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Building an MMORPG - Here be monsters

Building an MMORPG - Here be monsters

In this session, Yan will share some of his experiences of building a successful MMORPG for a social audience and insights into some of the technical challenges that his team has had to overcome along the way.

Yan Cui

May 01, 2014

More Decks by Yan Cui

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • 5,700,000 items bought • 24,000,000 items sold • 280,000

    hours of time potion used • 526,000,000+ km travelled • around the earth 13,000 times...
  2. • Bulk of the game developed by • 1 server

    developer • 2 flash developers • 1 producer and 2 game designers • Several artists
  3. • A lot of states to track on character •

    100s of items in backpack • 100s of quests/achievements • Players like to collect things ;-)
  4. • Many actions requires both states at once • Operations

    are expensive • Best players get the worst latency
  5. • Stateless server approach + Easy to scale up and

    down + Scaling can be dynamic based on load + Every layer can scale independently
  6. • Stateless server approach – Serialization/deserialization is heavy on CPU

    – Heavy load (1:1 read write ratio) on databases – High bandwidth usage – High latency
  7. • Traffic is bursty • Keep state on server during

    bursts = Less serialization & deserialization = Less load on database = Fewer server and database nodes =
  8. • Stateful server approach + 500% improvement on efficiency +

    60% reduction in average latency + Fewer game servers + Fewer database nodes
  9. • Server affinity – Need to ensure server affinity during

    one burst – Need to route calls to affined server
  10. • Server hogging – Session lengths vary greatly – Need

    to avoid players hogging a server – Need to be able to scale down!
  11. • Scaling down – Need to gracefully drain player states

    – Need to be able to stop accepting new players
  12. • Stateful server approach – Complexity + But worthwhile! +

    Others avoid scaling down to reduce complexity
  13. Level Up Quest Progress EXP Item Gold Caught a Gnome

    Quest Complete New Quest Achievement Progress
  14. Level Up Quest Progress EXP Item Gold Caught a Gnome

    Quest Complete New Quest Achievement Progress Achievement Complete
  15. Level Up Quest Progress EXP Item Gold Caught a Gnome

    Quest Complete New Quest Achievement Progress Achievement Complete
  16. Level Up Quest Progress EXP Item Gold Caught a Gnome

    Quest Complete New Quest Achievement Progress Achievement Complete
  17. • 100+ actions available in the game • Most can

    be tied to quests/achievements • Many yields rewards
  18. • Message broker pattern • Something happened, it’s a FACT

    • Caught a Gnome • Got some EXP • ...
  19. Caught Gnome Trapping Queue Levelling Quests Achievements Analytics Partner Reporting

    EXP Item Gold Process Ignore Ignore Ignore Process Ignore
  20. • OK for small number of DU cases • 100+

    actions available in the game
  21. • Need regular content releases • Game is heavily data

    driven + No developer involvement for content changes • Tech team needs to be enablers
  22. • Producers need ability to • Plan changes weeks in

    advance • Quickly see and validate changes before release
  23. • Game designers need ability to • Work on changes

    in isolation • Quickly iterate and test changes in isolation
  24. • QA need ability to • Quickly switch between different

    changes to test • Smoke-test changes in live environment without affecting real players
  25. • Server team needs ability to • Version data changes

    • Rollback/hotfix data changes with no downtime
  26. • Git + Git flow • Servers allow multiple data

    branches and switching between them
  27. • What do our players like to do? • Every

    action in the game is recorded
  28. • 150,000,000+ events recorded in April • Several GBs of

    analytics data a day • Fast growing!
  29. • Monitoring • Not the same as profiling • Should

    be always ON • Difficult to set up in large distributed environment
  30. • Method execution time • e.g. IO, CPU intensive •

    Method execution count • e.g. service entry points • Error count • ...
  31. • Metrics are aggregated at instance level • Metrics gatherer

    has high concurrency requirement • F# agents to the rescue!
  32. Here Be Monsters http://apps.facebook.com/herebemonsters AOP and pseudo real-time monitoring with

    CloudWatch http://bit.ly/11GL3SQ http://bit.ly/10fe98N Building social games with a .Net stack http://bit.ly/ZKtHWb http://bit.ly/10CtyY9 F# Agents http://bit.ly/ZmXuEP http://bit.ly/17kjbam F# Deep Dives http://bit.ly/XZe10E