit

Philip Schwarz

December 30, 2019

More Decks by Philip Schwarz

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  1. State Monad learn how it works follow Alvin Alexander’s example-driven

    build up to the State Monad and then branch off into a detailed look at its inner workings Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander @philip_schwarz Philip Schwarz
  2. the State monad is a wrapper that makes the concept

    of “state” easier to work with in for expressions. The next few lessons will first demonstrate the problems of trying to work with state without a State monad, and then I’ll show how the State monad helps to alleviate those problems. If you don’t happen to have a State monad laying around, you can still handle state in Scala/FP. The basic ideas are: • First, create some sort of construct to model the state of your application at any moment in time. Typically this is a case class, but it doesn’t have to be. • Next, create a “helper” function that takes a) the previous state and b) some sort of increment or “delta” to that state. The function should return a new state based on those two values. Imagine that you’re on the first hole of a golf course, and you swing at a ball three times, with these results: • The first ball goes 20 yards • The second ball goes 15 yards • The third swing is a “swing and a miss,” so technically the ball goes 0 yards Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander One way to model the state after each stroke is with a simple case class that stores the cumulative distance of all my swings: case class GolfState(distance: Int) Given that model, I can create a “helper” function named nextStroke. It takes the previous GolfState and the distance of the next stroke to return a new GolfState: def nextStroke(previousState: GolfState, distanceOfNextHit: Int) = GolfState(previousState.distance + distanceOfNextHit)
  3. val state1 = GolfState(20) val state2 = nextStroke(state1, 15) val

    state3 = nextStroke(state2, 0) println(state3) //prints "GolfState(35)" Now I can use those two pieces of code to create an application that models my three swings: The first three lines simulate my three swings at the ball. The last line of code prints the final golf state as GolfState(35), meaning that the total distance of my swings is 35 yards. This code won’t win any awards — it’s repetitive and error-prone — but it does show how you have to model changing state in a Scala/FP application with immutable state variables. (In the following lessons I show how to improve on this situation by handling state in a for expression.) Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander
  4. Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander Knowing that I wanted to get my

    code working in a for expression, I attempted to create my own State monad. I modeled my efforts after the Wrapper and Debuggable classes I shared about 10-20 lessons earlier in this book. Starting with that code, and dealing with only Int values, I created the following first attempt at a State monad: /** * this is a simple (naive) attempt at creating a State monad */ case class State(value: Int) { def flatMap(f: Int => State): State = { val newState = f(value) State(newState.value) } def map(f: Int => Int): State = State(f(value)) } val result = for { a <- State(20) b <- State(a + 15) // manually carry over 'a' c <- State(b + 0) // manually carry over 'b' } yield c println(s"result: $result") // prints "State(35)" With this State monad in hand, I can write the following for expression to model my golf game: The good news about this code is: • It shows another example of a wrapper class that implements flatMap and map • As long as I just need Int values, this code lets me use a concept of state in a for expression Unfortunately, the bad news is that I have to manually carry over values like a and b (as shown in the comments), and this approach is still cumbersome and error-prone. Frankly, the only improvement I’ve made over the previous lesson is that I now have “something” working in a for expression. What I need is a better State monad. This code is very similar to the Wrapper and Debuggable classes I created earlier in this book, so please see those lessons if you need a review of how this code works.
  5. @philip_schwarz https://www.slideshare.net/pjschwarz/writer-monad-for-logging-execution-of-functions While it is not necessary for the purposes

    of this slide deck, if you want to know more about the Debuggable class mentioned in the previous slide then see the following
  6. Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander Fortunately some other people worked on this

    problem long before me, and they created a better State monad that lets me handle the problem of my three golf strokes like this: Unlike the code in the previous lesson, notice that there’s no need to manually carry values over from one line in the for expression to the next line. A good State monad handles that bookkeeping for you. In this lesson I’ll show what you need to do to make this for expression work. val stateWithNewDistance: State[GolfState, Int] = for { _ <- swing(20) _ <- swing(15) totalDistance <- swing(0) } yield totalDistance
  7. object Golfing3 extends App { case class GolfState(distance: Int) def

    swing(distance: Int): State[GolfState, Int] = State { (s: GolfState) => val newAmount = s.distance + distance (GolfState(newAmount), newAmount) } val stateWithNewDistance: State[GolfState, Int] = for { _ <- swing(20) _ <- swing(15) totalDistance <- swing(0) } yield totalDistance // initialize a `GolfState` val beginningState = GolfState(0) // run/execute the effect. … val result: (GolfState, Int) = stateWithNewDistance.run(beginningState) println(s"GolfState: ${result._1}") //GolfState(35) println(s"Total Distance: ${result._2}") //35 } Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander With a properly-written State monad I can write an application to simulate my golf game like this I’ll explain this code in the remainder of this lesson.
  8. Alvin spends the rest of chapter 85 explaining that code

