own. • It‘s not related to the company and any communities I belong. ◼ “AWS” and “Amazon” at the beginning of AWS services are omitted ◼ CloudFormation is written as “CFn” in this slide. (for the reason of character count) 5
of the thought about Serverless. • This is to eliminate Lambda from process can be done without it. • This is introduced by Daisuke Awaji(AWS SA) at AWS Summit Japan. Not Lambdaless Lambda Function Target Services (ex. S3, DynamoDB, etc.) Event Source (ex. API Gateway) Lambdaless Target Services (ex. S3, DynamoDB, etc.) Event Source (ex. API Gateway) Direct Access
to manage Lambda, test Lambda functions on each changes, and maintain of Lambda runtime (especially, Node.js) Cost reduction Lambdaless can decrease the cost of Lambda and so effective because Lambda exists a lot in application in many cases. . Number of CFn Stack resource Lambdaless also can decrease the number of CFn Stack resource(MAX: 500). As noted at ”Cost reduction”, Lambda exists a lot in application, so it’s so effective.
applied at complex process (limited to simple one). For example, in the case of API Gateway, limited to the process can be done by using Mapping Template. Management of Mapping Template To create and manage Mapping Template is not easy. (Lambda Integration is used for resolving it, and it’s so useful.) Problem of no-writing program code No-writing program code may cause a problem that people who don’t familiar with AWS can‘t manage. (If using program code, even them can do to some degree)
Lambda in application and those processes are simple, Lambdaless may be effective some degree. • I think you don’t need to apply Lambdaless right now. (※1) • When considering applying Lambdaless, I think it's better to focus on the project status(※2) and management rather than cost reduction. • Using Lambda is absolutely not an anti-pattern! (※3) ※1: It seems good to consider when starting to create new application. ※2:Members’ skill, experience, and so on. ※3: Because there are many processes can be done only using Lambda, and Lambda integration is so useful, and more.