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[Workshop] Ship your apps faster with Xcode Cloud

[Workshop] Ship your apps faster with Xcode Cloud

Pol Piella Abadia

July 05, 2024

More Decks by Pol Piella Abadia

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  1. S h i p y o ur a p p

    s f a s t e r w i t h X c o d e C l o ud @POLPIELLADEV @[email protected] 📍 ONLINE
  2. A p p m a k er a nd c

    o n t e n t cr e a t o r b a sed i n B a r c el o n a H i ! I’ m P o l
  3. W h a t w e ’ l l d

    o • What is CI/CD and why do you need it? • What is Xcode Cloud? • Getting started • 3 Xcode Cloud workflows • Extending Xcode Cloud functionality
  4. W h a t i s CI/CD a n d

    w h y d o y o u n e e d i t ?
  5. What is CI/CD? - RedHat “Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

    is a method to frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development.”
  6. Push a new tag Notify of a change Perform action

    Report action output Submit Send m essage Trigger a scheduled work fl ow
  7. • Automate complex processes • Schedule repetitive tasks • Flexibility

    and scalability • Build con fi dence on your codebase • Guard against vulnerabilities • Enforce code styles W h y d o y o u n e e d CI/CD?
  8. W h a t i s X c o d

    e c l o u d
  9. • Apple’s CI/CD service • Equivalent to GHA, Bitrise, etc.

    • Deeply integrated into Xcode and App Store Connect • Introduced in WWDC21 • Subscriptions were available from August 2022 W h a t i s X c o d e C l o u d ?
  10. H o w d o e s i t w

    o r k ? • Products, Work fl ows and Builds. • Product represents your app in Xcode Cloud. • Multiple work fl ows in a product. • Builds are runs of a speci fi c work fl ow.
  11. T h e a n a t o m y

    o f a w o r k f l o w • Where - Environment • macOS version, Xcode version, Environment variables and secrets, Clean • When - Start conditions • Branch, PR, Tag, Manual, Scheduled • What - Actions + Post-Actions • Actions • Build, Test - Multiple devices and versions, Archive and Analyze • Post-Actions • Deploy to Test fl ight, send Slack messages and send emails
  12. W h e r e c a n w o

    r k f l o w s r u n ? • macOS runners • Set up per-work fl ow • Multiple Xcode versions available • Multiple macOS versions available • No self-hosted runners • Very app focused
  13. S e t t i n g u p X

    c o d e C l o u d