    and then in chapter 86 he shows us the code for the State monad. @philip_schwarz
  9. Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander Until this point I treated the State

    monad code as a black box: I asked you to use it as though it already existed in the Scala libraries, just like you use String, List, and hundreds of other classes without thinking about how they’re implemented. My reason for doing this is that the State code is a little complicated. You have to be a real master of for expressions to be able to write a State monad that works like this. Note: A “master of for expressions” is a goal to shoot for! In a way, the State monad just implements map and flatMap methods, so it’s similar to the Wrapper and Debuggable classes I created previously. But it also takes those techniques to another level by using generic types, by-name parameters, and anonymous functions in several places. Here is the source code for the State monad I used in the previous lesson. In this code the generic type S stands for “state,” and then A and B are generic type labels, as usual. In this first version of this book I’m not going to attempt to fully explain that code, but I encourage you to work with it and modify it until you understand how it works. I decided not to show you the code for the State monad yet (see the next slide for why).
  10. As we just saw, Alvin said that • the State

    monad’s code is a little complicated • He is not fully explaining the code in the first edition of his book • The best way to understand the code is to work with it and modify it until we understand how it works So instead of explaining Alvin’s code that uses the State monad, and instead of showing you straight away the State monad code he presented in the book, I am going to have a go at deriving the code for the State monad based on (a) how Alvin’s code uses the monad and (b) the known properties of a monad.
  11. Functional Programming in Scala We’ve seen three minimal sets of

    primitive Monad combinators, and instances of Monad will have to provide implementations of one of these sets: • unit and flatMap • unit and compose • unit, map, and join And we know that there are two monad laws to be satisfied, associativity and identity, that can be formulated in various ways. So we can state plainly what a monad is : A monad is an implementation of one of the minimal sets of monadic combinators, satisfying the laws of associativity and identity. That’s a perfectly respectable, precise, and terse definition. And if we’re being precise, this is the only correct definition. (by Paul Chiusano and Runar Bjarnason) @pchiusano @runarorama As we can see below in FPiS, there are three minimal sets of primitive combinators that can be used to implement a monad: • unit, flatMap • unit, compose • unit, map, join I am going to pick the first set. @philip_schwarz
  12. So here is the trait a monad has to implement

    trait Monad[F[_]] { def unit[A](a: => A): F[A] def flatMap[A,B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B] } val optionMonad: Monad[Option] = new Monad[Option] { override def unit[A](a: => A): Option[A] = Some(a) override def flatMap[A, B](ma: Option[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = ma match { case None => None case Some(a) => f(a) } } e.g. here is a monad instance for Option val maybeName = optionMonad.unit("Fred") val maybeSurname = optionMonad.unit("Smith") val maybeFullName = optionMonad.flatMap(maybeName){ name => optionMonad.flatMap(maybeSurname){ surname => optionMonad.unit(s"$name $surname") } } assert(maybeSomeFullName == optionMonad.unit("Fred Smith")) and here is an example of using the Option monad flatMap is used to bind a variable to a pure value in an effectful monadic box/context and unit is used to lift a pure value into an effectful monadic box/context. In Scala, the unit function of each monad has a different name: the Option monad calls it Some, the Either monad calls it Right, the List monad calls it List, etc.
  13. Every monad is also a Functor because the map function

    of Functor can be defined in terms of the unit and flatMap functions of Monad trait Functor[F[_]] { def map[A, B](ma: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] } trait Monad[F[_]] extends Functor[F] { def unit[A](a: => A): F[A] def flatMap[A,B](ma: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B] override def map[A, B](ma: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B] = flatMap(ma)(a => unit(f(a))) } To map a function f over a monadic context we use flatMap to first apply f to the pure value found in the monadic context and then use unit to lift the result into an unwanted monadic context that flatMap strips out. val maybeFullName = optionMonad.flatMap(maybeName){ name => optionMonad.flatMap(maybeSurname){ surname => optionMonad.unit(s"$name $surname") } } Now that our Monad definition includes a map function we can simplify our sample usage of the Option monad val maybeFullName = optionMonad.flatMap(maybeName){ name => optionMonad.map(maybeSurname){ surname => s"$name $surname" } } In the above, we defined the Functor and Monad traits ourselves because there are no such traits in Scala. What about in plain Scala, i.e. without rolling our own Functor and Monad traits and without using the Functor and Monad traits provided by an FP library like Scalaz or Cats, how is a Monad implemented?
  14. Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander When speaking casually, some people like to

