data From the Kernel Extensions virtual Table Where the name field doesn't start with SELECT name, path FROM kernel_extensions WHERE name NOT LIKE ''
Detect RAT used by Hacking Team Detect the Careto Malware LaunchDaemon select key, subkey, value from preferences where path = '/Library/Preferences/'; select * from apps where bundle_identifier = '' or bundle_package_type like 'OSAX'; select * from launchd where path like '';
A pattern matching syntax for identifying malware osquery can be configured to compare changed files to a set of Yara sigs This is a beta feature at this time
want to watch just as before "file_paths": { "binaries": [ "/usr/bin/%%", "/usr/sbin/%%", "/bin/%%", "/sbin/%%", "/usr/local/bin/%%", "/usr/local/sbin/%%", "/opt/bin/%%", "/opt/sbin/%%" ] }
Note the key, "binaries" has to be one of the file paths "Yara": { "signatures": { "group_1": ["/path/file1.sig", "/path/file2.sig"], "group_2": ["/path/file2.sig", "/path/file3.sig"] }, "binaries" : ["group_1"] }
and add queries to your 's content! { "platform": "darwin", "version": "1.1.17", "queries": { "example_query": { "query": "select * from kernel_extensions;", "interval": "86400", "description": "Identifies a systems kext files", "value": "Kext's are a common OSX malware persistence mechanism" } } }