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Quantifind's story: Building custom interactive...

Quantifind's story: Building custom interactive data analytics infrastructure

Building interactive data analytics products on top of large volumes of data is challenging. This talk will outline Quantifind's infrastructure story for building analytics software. We will describe the infrastructure that we originally built on top of existing systems such as Spark/Hadoop. However, the bulk of this talk will focus on a new, custom distributed system that we have built in-house for our predictive analytics software. This new system includes a distributed, in-memory, real-time computing platform that supports fast interactive querying against large volumes of compacted raw data that isn't pre-aggregated. This infrastructure can be viewed as an in-memory combination of map/reduce style computation and indexed structures built from bit sets to offsets in the compacted data. Akka Cluster sits at the core of this system for distributed communication between nodes. We will discuss why we chose to build our own system as well as tips and tricks that we've learned along the way for pushing the JVM for these types of systems.

Ryan LeCompte

March 17, 2015

More Decks by Ryan LeCompte

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  1. Outline • What does Quantifind do? • Technical challenges •

    Motivating use cases • Existing solutions that we tried • Custom infrastructure • Lessons learned
  2. What does Quantifind do? • Find intentful conversations correlating to

    a customer’s KPI and surface actionable insights • Input • consumer comments (Twitter, Facebook, etc) • 3rd-party financial data • Output • top-level actionable insights • interactive exploration
  3. Technical Challenges • Operate on a multi-terabyte annotated data set

    containing billions of consumer comments from millions of users over thousands of different dimensions • We want to slice and dice & compute over any dimension • We want to perform user-level operations; not everything can be satisfied by a pre-computed aggregation
  4. • Generate a time series of consumer conversations • Flexible/arbitrary

    binning (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) with user de-duping • Generate time series over data matching specific criteria (e.g., text/terms, other dimensions) Time series
  5. N-gram Co-occurrences • N-grams are sliding groups of N adjacent

    words in a document • We wish to find all n-grams that co-occur with a particular search term or phrase over an arbitrary time period or other dimension • “I am hungry right now” • 1-grams: I, am, hungry, right, now • 2-grams: I am, am hungry, hungry right, right now • 3-grams: I am hungry, am hungry right, hungry right now
  6. Cohort Analysis • Capture a particular group of users satisfying

    certain conditions at some point in time • Next, for those same users analyze their conversations after a certain event happens • Example: • Capture users commenting that they want to see the movie Gone Girl before it’s released • Analyze new conversations for only this cohort after the movie’s release date
  7. Spark • Experienced challenges when trying to compute certain n-gram

    co-occurrences for the entire data set on our 12 node cluster • Tough to reduce the search space of the entire data set without manual work • Challenging developer experience • Contention for cluster resources • Re-packaging Spark JARs after code changes
  8. Postgres • Tables are partitioned by vertical/time • Query performance

    suffers greatly when concurrent and disparate requests are being processed • Managing table partitions is painful • Limited to SQL-style operations; tough to bring custom computation close to the data
  9. Elastic Search • Challenging to do summary statistics without the

    need to load columns into memory • Rebuilding indexes can be annoying • Still tough to build custom logic that operates directly on the data
  10. What do we really want? • We really want to

    access our raw data in memory to create flexible functionality (e.g., time series, cohort analysis, and n-gram co-occurrences) • We want the operations to be on-the-fly, optimized, and reasonably fast (no more batch jobs) • So, let’s take our data and “pack” it into a very compact binary format so that it fits in memory!
  11. Can’t fit everything in a single machine • We can

    shard the compacted data in-memory across multiple machines and communicate via Akka Cluster • Make scatter/gather-style requests against the raw data and compute results on the fly
  12. RTC: Real-time Cluster RTC Master RTC Worker RTC Worker RTC

    Worker Packed Data HTTP API Handler Packed Data Packed Data
  13. RTC Pack File Writer • Off-line job that consumes the

    raw annotated data set • Packs the consumer comments and users into the custom binary protocol/format (.pack files) • Packs the data such that it’s easily distributable across the RTC nodes
  14. RTC Master • Handles incoming RTC requests and routes them

    to the appropriate scatter/gather handler • Distributes groups of .pack files to RTC workers once they register with the master (via Akka Cluster) • Caches frequently accessed permutations/requests
  15. RTC Worker • Discovers and registers with the RTC master