    say that any Scala class that implements map and flatMap is a monad. While that isn’t 100% true, it’s in the ballpark of truth. As Gabriele Petronella wrote in a Stack Overflow post: “The only thing monads are relevant for, from a Scala language perspective, is the ability of being used in a for-comprehension.” By this he means that while monads are defined more formally in a language like Haskell, in Scala there is no base Monad trait to extend; all you have to do is implement map and flatMap so your class can be used as a generator in for expressions. case class Foo[A](n:A) { def map[B](f: A => B): Foo[B] = Foo(f(n)) def flatMap[B](f: A => Foo[B]): Foo[B] = f(n) } case class Foo[A](n:A) val fooTwo = Foo(2) val fooThree = Foo(3) val fooFive = Foo(5) Alvin is referring to the fact that in Scala I can take any class, e.g. Foo here on the left hand side, and turn it into a monad by giving it a map function and a flatMap function, as shown here on the right hand side val result = fooTwo flatMap { x => fooThree map { y => x + y } } assert(result == fooFive) val result = for { x <- fooTwo y <- fooThree } yield x + y assert(result == fooFive) And as a result, instead of having to write code that looks like the example on the left hand side, I can write code using the syntactic sugar of the for comprehension on the right hand side, i.e. the compiler translates (desugars) the code on the right hand side to the code on the left hand side.
  15. assert( (for { name <- Some("Fred") surname <- Some("Smith") }

    yield s"$name $surname") == Some("Fred Smith") ) I imagine that because in Scala each monad calls the unit function differently, the compiler is not able to desugar the above code to the code on the left hand side, which would only require the monad to have a flatMap function and a unit function (called Some in this case), so instead monads in Scala have to have a map function because the compiler can then translate the above code to the code on the right hand side. assert( Some("Fred").flatMap{ name => Some("Smith").flatMap{ surname => Some(s"$name $surname") } } == Some("Fred Smith") ) assert( Some("Fred").flatMap{ name => Some("Smith").map{ surname => s"$name $surname" } } == Some("Fred Smith") ) @philip_schwarz
  16. object Golfing3 extends App { case class GolfState(distance: Int) def

    swing(distance: Int): State[GolfState, Int] = State { (s: GolfState) => val newAmount = s.distance + distance (GolfState(newAmount), newAmount) } val stateWithNewDistance: State[GolfState, Int] = for { _ <- swing(20) _ <- swing(15) totalDistance <- swing(0) } yield totalDistance // initialize a `GolfState` val beginningState = GolfState(0) // run/execute the effect. … val result: (GolfState, Int) = stateWithNewDistance.run(beginningState) println(s"GolfState: ${result._1}") //GolfState(35) println(s"Total Distance: ${result._2}") //35 } Alvin‘s first attempt at a State monad was a case class and we’ll use the same approach. We can see from Alvin’s code here on the right that State[GolfState, Int] has a parameter that is a function from GolfState to (GolfState, Int) and that the parameter is called run. GolfState is the type of the state whose current value is consumed by the monad‘s run function and whose next (successor) value is computed by the run function. Int is the type of the result (the distance) that is computed by the run function. So let’s start coding the State monad. We’ll use S for the type of the state that is both consumed and produced by the monad’s run function. We’ll use A for the type of the result that is computed by the monad’s run function using the state. case class State[S, A](run: S => (S, A))
  17. In Alvin’s program we can see four State monad instances

    being created. Three instances are created by the three calls to the swing function in the for comprehension. The fourth instance is the result of the whole for comprehension. We can see where the run function of the fourth instance is being invoked. What about the run functions of the other three instances? When are they invoked? There are no references to them anywhere!!! To answer that we look at the desugared version of the for comprehension: The only usage of the State monad instances created by the swing function consists of calls to the map and flatMap functions of the instances. Their run functions are not invoked. So it must be their map and flatMap functions that invoke their run functions. swing(20) flatMap { _ => swing(15) flatMap { _ => swing(0) map { totalDistance => totalDistance } } } object Golfing3 extends App { case class GolfState(distance: Int) def swing(distance: Int): State[GolfState, Int] = State { (s: GolfState) => val newAmount = s.distance + distance (GolfState(newAmount), newAmount) } val stateWithNewDistance: State[GolfState, Int] = for { _ <- swing(20) _ <- swing(15) totalDistance <- swing(0) } yield totalDistance // initialize a `GolfState` val beginningState = GolfState(0) // run/execute the effect. … val result: (GolfState, Int) = stateWithNewDistance.run(beginningState) println(s"GolfState: ${result._1}") //GolfState(35) println(s"Total Distance: ${result._2}") //35 }
  18. Let’s turn to the task of implementing the map and

    flatMap functions of the State monad. Let’s start with map, the easiest of the two. case class State[S, A](run: S => (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = ??? } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => ??? } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => val s1 = ??? val b = ??? (s1,b) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => val a = ??? val s1 = ??? val b = f(a) (s1,b) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => val result = run(s) val a = result._2 val s1 = result._1 val b = f(a) (s1,b) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => val (s1,a) = run(s) val b = f(a) (s1,b) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => val (s1, a) = run(s) (s1, f(a)) } map returns a new State monad instance the instance’s run function returns an S and a B If we have an A then we can get a B by calling f we can get S and A by calling our run function simplify using pattern matching inline b 1 2 4 5 6 3
  19. Now let’s implement flatMap. case class State[S, A](run: S =>

