! [82, 79, 143, 191] Ember Component handling DATA updating DOM ! Style ! “make it pretty” 0 50 100 150 200 April May June July D3 code scales & domains
Component • Encapsulation hides D3 from the rest of application and helps you create well structured D3 code • Ember Architecture helps separate concerns between DATA and DOM and allows you to focus on the story
D3 charts with Ember Components http://heyjinjs.us/post/57158250642/reusable-d3-charts-with-ember-js-components Why we use D3 &Ember for Data Visualization http://www.simplereach.com/blog/why-use-d3-ember-for-data-visualization Building Vine http://www.slideshare.net/janessadet/building-vineco Further Reading…
@heyjinkim http://heyjinjs.us André Malan @ramcio http://andremalan.net http://simplereach.com #ϙγϒϧ! Special Thanks: Andrea Mignolo @pnts (for making our slides look amazing) Janessa Det @jandet (for her awesome Vine example)