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Everything you think you know about tech inter...

December 08, 2020

Everything you think you know about tech internships is wrong.

Before COVID, landing a tech internship was always THE way to launch a career in software engineering. Today, things have changed. Massive shifts in remote work, online education, and the global economy have made things a lot more uncertain for both aspiring interns and employers. During this session, Swift will share insights from running the largest community of early career developers in the world, and lessons learned from teaming up with GitHub to reimagine the future of tech internships.


December 08, 2020

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  1. They call me Swift • CEO & Co-Founder of Major

    League Hacking (MLH). • Aspiring lawyer who became a hacker instead. • Empowering hackers for 10 years now. [email protected] @SwiftAlphaOne
  2. Learning to code is like getting from zero to one.

    MLH helps developers get from one to a job. The MLH Fellowship is the best thing that happened to me and my career Yashika Sharma @yashika51 MLH helped me become a better engineer than any internship or school ever could. Brandon Barker @projectbarks MLH taught me skills that set me apart from my peers & led to an amazing job at Microsoft! Emily Huang @huang-emily The skills & network I gained through MLH helped me land a great job at IBM. Nigel Brown @pnbrown Summer 2020 was one of the most life changing experiences for me thanks to MLH. Jessie Nguyen @jessie_anh_ng