    (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = State { s => val (s1, a) = run(s) (s1, f(a)) } def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = ??? } def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => val (s1,a) = run(s) f(a).run(s1) } the instance’s run function returns an S and a B we can get an S and a B if we have a State[S,B] simplify If we have an A then we can get a State[S,B] by calling f We can get an A by calling our own run function inline state and use s1 in second call to run def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => val (s1,a) = run(s) val state: State[S, B] = f(a) state.run(s) } def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => ??? } flatMap returns a new State monad instance def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => val s1 = ??? val b = ??? (s1,b) } def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => val state: State[S, B] = ??? val result = state.run(s) val s1 = result._1 val b = result._2 (s1, b) } def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => val state: State[S, B] = ??? state.run(s) } def flatMap[B](f:A=>State[S,B]):State[S,B] = State { s => val a = ??? val state: State[S, B] = f(a) state.run(s) } 1 2 4 5 6 7 3 @philip_schwarz
  20. Remember how earlier we saw that every monad is also

    a Functor because the map function of Functor can be defined in terms of the unit and flatMap functions of Monad? Let’s implement the unit function of the State monad so that we can simplify the implementation of the map function. def unit[S,A](a: =>A): State[S,A] = State { s => ??? } def unit[S,A](a: =>A): State[S,A] = State { s => val s1 = ??? val a = ??? (s1,a) } def unit[S,A](a: =>A): State[S,A] = State { s => (s, a) } unit returns a new State monad instance the instance’s run function returns an S and a A we can just use the A and S that we are given 1 2 3 Now we can simplify the map function as follows def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = State { s => val (s1,a) = run(s) f(a).run(s1) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S,B] = flatMap( a => unit(f(a)) )
  21. case class State[S, A](run: S => (S, A)) { def

    flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = flatMap( a => State.point(f(a)) ) } object State { def point[S, A](v: A): State[S, A] = State(run = s => (s, v)) } object State { def unit[S, A](a: => A): State[S, A] = State { s => (s, a) } } import State._ case class State[S, A](run: S => (S, A)) { def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] flatMap(a => unit(f(a))) def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { s => val (s1, a) = run(s) f(a).run(s1) } } Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander Below is the State monad implementation we ended up with and on the right hand side you can see the implementation presented by Alvin in his book. The only real difference is that the unit function is called point and its parameter is passed by name rather than by value. A minor difference is that the function parameter of flatMap is called g whereas that of map is called f.
  22. Alvin Alexander @alvinalexander Don’t be intimidated! I’ll also make two

    other points at this time. First, I doubt that anyone wrote a State monad like this on their first try. I’m sure it took several efforts before someone figured out how to get what they wanted in a for expression. Second, while this code can be hard to understand in one sitting, I’ve looked at some of the source code inside the Scala collections classes, and there’s code in there that’s also hard to grok. (Take a look at the sorting algorithms and you’ll see what I mean.) Personally, the only way I can understand complex code like this is to put it in a Scala IDE and then modify it until I make it my own. Where State comes from I believe the original version of this State code came from this Github URL: • github.com/jdegoes/lambdaconf-2014-introgame As the text at that link states, “This repository contains the material for Introduction to Functional Game Programming with Scala, held at LambdaConf 2014 in Boulder, Colorado.” While I find a lot of that material to be hard to understand without someone to explain it (such as at a conference session), Mr. De Goes created his own State monad for that training session, and I believe that was the original source for the State monad I just showed. Much of the inspiration for this book comes from attending that conference and thinking, “I have no idea what these people are talking about.” @jdegoes John A De Goes
  23. Deriving the implementation of map and flatMap starting from their

    signatures is doable in that the types in play pretty much dictate the implementation. But to truly understand how the State monad works I had to really study those methods and visualise what they do. So in the rest of this slide deck I will have a go at visualising, in painstaking detail, how the map and flatMap functions operate. In order to eliminate any unnecessary source of distraction I will do this in the context of an example that is even simpler than Alvin’s golfing example. I’ll use the State monad to implement a trivial counter that simply gets incremented on each state transition. That way it will be even easier to concentrate purely on the essentials of how the State monad works. @philip_schwarz
  24. def increment: State[Int, Int] = State { (count: Int) =>

