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FluxCD - Security-focused GitOps

FluxCD - Security-focused GitOps

A deep dive into the Flux project security features from KubeCon Valencia maintainers track

Stefan Prodan

June 06, 2022

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  1. Flux - Project overview The Flux project aims to provide

    a complete Continuous Delivery platform on top of Kubernetes, supporting all the common practices and tooling in the field. Flux v2 is powered by the GitOps Toolkit, a set of composable APIs and specialized tools for keeping Kubernetes clusters in sync with sources of configuration, and automating updates to configuration when there is new code to deploy. Flagger is a Progressive Delivery tool that automates the release process for applications running on Kubernetes. Flagger comes with a declarative model for decoupling the deployment of apps on Kubernetes from the release process. https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2 https://github.com/fluxcd/flagger
  2. Agenda • How is Flux made • How secure is

    Flux • Are my secrets safe in Git • Is Kubernetes really multi-tenant • Flux soft vs hard multi-tenancy • When will Flux v2 be GA
  3. Flux is made of many things • Kubernetes API extensions

    (CRDs) • Specialized Kubernetes operators (powered by controller-runtime) • Flux command-line tool (powered by Kubernetes cli-utils) • Flux Terraform provider • Go & C libraries (Go stdlib, Kubernetes client-go, kstatus, go-git, libgit2, kustomize, helm, minio, oras, sops, age, aws, azure, gcp, github, gitlab, bitbucket SDKs… and some more) What is Flux made of?
  4. WELCOME TO VALENCIA How can a handful of people maintain

    such a project? With care… A helpful community And lots of automations
  5. Flux Libraries, controllers and CLI UNIT TEST OSS FUZZ BUILD

    RELEASE E2E TEST Flux - release pipeline ASSEMBLE AMD64 E2E ARM64 E2E RELEASE CLOUD E2E GitHub Linux & macOS Equinix Metal Linux AKS + DevOps, EKS, GKE Kubernetes KIND 1.20…1.24 Flux GitHub Bot SCAN GitHub CodeQL, Snyk Cosign & SBOM
  6. A Flux release is comprised of • Multi-arch container images

    (GHCR & DockerHub) • Signed images and checksums (Cosign + GitHub OIDC) • Software Bill of Materials (SBOM SPDX) • Deployment manifests (YAML) • OpenAPI specs (JSON) • CLI binaries (Linux, macOS & Windows) • Packages (Homebrew, Arch Aur, NIX, Chocolatey) • Flux Terraform provider (Terraform Registry) • Flux GitHub Action (AMD64 & ARM64 runners) Flux - release artifacts
  7. What makes the Flux controllers secure? • No shell-out to

    3rd party binaries • All Linux capabilities are dropped • The root filesystem is set to read-only • The seccomp profile is runtime default • Controllers run as non-root • Uses Kubernetes impersonation API
  8. Unlike most CD products, Flux has a small attack surface

    • Flux controllers are statically built and have no dependencies on OS packages • No shell-exec to git, kubectl, helm, kustomize, sops, aws, gcloud, etc • No HTTP APIs, you can control Flux only via Kubernetes API • All actions performed on the cluster are auditable and subject to Kubernetes RBAC • Flux execution is predictable, there are no plugins nor scripting • Flux can only be extended with other controllers that adhere to the GitOps Toolkit std Flux vs competition?
  9. Flux is embedded in • Azure Arc • Amazon EKS

    Anywhere • VMware Tanzu • D2iQ Enterprise Kubernetes Platform • Platform One (US DoD & US Air Force) • Deutsche Telekom Das Schiff • And many more Who trusts in Flux?
  10. • In 2021 Flux has undergone a security audit (OSTIF

    & ADA Logics) ◦ We’ve addressed all the security issues found in record time ◦ We’ve put in place an RFC process for changes to Flux security posture • In 2022 the Flux team focused on security hardening ◦ We’ve found and addressed a series of multi-tenancy vulnerabilities ◦ We’ve made secrets decryption safer on multi-tenant environments ◦ We’ve improved the test coverage of sensitive operations • Flux is scheduled to undergo a security review by CNCF TAG Security How secure is Flux?
  11. How to keep Flux up-to-date? Flux is able to update

    itself from Git. We offer a GitHub Action that checks for new releases and opens a pull request on your bootstrap repository when a newer Flux version is available. For GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps and other platforms, you can use Renovate Bot which offers the same update automation for Flux.
  12. What security challenges come with GitOps? • Keeping secrets safe

    • Restricting access to sensitive data • Compromised Git credentials • Prevent destructive cluster ops
  13. Flux comes with built-in secrets management • Client-side encryption with

    Mozilla SOPS • Server-side decryption with Flux • Supported technologies ◦ Age Encryption and OpenPGP ◦ Hashicorp Vault ◦ AWS Key Management Service ◦ Azure Key Vault ◦ Google Cloud KMS The Flux team is committed to SOPS’ development and maintenance Are my secrets safe in Git?
  14. WELCOME TO VALENCIA Is Kubernetes truly multi-tenant? In some regards

    YES but soft multi-tenancy is difficult to secure while hard multi-tenancy can be easier to reason with but hard to orchestrate.
  15. Flux bridges the gap between Kubernetes and Git tenancy models.

    • Kubernetes ◦ Dedicated clusters per tenant (hard multi-tenancy) ◦ Namespaces and role bindings ◦ Node groups, taints and tolerations ◦ Resource quotas and network policies ◦ 3rd party policies (OPA & Kyverno) • Git ◦ Dedicated repositories per tenant (hard multi-tenancy) ◦ Protected branches ◦ Team access management (GitHub, GitLab, etc) Tenant isolation boundaries
  16. Flux - GitOps Multi-Tenancy Flux enables multi-tenancy by allowing platform

    admins to assign restricted Kubernetes accounts to the tenants’ sources. When Flux reconciles the tenant’s Kubernetes resources, it does so by impersonating the tenant’s account, thus enforcing the isolation boundary as defined by platform admins in their Git repo.
  17. When will Flux v2 reach GA? TODOs • Adopt kstatus

    for all Flux APIs • Helm controller refactoring • Support for Helm OCI • Notification API improvements • Documentation refactoring https://fluxcd.io/roadmap