things", "vendor": { "name": "My Company", "url": "" }, "baseUrl": "http://addon-server-url", "authentication": { "type": "none" } [modules: web fragments, webhooks, etc.] } Has to be unique in Marketplace Will be displayed in UPM and Marketplace All other endpoints specified in the descriptor must be relative to this path. Use “none” if it is a static add-on For more info, see the public documentation Add-on descriptor
"", "name": { "value": "Click me" } } ] • Products can be extended using Web fragments (web item, web section, web panel) in various parts of the UI • You specify the fragment location, a target URL, and options, through the add-on descriptor To find the list of available locations, install the Web Fragments Finder add-on from Wittified: W E B F R A G M E N T S - E X T E N D I N G T H E U I