    val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) } val tripleIncrement: State[Int, Int] = for { _ <- increment _ <- increment result <- increment } yield result val initialState = 10 val (finalState, result) = tripleIncrement.run(initialState) assert( finalState == 13 ) assert( result == 13 ) In Alvin’s golfing example the state consisted of a GolfState case class that wrapped a distance of type Int. In our minimal counter example the state is simply going to be an Int: we are not going to bother wrapping it in a case class. So instead of our State[S, A] instances being of type State[GolfState, Int], they are going to be of type State[Int, Int]. And instead of the run functions S => (S, A) of our State[S, A] instances being of type GolfState => (GolfState, Int), they are going to be of type Int =>(Int,Int) Each <- binds to a variable the A result of invoking the S=>(S,A) run function of a State[S,A] instance created by an invocation of the increment function. Since our State[S,A] instances have type State[Int,Int], each <- binds an Int count result to a variable. In the first two cases the variable is _ because we don’t care about intermediate counter values. In the third case the variable is called result because the final value of the counter is what we care about. What the for comprehension does is compose three State[Int,Int] instances whose run functions each perform a single increment, into a single State[Int,Int] instance whose run function performs three increments. We invoke the run function of the composite State[Int,Int] instance with an initial count state of 10. The function increments the count three times and returns both the final state at the end of the increments and the value of the counter, which is the same as the state.
  25. val tripleIncrement: State[Int, Int] = increment flatMap { _ =>

    increment flatMap { _ => increment map { result => result } } } val tripleIncrement: State[Int, Int] = increment flatMap { a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } } val tripleIncrement: State[Int, Int] = for { _ <- increment _ <- increment result <- increment } yield result One more slide to further explain why the values that the for comprehension binds to variables _, _, and result below are indeed the A values obtained by invoking the S=>(S,A) run functions of the State[S, A] instances created by invoking the increment function. If we look at the signature of the map and flatMap functions again, we are reminded that they both take a function whose domain is type A. So the anonymous lambda functions you see passed to map and flatMap below, on the right hand side, have domain A, which we indicated by naming their variables a1, a2 and a3. In the case of this counter example, the intermediate A results, i.e. the first two, are of no interest and so we have greyed out the first two variables, which are unused. def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] def flatMap[B](f: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] original desugared variables renamed
  26. type State[S,+A] = S => (A,S) Here State is short

    for computation that carries some state along, or state action, state transition, or even statement (see the next section). We might want to write it as its own class, wrapping the underlying function like this: case class State[S,+A](run: S => (A,S)) I got a bit tired of repeating the words ‘State monad instance’, so in what follows I will instead take inspiration from FPiS and say ’state action‘. Functional Programming in Scala
  27. In order to fully understand how the State monad works,

    in the rest of this slide deck we are going to examine and visualise, in painstaking detail, how the following desugared for comprehension is executed: We are going to be using the State monad code in Alvin’s book (see below) because this part of the slide deck came before the part in which I had a go at deriving the State monad code. increment flatMap { a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } } case class State[S, A](run: S => (S, A)) { def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = flatMap( a => State.point(f(a)) ) } object State { def point[S, A](v: A): State[S, A] = State(run = s => (s, v)) } Actually that is not the full story. What the desugared for comprehension does is compose the state actions returned by the invocations of the increment function into a new composite state action. Once the desugared for comprehension has produced this composite state action, we’ll want to execute its run function, passing in an integer that represents the initial state of a counter. The run function should return (13, 13) i.e. a final state of 13 and a result value of 13. increment flatMap { a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } }.run(10)
  28. We want to evaluate this expression: The function passed to

    flatMap is called g: So to simplify the expression to be evaluated, let’s take the function passed to the first flatMap invocation and let’s replace it with the name g def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] increment flatMap g increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } g @philip_schwarz In the next slide we are going to get started first evaluating increment flatMap g and then invoking the run function of the resulting state action. We are going to go very slow to make sure everything is easy to understand. It is going to take almost 60 slides. If you get tired, just grasp the main ideas and jump to the last six slides for some final remarks/observations.
  29. increment flatMap g (s’, a) s State[S,A] run increment run

    g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } when invoked, both increment and flatMap return a state action. function g is passed as a parameter to flatMap. function g takes parameter a of type A. when invoked, function g returns a state action. The first step in evaluating our expression is the invocation of the increment function. See next slide.
  30. increment flatMap g increment run g a (s’’, b) S’

    State[S,A] run increment flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (s’, a) s State[S,A] run increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } The increment function returns state action State1. State1 def increment: State[Int, Int] = State { (count: Int) => val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) } g
  31. increment flatMap g (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run g

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run increment increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 The increment subexpression evaluated to new state action State1. The next step is to call the flatMap function of State1, passing in g as a parameter. g @philip_schwarz
  32. increment flatMap g (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run g

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap increment (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run run increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } Invoking State1’s flatMap function produces new state action State2. State1 State2 def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) } g
  33. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment increment flatMap { } a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } So the value of the expression increment flatMap g is state action State2 and we are done! Not quite. As we said before, this is not the whole story. Now that we have a composite state action we need to invoke its run function with an Int that represents the initial state of a counter. We are going to start counting at 10 (see next slide). State1 State2 g
  34. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s0 State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } Let’s feed the run function of State2 an initial state s0 of 10. State1 State2 s0 = 10 g @philip_schwarz
  35. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s0 State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 State2 Let’s pass state s0 into the body of State2’s run function. s0 = 10 g
  36. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) State[S,A] run (s0:

