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Pickles are for Delis, not for Software by Alex...

Pickles are for Delis, not for Software by Alex Gaynor

PyCon 2014

April 11, 2014

More Decks by PyCon 2014

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  1. About me • Django, PyPy, OpenStack, CPython, etc. • Director

    of the Python Software Foundation • Software engineer at Rackspace
  2. What is pickle? • Serialization library • Take a random

    python object, turn it into bytes • Take some bytes, turn them back into an object later
  3. Use cases • Sending things between two Python processes which

    are both running (e.g. multiprocessing) • Storing random Python objects in your database (e.g. memcached)
  4. def dump(self, obj):! # Check the type dispatch table! t

    = type(obj)! f = self.dispatch.get(t)! if f:! f(self, obj)! return! ...!
  5. >>> import pickletools! >>> pickletools.dis("(lp0\nI1\naS'a'\np1\naNa.")! 1: l LIST (MARK at

    0)! 5: I INT 1! 8: a APPEND! 9: S STRING 'a'! 17: a APPEND! 18: N NONE! 19: a APPEND! 20: . STOP
  6. def dump(self, obj):! # Check the type dispatch table! t

    = type(obj)! f = self.dispatch.get(t)! if f:! f(self, obj)! return! ...!
  7. def dump(self, obj):! # ...! func, args = obj.__reduce__()! if

    reduce:! rv = reduce()! self.save(func)! self.save(args)! self.write(REDUCE)!
  8. >>> pickletools.dis(pickle.dumps(object()))! 0: c GLOBAL 'copy_reg _reconstructor'! 29: c GLOBAL

    '__builtin__ object'! 55: N NONE! 56: t TUPLE! 60: R REDUCE! 64: . STOP!
  9. >>> pickletools.dis(pickle.dumps(x))! 0: c GLOBAL 'copy_reg _reconstructor'! 29: c GLOBAL

    '__main__ X'! 44: c GLOBAL '__builtin__ object'! 67: N NONE! 68: t TUPLE! 72: R REDUCE! 77: d DICT! 81: S STRING 'my_cool_attr'! 100: I INT 3! 103: s SETITEM! 104: b BUILD! 105: . STOP!
  10. def load_empty_list(self):! self.stack.append([])! dispatch[EMPTY_LIST] = load_empty_list! ! def load_append(self):! stack

    = self.stack! value = stack.pop()! list = stack[-1]! list.append(value)! dispatch[APPEND] = load_append!
  11. def load_reduce(self):! stack = self.stack! args = stack.pop()! func =

    stack[-1]! value = func(*args)! stack[-1] = value! dispatch[REDUCE] = load_reduce!
  12. >>> class WhatEvenIsSecurity(object):! ... def __reduce__(self):! ... return (os.listdir, ('.',),)!

    ...! >>> p = pickle.dumps(WhatEvenIsSecurity())! >>> pickle.loads(p)! ['Applications', 'Desktop', 'Documents', 'Downloads', ...]!
  13. Do you, Programmer, take this Object to be part of

    the persistent state of your application, to have and to hold, through maintenance and iterations, for past and future versions, as long as the application shall live? ! - Erm, can I get back to you on that?
  14. >>> class X(object):! ... pass! ...! >>> x = X()!

    >>> p = pickle.dumps(x)! >>> del X! >>> pickle.loads(p)! Traceback (most recent call last):! ...! AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'X'!
  15. >>> class X(object):! ... def __init__(self):! ... self.x = 4!

    ... def f(self):! ... return self.x! ...! >>> p = pickle.dumps(X())! >>> pickle.loads(p)! <__main__.X object at 0x107f80d90>!
  16. >>> class X(object):! ... def __init__(self):! ... self.y = 4!

    ... def f(self):! ... return self.y! ...! >>> x = pickle.loads(p)! >>> x.f()! Traceback (most recent call last):! File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>! File "<stdin>", line 5, in f! AttributeError: 'X' object has no attribute 'y'!
  17. class Table(object):! def __init__(self, size):! self.size = size! ! def

    dump(self):! return json.dumps({! "version": 1,! "size": self.size! })!
  18. class Table(object):! def __init__(self, height, width):! self.heigh = heigh! self.width

    = width! ! def dump(self):! return json.dumps({! "version": 2,! "height": self.height,! "width": self.width,! })!
  19. @classmethod! def load(cls, data):! if data["version"] == 1:! h =

    w = sqrt(data["size"])! return cls(h, w)! elif data["version"] == 2:! return cls(data["height"], data["width"])! else:! raise ValueError!