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Workflow and development in globally distribute...

Workflow and development in globally distributed mobile teams

Pawel Rusin

March 05, 2018

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  1. Agenda • Introduction • Cookpad Global iOS project history •

    Distributed teams - problems • Distributed teams - solutions
  2. Introduction • Pawel Rusin (twitter: @rusinpaw github: pauchan) • Double

    majored in Robotics and Japanese studies in Cracow, Poland • Came to Japan in February 2013 • Bounced between iOS and Android projects • Ads department till Sept 2016 • Global iOS team since - team iOS • Recently became technical product manager on Data Analysis squad
  3. Cookpad global iOS app highlights • Existing project (started as

    100% Objective-C) • Converted to Swift in February 2015 • Supports 14 different languages • released in 148 countries
  4. Communication problems • Physical disconnection • Timezone differences • Language

    barrier - 7 different countries (4 non-native English speakers) • Structural boundries - while the same iOS team, different supervisors and different responsibilities
  5. Communication • “It was a comunication problem” • “I had

    no idea about this” • “There was a language barrier” • “I have no idea what you are talking about” • “You should have told me earlier” • “I don’t know who to ask” • “I’ve misunderstood you”
  6. 1. Solutions • Hiring • Flex / remote • Squads

    • Github • RFC’s • 1-2-3’s • Automation • Architecture
  7. 1. Hiring • “Hire good people and rest will follow”

    • Right fit for the job • good communicators ◦ OSS community ◦ strong peer review cultures • structured interview
  8. 2. Flex / remote • No 9 - 5 •

    Resolving timezone problem by adjusting your work schedule
  9. 3. Squad based team structure • Two main benefits ◦

    Reduces timezone and location issues ◦ Reduces task division issues
  10. 4. GitHub as the main source of communication • PR

    based workflow ◦ PR’s and issues are basic place for tech discussion ◦ PR’s are specs
  11. 4. GitHub as the main source of communication • PR

    based workflow ◦ PR’s and issues are basic place for tech discussion ◦ PR’s are specs • Code review as a way of knowledge sharing • Github for onboarding / docs
  12. 4. GitHub as the main source of communication • [1/4]

    - Very light suggestion - "You don't have to change this. I'm just mentioning it." • [2/4] - Light suggestion - "Please consider changing this, especially if someone else feels similarly." • [3/4] - Suggestion - "Please change this, or provide some additional reasoning behind the decision not to. However, if you feel strongly about it and we can't come to an agreement, I'm still okay with it being merged as is." • [4/4] - Serious suggestion - "Please change this. I feel very very strongly about it. I will not approve this PR until we have come to a compromise."
  13. 5. RFC's • PR with: ◦ outline - what problem

    are you trying to solve? ◦ technical highlights ◦ drawbacks ◦ alternatives
  14. 5. RFC's • Communicate upfront • Forces to consider alternatives

    • Prepare for discusison • History / documentation • Tap the team knowledge pool
  15. 6. 1-2-3’s 1. What will you work on today? 2.

    What’s the next thing on your pipeline? 3. What are you filling the gaps with?
  16. 7. Automation • Fastlane ◦ supporting release cycle, submissions ◦

    beta releases and prototyping ◦ translations ◦ gathering productivity metrics
  17. 8. Architecture • Moved from MVC to Clean Architecture •

    Input - Output protocols ( https://github.com/kickstarter/ios-oss ) • Coordinators • Unit testing