    S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment s0 (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 State2 Let’s evaluate the body of State2’s run function. s0 = 10 g
  37. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 State2 The first thing that the run function of State2 does is call the run function of State1, passing in state s0. This returns (s1,a1) i.e. the next state and a result counter, both being 11. (count: Int) => val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 g
  38. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 State2 The run function of State2 receives (s1, a1), the result of invoking the run function of State1. s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 g
  39. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 State2 s1 and a1 are referenced in the body of the run function of State2. s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 g @philip_schwarz
  40. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { }).run(s0) a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } State1 State2 The next thing that the run function of State2 does is call function g with the a1 value computed by State1’s run function. In this simple example, in which the State monad is simply used to increment a counter a number of times, the a1 and a2 values in the desugared for comprehension are not actually used, and so we could rename them to _ if we so wished. a3 on the other hand _is_ used: it is returned as the result/value of the whole computation. s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  41. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g a1 (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State1 State2 The body of g consists of another case of flatMapping a function, g’ say, over the result of invoking the increment function. g g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  42. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State1 State2 The evaluation of increment flatMap g’, over the next 7 slides, will proceed in the same way as the evaluation of increment flatMap g, so feel free to fast-forward through it. g g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  43. increment flatMap g’ (s’, a) s State[S,A] run increment run

    g’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 g’
  44. increment flatMap g’ (s’, a) s State[S,A] run increment run

    g’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  45. increment flatMap g’ increment run g’ a (s’’, b) S’

    State[S,A] run increment flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State3 g’ g def increment: State[Int, Int] = State { (count: Int) => val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) }
  46. increment flatMap g’ (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run g’

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run increment (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State3 g’ g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  47. increment flatMap g’ (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run g’

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run flatMap increment (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State3 State4 g’ g def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) }
  48. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run

    run g’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State3 State4 g’ g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  49. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment We have finished computing increment flatMap g’ in the same way we had already computed increment flatMap g. The result is state action State4. In the next slide we return to the execution of the run method of State2, which will now make use of State4. (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { } a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } State3 State4 g’ g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 @philip_schwarz
  50. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run g’ increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } run (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run State2 State1 State3 State4 State4 g’ g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 We are back to the execution of the run function of state action State2, at the point where g has returned state action State4.
  51. (s1, a) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) run increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } State2 State1 In the next slide, the run function of state action State2 is going to invoke the run function of state action State4. g g’ State3 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  52. (s1, a) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } State2 State1 g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 The run function of state action State4 is being invoked with the latest state s1 as a parameter. Turn to slide 83 if you want to skip to the point where the result of the invocation is returned. increment map { a3 => a3 } g’
  53. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s1 State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment Here we feed the run function of state action State4 the state produced by State1, i.e. s1. State3 State4 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11
  54. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s1 State[S,A] run

    (s1: S) => val (s2, a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment Let’s pass s1 into the body of State4’s run function. State3 State4 g’ (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ g s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 @philip_schwarz
  55. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 g’ (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ g State3 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 (count: Int) => val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) The first thing that the run function of State4 does is call the run function of State3, passing in state s1. This returns (s2,a2) i.e. the next state and a result counter, both being 12.
  56. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 The run function of State3 returns new state s2 and value a2. g’ (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ g State3 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12
  57. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 s2 and a2 are referenced in the body of the run function of State4. g’ (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ g State3 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12
  58. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run g’ a2 (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 The next thing that the run function of State4 does is call function g with the a2 value computed by State3. (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ f g State3 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 @philip_schwarz
  59. (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2

    => } increment map { a3 => a3 } (s2, a2) s0 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2, a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) g’ increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 State4 State3 f g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run The second part of the evaluation of increment map f, over the next 8 slides, is a bit different from the evaluation of increment flatMap g’, so you probably only want to fast-forward through the next 4 slides.
  60. increment map f (s’, a) s State[S,A] run increment run

    f a (s’’, b) s’ State[S,A] run map (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 f g’
  61. increment map f (s’, a) s State[S,A] run increment run

    f a (s’’, b) s’ State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } map g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12
  62. increment map f increment run f a (s’’, b) S’

    State[S,A] run increment (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run (s’, a) s State[S,A] run State5 map (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f g’ def increment: State[Int, Int] = State { (count: Int) => val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) }
  63. increment map f (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run f

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run increment map State5 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12
  64. increment map f (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run f

