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Fantastic passwords and where to find them @ WF...

Fantastic passwords and where to find them @ WFHConf

The humble password is broken. The internet is littered with poor security practices and password breaches, but the world is not ready to go password free yet. So what can we do to protect our users?

Let's take a look at how we currently protect passwords, at what we can throw away from those processes and what we can bring in to help strengthen our users' passwords. We'll investigate the tools, practices and APIs that can help us in this endeavour. Together we can move the world from "password1" to "correct horse battery staple" and beyond!



Western Australia Government passwords: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/08/22/western-australian-government-officials-used-password-their-password-cool-cool/

New passphrase requirements:
ACSC: https://www.cyber.gov.au/advice/EasyStepsGuide
NSCS: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/collection/passwords
NIST: https://pages.nist.gov/800-63-3/sp800-63b.html

Password Validator: https://www.npmjs.com/package/password-validator
zxcvbn: https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn

@philnash/pwned: https://github.com/philnash/pwned.js

Other Pwned Passwords libraries:

Phil Nash

March 26, 2020

More Decks by Phil Nash

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  1. Tom Carr @ItsMeTomC "Your password must contain at least 8

    letters, a capital, a plot, a protagonist with good character development, a twist & a happy ending." 3,392 11:56 PM - Oct 13, 2014 4,805 people are talking about this @philnash
  2. Western Australia Government Security Audit 234,000 passwords were assessed 1/4

    of passwords were deemed "weak" passwords 1,464 passwords were "Password123" (source) @philnash
  3. My "best" password • 8 characters long • Numbers and

    letters (uppercase only) • Model number of my hi-fi @philnash
  4. New guidelines From the ACSC, the NCSC and NIST •

    At least 13 characters • Accept all characters • Don't allow insecure passwords • Dictionary words • Repeated or sequential characters (e.g. ‘aaaaaa’, ‘1234abcd’) • Context specific words (e.g. username, email, app name) • Passwords that have been in a breach @philnash
  5. password-validator const schema = new passwordValidator(); schema .is().min(14) .is().max(255) .is().not().oneOf(['password',

    'Password123']); schema.validate('password', { list: true }); // => ['min', 'oneOf'] 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. @philnash
  6. Pwned Passwords API 1. Get the SHA1 hash of the

    password 2. Take the first 5 characters of the hash 3. https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/#{prefix} 4. Check if the remainder of the hash is in the result @philnash