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Frameworks for Feedback (Long version) - 2016 M...

Frameworks for Feedback (Long version) - 2016 May Self Conference

Code reviews, stand up, retros, and performance reviews — all acknowledge the importance of communication and feedback and they are good starts. But they don’t tell you how to give negative feedback or ensure that you, as a teammate or manager, hear the small things before they become big things.

Long version includes discussion of written feedback and managing up.

Let’s talk about feedback and examine frameworks for how to ask for and frame feedback effectively. Not all situations call for the same type of feedback and some are more sensitive than others. We will look at Non-violent communication, techniques from family and marriage therapy, as well as more traditional frameworks for feedback.

Rebecca Miller-Webster

May 21, 2016

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  1. Rebecca Miller-Webster CTO @teampolymathic teampolymathic.com @rmillerwebster | github.com/rmw | rebecca

    miller-webster.com Founder & President @writespeakcode writespeakcode.com
  2. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Feedback: type of communication

    • How am I doing? • How do people see me? How do people respond to me? • Can I get my ideas across? Can I create consensus and buy-in? • Am I successful at what I want to be successful at?
  3. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Agile, Lean, etc •

    Retros • Standups • Code Review • Continuous Integration • Continuous Delivery • User testing
  4. Feedback works! Rigorous inspections can remove up to 90% of

    errors from a software product before the first test case is run. Defect detection rates: unit testing: 25% integration testing: 45% design review: 55% code review: 60% Steve McConnell Code Complete Robert Glass Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering
  5. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Everything is feedback •

    what is NOT said • who is interrupted • who speaks up • who stays quiet • who is invited • body language
  6. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Let’s talk about feedback

    1. How to (and why) create structure for feedback 2. Frameworks for feedback 3. How to give good feedback 4. Sensitive and difficult conversations
  7. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf More meetings?!? • Giving

    negative feedback is difficult for everyone • Positive feedback is also important feedback • People are motivated by progress • Ad-hoc feedback burdens the person with an issue • Regular feedback builds trust & safety
  8. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Feedback Structures • 1

    on 1: Manger/Employee, Teammate, Pairing • Group: Retros, Stand up, Post Mortem • Indirect: Surveys, Written Reviews, Observation
  9. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Feedback Timing 1. Pre:

    How to work together & collaborate best, understanding each other’s communication & leadership style, what working on 2. During: Progress. How are things going? Are things going how we expected? 3. Post: How did it go? What can we do better next time? 4. Cumulative: Review from other feedback + identify patterns or changes
  10. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Give Feedback • Goal:

    Better relationship. No defensiveness • Talk about actions and not the person • Don’t forget the niceties
  11. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Situation, Behavior, Impact 1.

    Situation: Set the situation 2. Behavior: Describe the person's behavior 3. Impact: State the impact of this behavior 4. Recommendation: Provide a recommendation
  12. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Don’t forget positive feedback

    • Genuine • 3:1 (up to 10:1) • When combined with negative, should have the same context “You’re really good at this but I’m concerned about Y”
  13. Feedback Sandwich • Praise: Identify strengths • Issue: What needs

    to be developed • Opportunity: Where and how to improve
  14. Note on Written Feedback • Acknowledge what others have said

    • Choose words carefully - avoid sarcasm, humor, & colloquialisms • Tone down - everything is harsher in writing • Written words are perceived as “official”
  15. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Types of feedback 1.

    Regulatory instructions: “follow this code styleguide” 2. Advisory comments: “you could rename this variable for clarity” 3. Descriptive observation: “you used this same conditional twice” 4. Rhetorical questions: “how does this relate to the classes purpose?” 5. Direct criticism: “you needed to use the strategy patten here” 6. Praise: “this refactoring makes the code much easier to read!” 7. Correctness: “this line of code will never execute”
  16. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Types of feedback 1.

    Regulatory instructions: “follow this code styleguide” 2. Advisory comments: “you could rename this variable for clarity” 3. Descriptive observation: “you used this same conditional twice” 4. Rhetorical questions: “how does this relate to the classes purpose?” 5. Direct criticism: “you needed to use the strategy patten here” 6. Praise: “this refactoring makes the code much easier to read!” 7. Correctness: “this line of code will never execute”
  17. Managing Up • Observe and determine management and communication values

    • Acknowledge and praise what is important to them • Share your perspective (impact) • Do NOT tell them what you would do
  18. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Managing Up • Describe

    problem with Situation, Behavior, Impact • Recommend solution or approach • Include alternatives • Explain the implications • Discuss benefits • Develop an action plan
  19. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Receive feedback • Goal:

    better relationship & self-improvement • Listen • Ask questions to understand • Thank you & Follow up
  20. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Mirror, Empathy, Validation 1.

    Mirror: Repeat what was said; Confirm your understanding is correct 2. Empathy: Show you understand why and what feel 3. Validation: Ask follow up question that shows you are listening
  21. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf MEV: Mirror • “I

    hear you say …. Is that correct?” • “When you said … would it be fair to say you meant … and felt …?” • “Am I correct in understanding that when I did … you felt …?”
  22. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf MEV: Empathy • Curiosity

    about people • Seeking to understand a person’s reasoning and emotions without judgement • Make connections between your experience and another person’s, even in different contexts
  23. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Empathy is a skill

    • Listen and summarize • Recognize and name your own emotions • Shut off your inner narrator
  24. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Request Feedback • Goal:

    Get honest, actionable feedback • Regular requests are more likely to illicit honest & comprehensive feedback
  25. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Start, Stop, Continue 1.

    Start: What should I start doing? 2. Stop: What should I stop doing? 3. Continue: What should I continue doing?
  26. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Good Feedback • Actionable,

    Specific, & Kind • Contextual • Encourages team • Within recipients scope of skills • Speak from your own experience
  27. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Accountability • Review previous

    action items • Explain why • Acknowledge all ideas, opinions • Review results
  28. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Power dynamics • Power

    is influence • Power is access to resources • Formal or informal • Words from a person with power have exponential impact
  29. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Microaggressions • Tone policing:

    “You’re so aggressive” • Othering: Fantasy football for team bonding
  30. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Call out • “That

    makes me uncomfortable” • “Please stop talking about/doing that”
  31. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf How to respond to

    being called out • “Thank you for letting me know.” • “Can I follow up with you about this? I’d like to better understand what I did wrong.”
  32. @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf Non-violent communication • Facts:

    What happened without commentary • Feelings: Emotion it made you feel • Needs: Human need that wasn’t met • Requests: What you would like the person to do in the future
  33. Go forth & give feedback • Situation, Behavior, Impact, Recommendation

    • Mirror, Empathy, Validation • Stop, Start, Continue • Facts, Feelings, Needs, Request (Non-violent communication) @rmillerwebster | @teampolymathic | @selfconference #selfconf