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run map increment (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run run State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f g’ def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = flatMap( a => State.point(f(a)) ) map(f) is defined as follows flatMap(a => State.point(f(a))) In this case f is a3 => a3 i.e. the identity function, so after applying f we are left with flatMap(a => State.point(a)) If we then inline the call to point, we are left with flatMap(a => State(run = s=>(s,a))) so map(f) is flatMap(g ’’) where g’’ is a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) The next slide is a new version of this slide with the above changes made.
  65. increment map f (s’, a) s State[S,A] run run g’’

    a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run run State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f g’ flatMap def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) } a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) Following the points made on the previous slide, instead of invoking the map function of State5 with f, we invoke its flatMap function with g’’ . We do this because (1) it is similar to what we have been doing so far, which means it is easier to explain and understand (2) it reminds us that map is not strictly necessary, i.e. flatMap and point are sufficient (map can be implemented in terms of flatMap and point).
  66. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } We have finished computing increment map f. The result is action state State6. In the next slide we return to the execution of the run function of State4, which will now make use of State6. f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 @philip_schwarz
  67. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run g’ increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 run (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run State4 State3 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 f We are back to the execution of the run function of state action State4, at the point where g has returned state action State6.
  68. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } State4 State3 g g’ f State3 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 In the next slide, the run function of state action State4 is going to invoke the run function of state action State6.
  69. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } State4 State3 State3 State4 State3 State4 State5 g g’ f s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 The run function of state action State6 is being invoked with the latest state s2 as a parameter. Turn to slide 80 if you want to skip to the point where the result of the invocation is returned.
  70. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 Here we feed the run function of state action State6 the state produced by State3, i.e. s2.
  71. (s’, a) s State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 Let’s pass s2 into the body of State4’s run function. @philip_schwarz
  72. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) run g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 (count: Int) => val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) The first thing that the run function of State6 does is call the run function of State5, passing in state s2. This returns (s3,a3) i.e. the next state and a result counter, both being 13.
  73. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) run g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 The run function of State5 returns new state s3 and value a3.
  74. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) run g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 s3 and a3 are referenced in the body of the run function of State6.
  75. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run g’’ a (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) run g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 The next thing that the run function of State6 does is call function g with the a3 value computed by State5.
  76. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run g’’ a3 (s’’, b) S’ State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f a => State( run = s => (s, a) ) run g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 Applying g’’ to a3 is trivial and produces a new state action. See next slide. @philip_schwarz
  77. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f run g’ run State[S,A] (s’’, b) S’ s => (s, a) run s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 State7 Applying g’’ to a3 produced new state action State7. In the next slide, the run function of State6 is going to invoke the run function of State7.
  78. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s’’, b) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s2: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } f run g’ run State[S,A] (s’’, b) s3 run s => (s, a) s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 State7 The run function of State6 invokes the run function of State7, passing in the latest state s3 that was produced by State 5.
  79. (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] run

    (s0: S) => val (s3, a3) = run(s2) g(a3).run(s3) run (s3, a3) s3 State[S,A] run increment map f increment State5 State6 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } We have finished executing the run function of action state State7. The result is (s3,a3) , i.e. (13,13). That is also the result of executing the run function of state action State6. In the next slide we return to the execution of the run method of State4, which will now make use of result (s3,a3). f g’ s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 State7
  80. (s2, a2) s1 State[S,A] run (s1: S) => val (s2,

    a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s1 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } State4 State3 State3 State4 State3 State4 State5 g g’ f s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 We have finished executing the run function of action state State6. The result is (s3,a3) , i.e. (13,13).
  81. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (s’’,

    b) State[S,A] run s1 (s3, a3) s2 State[S,A] State4 State3 State6 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 run (s1: S) => val (s2, a2) = run(s1) g(a2).run(s2) (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g g’ f The result of the run function of action state State6 is also the result of the run function of action state State4: see next slide. @philip_schwarz
  82. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run increment flatMap g’ increment (s3,

    a3) State[S,A] run s1 (s3, a3) s2 State4 State3 State6 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g g’ f State[S,A] The result of the run function of action state State4 is (s3,a3) , i.e. (13,13). In the next slide we return to the execution of the run method of State2, which will now make use of result (s3,a3). (s3, a3) = (13, 13)
  83. (s1, a) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (s3, b) s1 run State2 State1 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 State7 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g g’ f We have finished executing the run function of action state State4. The result is (s3,a3) , i.e. (13,13).
  84. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run (s0: S) => val (s1,

    a1) = run(s0) g(a1).run(s1) increment flatMap g increment (s’’, b) State[S,A] run s0 (s3, a3) s1 State[S,A] State2 State1 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 run (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g g’ f The result of the run function of action state State4 is also the result of the run function of action state State2: see next slide.
  85. (s1, a1) s0 State[S,A] run increment flatMap g increment (s3,

    a3) State[S,A] run s0 (s3, a3) s1 State[S,A] run State2 State1 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g g’ f The result of the run function of action state State2 is (s3,a3) , i.e. (13,13). (s3, a3) = (13, 13) @philip_schwarz
  86. (s1, a1) = (11, 11) S0 = 10 State[S,A] run

