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Introduction API's

Introduction API's

This presentation gives a brief overview what API's are with some examples of the CTA Bus Tracker API and Google Search API

Roy Moran

March 17, 2016

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  1. Application Programming Interface •  Simply: APIs give your application extra

    functionality or provide data to enhance the experience of your user •  Slightly more technical: An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software and applications
  2. Who  Uses  APIs?   •  Developers – To enhance the experience

    of their platform and their users •  Business Users – To enhance their value proposition
  3. Why  Use  an  API?   •  APIs allow you to

    build and deploy faster – User Registration (FB or Twitter Sign In) – Rating System for an Establishment (Yelp Rating System) •  Your application might need data available from 3rd party •  You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel
  4. How  to  Use  an  API?   •  Slightly different for

    each API provider – https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api – https://www.yelp.com/developers – http://www.transitchicago.com/developers/ bustracker.aspx •  Simple HTTP request or complex authentication process
  5. References •  API Definition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Application_programming_interface •  CTA Bus Tracker

    API http://www.transitchicago.com/developers/ bustracker.aspx •  Anautomy Demo - http://anautomybeta.com/ •  Popular APIs http://www.programmableweb.com/news/most-popular- apis-least-one-will-surprise-you/2014/01/23