    (via Akka Cluster) • Loads its assigned .pack files from the filesystem and stores the data in memory • Handles delegated requests from the RTC master
  16. Akka Cluster • Makes it super easy to send messages

    between actors running on different machines • Allowed us to focus on our core use cases without having to worry about the network layer • Facilitates distributed scatter/gather style computations across multiple machines JVM A JVM B Messages Actors Actors
  17. Compact Data • Custom binary protocol for consumer comment and

    user records • Each record has a fixed header along with a set of known fields and values • User and comment records are packed separately; joined on the fly
  18. Custom Protocol Header User Id Timestamp Num Text Bytes Text

    Bytes Num Terms Terms … 2 bytes 8 bytes 8 bytes 2 bytes Num Text Bytes * 1 byte 2 bytes Num Terms * 8 bytes … • Certain fields are 64-bit SIP hashed vs. storing full text • Fields that are one of N values are stored in a smaller type (e.g. Byte / Short)
  19. JVM Garbage Collection • Not explicitly managing memory & worrying

    about allocations is fantastic for most JVM development • However, the garbage collector can be your enemy when trying to manage a lot of objects in large JVM heaps • GC pauses greatly affect application performance
  20. Off-heap Memory • JVM gives us access to a “C/C++

    style” means of allocating memory via sun.misc.Unsafe • JVM does not analyze memory allocated via Unsafe when performing garbage collection • Memory allocated via Unsafe must be explicitly managed by the developer, including deallocating it when no longer needed
  21. RTC: Real-time Cluster RTC Master RTC Worker RTC Worker RTC

    Worker Off-heap data HTTP API Handler Off-heap data Off-heap data
  22. Working with off-heap data • Primary goal: never materialize data

    that you don’t need in order to satisfy the incoming request • We never materialize a full record; instead, we only access the fields that are needed for the given incoming request (e.g. time series, n-grams, etc) // skip header and user id, only extract timestamp def timestamp: Long = unsafe.getLong(2 + 8)
  23. Off-heap Binary Searching def binarySearch( unsafe: Unsafe, offset: Long, fromIndex:

    Int, toIndex: Int, searchTerm: Long): Int = { var low = fromIndex var high = toIndex - 1 var search = true var mid = 0 while (search && low <= high) { mid = (low + high) >>> 1 val term = unsafe.getLong(offset + (mid << 3)) if (term < searchTerm) low = mid + 1 else if (term > searchTerm) high = mid - 1 else search = false } if (search) -(low + 1) else mid }
  24. The Search Space • Each worker maintains various arrays of

    offsets (facet indices) to records stored in off-heap regions • When a request comes in, the worker will determine which offsets it needs to visit in order to satisfy the request • There can potentially be hundreds of millions of offsets to visit for a particular request; we need to visit as quickly as possible
  25. RTC: Real-time Cluster RTC Master RTC Worker RTC Worker RTC

    Worker Off-heap data HTTP API Handler Facet indices Off-heap data Facet indices Off-heap data Facet indices
  26. Facet Index Example • Most of our queries care about

    a particular time range (e.g., a year, month, weeks, etc) • How can we avoid searching over data that occurred outside of the time range that we care about?
  27. Time Facet Index • Workers have the opportunity to build

    custom facet indices while loading .pack files • We can build up a TreeMap[Long, Array[Long]] • Keys are timestamps • Values are offsets to off-heap records occurring at that time • Range-style operations are O(log n) • We only process offsets that satisfy the date range
  28. Concurrent Visits Record Offset 0 … Record Offset 500 …

    Record Offset 1000 … Record Offset 1500 … Array[Long] Thread 1 Thread 2 Thread 3 Thread 4 • Each worker divides up their off-heap record offsets into ranges that are visited concurrently by multiple threads • Results are partially merged on the worker and then sent back to master for final merge
  29. Lessons Learned • Reduce allocations as much as possible per-request

    • Avoid large JVMs with many objects stuck in tenured generation • Keep “expensive to compute” data around in LRU caches • Protect yourself from GC pressure by wrapping large LRU cache values with scala.ref.SoftReference • Chunk large requests into smaller requests to avoid having workers store too much intermediate per-request state • Use Trove collections / primitive arrays
  30. Was it worth it building a custom solution? • Able

    to create optimized core RTC functionality since we own the entire system and operate on raw data that isn’t aggregated • Able to adapt to new challenges and business requirements; no longer fighting existing open source solutions • Future improvements include adding more redundancy/ scalability, even more compact data representation, etc