    (s3, a3) = (13, 13) State[S,A] run s0 = 10 (s3, a3) = (13, 13) s1 = 11 State[S,A] run State2 State1 State4 s0 = 10 s1 = 11 a1 = 11 s2 = 12 a2 = 12 s3 = 13 a3 = 13 (increment flatMap g).run(s0)) == (s3,a3) (increment flatMap { a1 => }).run(s0) increment flatMap { a2 => } increment map { a3 => a3 } g g’ f This is also the result of the whole computation that started on slide 29 with the evaluation of increment flatMap g and continued on slide 34 with the execution, with an initial count state of 10, of the run function of the resulting composite action state. increment flatMap { a1 => increment flatMap { a2 => increment map { a3 => a3 } } }.run(10) (s3, a3) = (13, 13) 10 (13,13)
  87. def increment: State[Int, Int] = State { (count: Int) =>

    val nextCount = count + 1 (nextCount, nextCount) } val tripleIncrement: State[Int, Int] = for { _ <- increment _ <- increment result <- increment } yield result val initialState = 10 val (finalState, result) = tripleIncrement.run(initialState) assert( finalState == 13 ) assert( result == 13 ) Let’s not forget that in this simplest of examples, in which we use the State monad simply to model a counter, none of the intermediate counter values computed by the state actions are put to any use, they are just ignored. The only thing we are interested in is the computation of the sequence of states leading to the value produced by the final state transition. In the next slide deck in this series we’ll look at examples where the intermediate values do get used. @philip_schwarz
  88. I also want to stress again the point that when

    we use map and flatMap to compose state actions, no state transitions occur, no results are computed. A composite state action is produced, but until its run function is invoked with an initial state, nothing happens. It is up to us to decide if and when to invoke the run function. It is when we invoke the run function that the state transitions occur (all of the state transitions ) and results are computed (all of the results, intermediate ones and final one), all in one go, triggered by our invocation of the run function. This is unlike some other monads, e.g. Option. To illustrate this further, see the example on the next slide.
  89. scala> val maybeCompositeMessage = | Some("Hello") flatMap { greeting =>

    | println("in function passed to 1st flatMap") | Some("Fred") flatMap { name => | println("in function passed to 2nd flatMap") | Some("Smith") map { surname => | println("in function passed to map") | s"$greeting $name $surname!" | } | } | } in function passed to 1st flatMap in function passed to 2nd flatMap in function passed to map maybeCompositeMessage: Option[String] = Some(Hello Fred Smith!) scala> val compositeStateAction = | increment flatMap{ a1 => | println("in function passed to 1st flatMap") | increment flatMap { a2 => | println("in function passed to 2nd flatMap") | increment map { a3 => | println("in function passed to map") | a1 + a2 + a3 | } | } | } compositeStateAction: State[Int,Int] = State(State$$Lambda$1399/2090142523@7d6ccad7) scala> compositeStateAction.run(2) in function passed to 1st flatMap in function passed to 2nd flatMap in function passed to map res0: (Int, Int) = (5,12) val maybeCompositeMessage = Some("Hello") flatMap { greeting => println("in function passed to 1st flatMap") Some("Fred") flatMap { name => println("in function passed to 2nd flatMap") Some("Smith") map { surname => println("in function passed to map") s"$greeting $name $surname!" } } } val compositeStateAction = increment flatMap { a1 => println("in function passed to 1st flatMap") increment flatMap { a2 => println("in function passed to 2nd flatMap") increment map { a3 => println("in function passed to map") a1 + a2 + a3 } } } In the case of computing the composite Option, the functions passed to map and flatMap are all exercised during that computation and the result we seek is contained in the resulting option. In the case of computing the composite state action, none of the functions passed to map and flatMap are exercised during that computation. The result we seek is obtained, at a later time of our choosing, from the resulting composite state action, by invoking its run function with an initial state, and it is only at that point that the functions passed to map and flatMap are exercised. @philip_schwarz
  90. In this last slide, let me have a go at

    describing in words, in an informal way that you may or may not find useful, what the flatMap function of the State monad does. Given a state action sa1:State[S,A] and a callback function g that represents the rest of the program and which takes an A and returns a state action sa2:State[S,B], flatMap returns a new, composite state action sa3:State[S,B] whose run function, when invoked with state s0, does the following: 1) first invokes the run function of sa1 with s0, producing next state s1 and result a. 2) then invokes callback function g, the rest of the program, with result a, producing new state action sa3. 3) finally invokes the run function of sa3 with intermediate state s1, producing next state s2 and result b. case class State[S, A](run: S => (S, A)) { def flatMap[B](g: A => State[S, B]): State[S, B] = State { (s0: S) => val (s1, a) = run(s0) g(a).run(s1) } def map[B](f: A => B): State[S, B] = flatMap( a => State.point(f(a)) ) } object State { def point[S, A](v: A): State[S, A] = State(run = s => (s, v)) } I am not bothering with a separate description of the map function since it can be understood in terms of flatMap and point.