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What We Should All Worry About When Monitoring ...

Nitzan Shapira
September 17, 2018

What We Should All Worry About When Monitoring Serverless Applications

The way we develop and deploy software has changed dramatically in the last few years. This makes the ecosystems of our applications even more complicated than ever. In this session, we will go through the evolution and the monitoring challenges, while using the right tools to keep developer velocity.

Nitzan Shapira

September 17, 2018

More Decks by Nitzan Shapira

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Monitoring/Observability - why do we need it? Track service health

    Troubleshoot and fix Optimize performance/cost
  2. The era of APIs We want managed resources Applications become

    Highly distributed Highly event-driven
 Without access to any server!
  3. Implementing Distributed Tracing Manual instrumentation •Before/after calls •At the end

    of each micro service •High maintenance •High potential of errors
  4. Serverless apps are very distributed •Complex systems have thousands of

    functions •What about the developer velocity?
  5. How much time do you really spend? Our own code

    API calls Infrastructure overhead
  6. Scanning functions – the easy way Scanning CloudWatch logs using

    AWS Lambda – every 5 minutes, save to RDS A new Lambda is spawned for every customer’s function (async) Sounds simple and fun! Poll Spawn (async) CloudWatch
  7. As time flies… CloudWatch became highly throttled ➔ requests took

    a very long time ➔ 5K concurrent Lambdas, for 5 minutes, every 5 minutes !!!!