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Presentation on Online Ad Blocking in the UK in...

Chris B
September 06, 2023

Presentation on Online Ad Blocking in the UK in 2023

Statistics / data on Online Ad Blocking in the UK in 2023 from http://www.seolondonsurrey.co.uk.

Presentation from the Marketing Meetup, Guildford, UK. An earlier version of this talk was presented at Brighton SEO in 2021

Chris B

September 06, 2023

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  1. What is Ad blocking? “Ad blocking or ad filtering is

    a type of software (or less commonly, a computer hardware device), that can remove or alter advertising content from a webpage, website, or a mobile app.” - Wikipedia.org
  2. The Stats - 2022 18% of Internet Users in the

    UK are using an adblocker (pagefair.com data based on aggregate, anonymized traffic data recorded by Blockthrough on sites where their adblock monetisation technology is live)
  3. Previous stats from Feb 2020: c. 24% of people in

    UK surveyed had ever downloaded an ad blocker and were currently using one * Conducted by YouGov on behalf of IAB UK, Feb 2020
  4. Acceptable Ads Ads that aren’t intrusive or annoying. They are

    respectful, don’t interfere with content, and are clearly labelled with the word “advertisement” or its equivalent. In order for an ad to be an “Acceptable Ad”, it must adhere to standards that have been set forth by the Acceptable Ads Committee (now independent).
  5. Ads that abide by these standards are placed on a

    whitelist. https://adblockplus.org/acceptable-ads
  6. Adblock Plus “blocks all annoying ads, and supports websites by

    not blocking unobtrusive ads by default”. Chrome - 10M+ users Firefox – 4.5M users
  7. Why Stabilisation ?  Shift to browsing on mobile devices

     Publishers and tech companies asserting more discipline around the display of annoying ads like pop-ups and autoplay videos with sound on.
  8. Press Gazette tested the ABP Chrome extension on every major

    online news website serving the UK in 2020 and found that less than half (40%) take action against ad​-blockers. Major sites as Daily Mail, Sun Online and Mirror Online were taking no action to prevent ad-blocking. Daily Mail has since blocked ad block users.
  9. Mobile  Chrome for Android has no extension support. 

    Adshield – Chrome etc 1) DNS-based interception (VPN mode) for most modern browsers (e.g. Chrome) 2) Rule-based interception (Enhanced Browsing) specially for Yandex Browser  Samsung Internet - Adguard
  10.  One of the easiest ways to block ads on

    modern Android smartphones is by changing to an ad-blocking service’s private DNS provider. Only works on Android phones with Android 9 Pie and above, as the Private DNS setting was introduced with this version of the OS.  "Ghostery: Online Privacy Made Easy" conflation of privacy and ad blocking  Research AI technology achieves 93% accuracy in detecting sites that successfully circumvent ad blockers
  11. The 2021 iOS 14.5 software update had a feature which

    lets users opt out of ad tracking on a per- app basis has triggered a collapse in Facebook’s ability to collect user data
  12. DOWNLOADS PODCASTS - You tap a podcast and AdSkipPro downloads

    it. FINDS THE ADS - After downloading, AdSkipPro automatically finds the ads. This takes 1 or 2 minutes, depending on your device and the length of the podcast. It can even download and find ads while you're listening to another podcast, so you never have to wait. PLAYS THE PODCASTS - AdSkipPro plays the podcasts, just like every other podcast app
  13. Native Advertising Platforms Outbrain ads NOT blocked in my test

    on https://pagesix.com/2023/05/14/taylor- swift-gives-shout-out-to-ryan-reynolds- blake-livelys-kids-at-concert/ with AdBlock Plus plugin with Acceptable Ads allowed . Amazon Ublock Origin blocks sponsored listings (not
  14. When Google announced a collection of changes — known as

    Manifest V3 — coming to the Chrome extensions platform in late 2022, there was concern that this would be the end for (some) ad blockers. V3 would disallow extensions from using remotely-hosted code. Instead, all code run by the extension would be required to be present on the extension’s package when uploaded to the webstore.
  15. AdBlock Plus now has perceptual ad blocking: visually detecting ads

    is a more scalable method than applying tens of thousands of (manually created!) filter rules.
  16.  Implications for sales / SEO and PPC strategies inc.

    targeting. Less adblocking on smartphones - more difficult to ad-block in mobile apps than in browsers  Some of the recent new / next generations of internet users may be 'invisible' to digital advertisers in certain markets. Need for SEO / Content Strategy to engage the adblocking
  17.  Possible to track site users' Adblock use (e.g. with

    GTM) . 1. What is the difference in content consumption between people who block ads and those that don't? 2. How many Users are blocking ads? 3. Do people who use ad blocking technologies end up being more loyal visitors? https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/adblock-tracking-google-analytics-code-metrics-reports/
  18.  Need test your sites using the popular ad blockers

    (e.g. Ad Block, Ad Block Plus) on desktop, tablet and smartphone operating systems & various browsers.  How will online newspaper & magazine publishers pay for content if customers won't see or click on ads?